Thanks being, I usually try for new PRs in the last day(s) of each cycle and project my new PRs based on how bad the form was. Very bad form = little or no weight increase, good form = greater weight increase for next cycle.
I skipped Friday's workout and did the last day of the 5s today.
Flat BB Bench Press - 5 @ 71Kg (157lbs), 2x5 @ 81Kg (179lbs)
Chin - 2x5, 4.5 @ BW+26Kg (57lbs)
Deadlift - 3.5, 1 @ 131Kg (289lbs)
Upright Row - 2x5 @ 52Kg (115lbs)
The 0.5s are incomplete reps that I register the effort
The deadlift was a little disappointing since I was expecting to get at least a set of 5 with that weight but my grip could not handle it. I guess the heavy chin before the deadlift didn't help either. I couldn't get the bar to nipple height with the upright rows, but I think up to the top of the abs counts.
I have decided to extend this cycle with MaxStim. My goal is a boost to strength so I'll try to stay near max effort. Not having a squat rack I have no way of deloading the bar for squats and OHPs. Cleaning the bar every time is not feasible so I'll have to use the Smith for these exercises. Not ideal but I guess it's ok for a while. Basically I'll be doing most of the exercises with machines for this MaxStim run since it is more practical to deload.