electric's log

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Smith Squat - 15 (ms), 5 @ 60Kg (132lbs)
Calf raises
Dip - 15 (ms) @ BW+6Kg (13lbs)
Seated Machine Row - 15 (ms), 5 @ 75Kg (165lbs)
Smith OHP - 15 (ms) @ 34Kg (75lbs)
Flat DB Bench - 10 @ 48Kg (106lbs) - combined DB weight
Preacher Cable Curls - 5 @ 35Kg (77lbs), 5 @ 40Kg (88lbs)

ms stands for MaxStim sets. For the Smith, Machine and Cable I am not counting the weight of the bar or the machine's resistance since it would be too much of a guessing game.
I think I'll have to give up on the dips. Even after resting the joints for some time and using light weights I feel a discomfort on my clavicles. Will substitute them with DB Benches or Decline Bench.
Bodyweight today 71.3Kg (157lbs). Today's routine:

Deadlift - 1x15 (ms) @ 111Kg (245lbs)
Machine Bench - 1x15 (ms) @ 80Kg (176lbs)
Chin - 1x15 (ms) @ BW+18Kg (40lbs)
Ditched upright rows

Things are getting too heavy. Took a beating with these 3 exercises, specially the bench couldn't even do the upright rows and will likely skip Friday's workout and resume Monday. I have been trying a EOD style of diet where I eat above maintenance on WO days and fast until dinner on non-WO days (which makes me end up eating below maintenance on these days). I've lost some fat but my biceps has lost half a centimeter so it is not really muscle sparing.

Personally I don't think MaxStim is really making a difference in accumulated fatigue. I might give this program a try in the future following the routine exactly as Dan designed it.

I *THINK* I'll do a few weeks of UD2.0 then do a slow bulk with vanilla HST. My size goals are to get to 77Kg (~170lbs) at 10% BF. My body fat must be around 11-12% at the moment.
Had a 12 day SD and now I'm back for my 3rd HST cycle.

My main goal this cycle is to track calories more closely, I'll be using FitDay. I'll also track weight to try to find a better BMR figure. At ~72Kg (158.5lbs) and 170cm (5' 7) I think a reasonable daily cal target is 3000 for a bulk (neither fast nor sluggish). The macros are still undecided. 40% protein will have me eating 300g of protein per day which I think might be too much. My secondary objective is to reduce Carbs (and consequently calories) on non-workout days EOD style although I think just keeping close track of cals is already a tall order for me.

Routine-wise I'll be doing a vanilla HST, 2 weeks of 15, 2 of 10 and 2 of 5. After that I think I'll go on a 5x5 strength cycle which I've been craving for a while. Full body 3x a week alternating between A/B routines where A routine is DB Bench, Deadlift, Chin and OHP and B is Flat Bench, Smith Squat, Pendlay's Row and Upright rows. Don't flame me for the Smith Squat, I have no rack and did Front Squat cleaning the bar already last cycle.

For the weights I used my either my previous RM or the estimated/calculated RM for the mesocycle based on my 5RM, whichever was higher on the last/6th day of the mesocycle and used 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95% of that weight for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th days of each mesocycle rounded to the closest usable weight. For chin-ups instead of calculating this progression with the added weight I used the full body weight + weight for the progression and if the weight to use is under my body weight I use a close grip pull-down instead.
1st day of the 15s - 3rd HST Cycle. Routine:

DB Flat Bench - 1x20 @ 32Kg (71lbs) - combined DB weight
Deadlift - 1x20 @ 71Kg (157lbs)
Close supinated grip pull-down - 1x20 @ 60kg (132lbs)
OHP - 1x20 @ 27kg (60lbs)
Yesterday I had my physical evaluation in the gym. My last evaluation was before I started working out, 11 months ago. I went from 60.3Kg (133lbs) to 71Kg (156.6lbs) but I went from 8.4% bf to 12.9% bf. That's a 6.6Kg (14.6lbs) LBM increase and 4.1Kg (9lbs) fat increase.
I was shocked by the fat increase. I didn't gain as much lbm as I could, specially considering newbie gains and I gained much more fat then I thought. They use the Jackson & Pollock 3 fold method/formula and I am not sure the person taking the measurements was very experienced, but nevertheless the BF is a little too high for my goals.
Since I just started a new HST cycle I don't want to change everything again so I'll stick to the routine and try to do a keto/low carb kind of diet going slightly over maintenance on wo days and slightly under on non-wo and add a little cardio to non-workout days (Tuesday and Thursday).
2nd day of the 15s. Routine:

BB Flat Bench - 20, 5 @ 51Kg (112lbs)
Pendlay Row - 20, 5 @ 51Kg (112lbs)
Upright Row - 20, 5 @ 32Kg (71lbs)
Smith Squat - 15, 5, 5 @ 50Kg (110lbs)
Yesterday I did some HIIT sprints and reverse crunches.
Today was the 3rd day of the 15s. The routine:

DB Flat Bench - 15, 15 @ 36Kg (79lbs) - combined DB weight
Deadlift - 15, 10, 5 @ 81Kg (179lbs) - 1min rest between sets, unstrapped double overhand all the way
Supinated grip pull-down - 15, 8, 5 @ 68kg (150lbs)
OHP - 15, 8, 5 @ 31Kg (68lbs) - When fatigue kicks in on the last reps I tend to incline back and recruit the chest a little, not sure if it is a big issue
(electric @ Sep. 12 2008,12:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yesterday I did some HIIT sprints and reverse crunches.
Today was the 3rd day of the 15s. The routine:

DB Flat Bench - 15, 15 @ 36Kg (79lbs) - combined DB weight
Deadlift - 15, 10, 5 @ 81Kg (179lbs) - 1min rest between sets, unstrapped double overhand all the way
Supinated grip pull-down - 15, 8, 5 @ 68kg (150lbs)
OHP - 15, 8, 5 @ 31Kg (68lbs) - When fatigue kicks in on the last reps I tend to incline back and recruit the chest a little, not sure if it is a big issue</div>
That is very common to lean back to try and recruit the chest like that. Careful, careful. You can get your back in a bind that way. You gotta do what you gotta do but keep that weight under control if you are doing this. I do most of my overhead work out of the power rack now seated with my back against the top incline of my bench. Gives me support to arch against and stops me from recruiting my legs into it for a drive out of the hole.

Dont get me wrong, I like the standing military but Im an old guy now and I like the support and isolation of the seated variety.

Heh. I was just remembering when I started out. The guy who was teaching me military press made me clean the weight up for each rep and set it back down on the floor dead. I was so pissed at him for making me do the extra work once I seen others repping away without setting it down. Mad until I realized how much I was getting out of those cleans that is.
Wildman, thanks for the tips. I'll keep doing the standing for now to work all the stabilizing muscles but will keep a watch to avoid back problems.
Yesterday (15 Sept) was the 4th day of the 15s, the routine:
Flat BB Bench - 15, 10, 5 @ 57Kg (126lbs)
Smith Squat - 15, 10, 5 @ 56Kg (123lbs)
Pendlay's Rows - 15, 10, 5 @ 59Kg (130lbs)
Some upper back shrugs with the same weight above
Some unplanned cable flies
Upright Rows - 15, 8, 5 @ 36Kg (79lbs)

Today's routine:
Some calf raises
Reverse Crunches
Plank (I'm not sure this is the name) - 2 sets of 1 min each
HIIT Springs for 10 min
5th day of the 15s. BW at 70.6Kg (156lbs). Routine:
Deadlift - 15, 6, 5, 4 @ 91Kg (201lbs) - no straps, double overhand. Probably could have done 15, 15 if i went for mixed grip
DB Flat Bench - 15 @ 40Kg (88lbs), 15 @ 44Kg (97lbs) - combined DB weight. Used the wrong weight on the first set
Chin - 15, 6, 6, 3 @ BW+6Kg (13lbs) - pretty weak
OHP - 15, 5, 5, 5 @ 35Kg (77lbs) - bending the back a little less

I am feeling beat. Performance goes through the window fast, chin was an example of that. Doing cardio on off days and trying a keto diet is taking its toll.
Cardio day:
Reverse Crunch - 2 x 15
Plank - 2 x 1min
Calf Raises
HIIT, 4 x 1min 16km/h (10mph) spring followed by 1min walk

My legs are being punished. Any time now they'll rebel and kick me in the head.
Most disappointing day ever. Last day of the 15s. Routine:

BB Flat Bench - 14, 6, 5, 5 @ 63Kg (139lbs) - wasn't even supposed to be a RM since I was conservative on the weight, yet I would have failed if I tried the 15th rep on the first set. Was aiming for a 10 rep on the second set (1min rest) but stopped on 6 to avoid failing too.
At least did all 30 reps
Smith Squat - 15, 5, 5, 5 @ 60Kg (132lbs) - Although I got the 15 reps on the first set the depth was sh%$ barely breaking parallel. The next 3 sets of 5 were ATG but with bad form, raising hips first then using the erectors to raise the bar

I had some discomfort in my left upper arm during the week, it feels like something muscular. During the squat the discomfort increased and my left hand went numb. I finished the Squats but stopped the workout short, skipping Rows and Uprights. The hand's ok now but I can still feel the discomfort in the upper arm. Since it is in the upper arm, on the outside part between the biceps and the triceps I think it might be in the Brachialis but the numbness might be caused by some nerve being pinched... not sure. I think I'll take a muscle relaxer this weekend and see how it feels on Monday. Not sure if I repeat this workout or just keep going and start the 10s on Monday as planned.

Advices welcome.
1st day of the 10s. BW @ 71.6Kg (158lbs) - kind of stuck around this weight not sure if the recomp is working.
DB Flat Bench - 3x10 @ 44Kg (97lbs) - combined DB weight
Deadlift - 3x10 @ 81Kg (179lbs)
Chin (assisted) - 10, 8, 8, 4 @ BW - 5Kg (11lbs) - not sure about this assist as I think I was raising faster then the assist was raising
Cross-over fly - 2x10 @ 50kg (110lbs)
OHP - 3x10 @ 31Kg (68lbs)
2nd day of the 10s. Routine:
BB Flat Bench - 10, 10, 8, 2 @ 61Kg (135lbs)
BB Bent Over Rows - 3x10 @ 61Kg (135lbs)
Used the loaded bar to do some back shrugs (shrugging from the bent over position)
Smith Squat - 3x10 @ 56Kg (123lbs) - Major ATG, very deep
Upright Rows - 3x10 @ 36Kg (79lbs)

The pain in the left arm seems to be related to the Squat position when I hold the bar with my hands close to my shoulders. I'll try some different hand positions and might return to Front Squats if I can't figure this out.
3rd day of the 10s. BW @ 70.7Kg (156lbs). Waist ~ 77cm (30.3 inches). Although my weight is more or less stuck at this level it seems my waist is reducing and I look more lean in the mirror. Both counts are HIGHLY subjective so I can't tell how effective this recomp is really working. To be honest this keto thing is a pain and drinking massive quantities of olive oil to get to the desired calorie level is disgusting.

Today's routine:
1) DB Flat Bench -3x10 @ 48Kg (106lbs) - combined DB weight
2) Deadlift - 3x10 @ 91Kg (201lbs) - all reps unstrapped double overhand = nice
3) ChinUp - 3x10 @ BW+6Kg (13lbs) - For a total of ~ 77Kg (170lbs)
4) OHP - 3x10 @ 35kg (77lbs) - strict

Today instead of doing all sets of one exercise before moving to the next I did 1 set of exercise #1, rested then did 1 set of exercise #2, rested and back to #1. It was not a superset since I was resting between 1 and 2. I did the same for 3 and 4. Good deal! The workout was faster and I felt stronger. This probably has no disadvantage hypertrophy-wise compared to doing all 3 sets of each exercise in a row, right?
How is that upper arm bud? A narrow grip on the bar in the squats is a good thing but it is uncomfortable. Narrowing in like that tends to bunch up the upper back and makes for a nice shelf to lay the bar on. I wonder if perhaps you are setting the bar too low or something and this is causing you to support part of your weight with your arms? I could see a narrow grip with the bar too low causing an undue stretch of the brachialis. Hopefully that is getting better soon before the 5s.
(Wildman @ Sep. 26 2008,4:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How is that upper arm bud? A narrow grip on the bar in the squats is a good thing but it is uncomfortable. Narrowing in like that tends to bunch up the upper back and makes for a nice shelf to lay the bar on. I wonder if perhaps you are setting the bar too low or something and this is causing you to support part of your weight with your arms? I could see a narrow grip with the bar too low causing an undue stretch of the brachialis. Hopefully that is getting better soon before the 5s.</div>
Hey Wildman, thanks for the message. It usually only bothers me around the workout. I don't THINK the bar is too low but I'll sure watch out for it. I'll do some tests with the grip on my next squat session and try to find the culprit.
(electric @ Sep. 26 2008,12:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">To be honest this keto thing is a pain and drinking massive quantities of olive oil to get to the desired calorie level is disgusting.</div>
I have to agree, that is disgusting. Hey I was reading thru your log a bit and wanted to congratulate you on your nice gains. 15# is pretty nice. Don't sweat the extra fat gain, 12% isn't all bad!
(BAX67 @ Sep. 27 2008,11:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have to agree, that is disgusting.  Hey I was reading thru your log a bit and wanted to congratulate you on your nice gains.  15# is pretty nice.  Don't sweat the extra fat gain, 12% isn't all bad!</div>
BAX, thanks. Since those gains were a mix of muscle memory and newbie gains I reckon I could have fared way better if I've had a planned diet.
I agree with you, 12% bf isn't bad but it is all a matter of goals. I am not tall so I don't want to look too bulky so I'm aiming for the ripped look.

Today was the 4th day of the 10s. BW is up to 72.2Kg (159lbs) probably due to the weekend's carb refeed. Today's routine:
Flat BB Bench - 3x10 @ 67Kg (148lbs) - I was sabotaged. On the last set I felt the left side to be heavier but thought it was bad grip and got all 10 reps anyway. When I was unracking the plates I found out someone had removed 3Kg (6.5lbs) from the right side. Bummer.
Smith Squat - 3x10 @ 62Kg (137lbs) - major ATG
Pendlay's Rows - 3x10 @ 67Kg (148lbs)
No Upright Rows today

Besides the sabotage there was also a woman doing crunches inside the Smith so the order of the exercises was all messed up. I also did some low volume heavy weight bench presses and rows both on machines to try to trigger some additional strength increases while not hampering my hypertrophy load progression.
Crunches inside the Smith machine? Must fight urge to kill...

Those extra presses arent going to kill you. I think it is a great idea to focus a little extra effort like that on what you think is a weak point. Listen to your body and it will tell you when you have went too far. The biggest clue is when you start not wanting to go back to the gym for some strange reason and you arent sleeping well.