electric's log

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How on earth does one use a Smith machine for crunches?
Or was she just lying on the floor in the way? Afraid I would have had to have said something - nicely of course!

I'm was a little surprised to see that your rows and bench are higher than your squats - even if they were major ATG. I'm sure you'll be able to get those numbers up to at least match the others, if not surpass them.

Just looking back over your log, I see you had some sort of nerve impingement issue from the squats. Is that sorted now? Are you using a low-bar or a high-bar technique? Like Wildman asked, do you find you are supporting any of the weight with your hands? If so, try raising your elbows more and really adducting your scapulae pretty forcefully. Use a thumbs-over grip on the bar and keep the back of your hands in line with your arms (ie. not lifted up/tipping back). In this position you shouldn't be using your hands to support the weight at all. You are merely anchoring it in place. Also, have you tried front squats in the Smith m/c?
(Wildman @ Oct. 01 2008,11:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Those extra presses arent going to kill you. I think it is a great idea to focus a little extra effort like that on what you think is a weak point. Listen to your body and it will tell you when you have went too far. The biggest clue is when you start not wanting to go back to the gym for some strange reason and you arent sleeping well.</div>
I usually don't have a problem sleeping or wanting to go to the gym but I feel the gauge for me is strength. I start losing strength and lifts get too hard, rest between sets too long. Weights that didn't give me a hard time before start being too heavy.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How on earth does one use a Smith machine for crunches?  
 Or was she just lying on the floor in the way? Afraid I would have had to have said something - nicely of course!  
She was supersetting lunges on the Smith with crunches. I would have asked to alternate with her but the trouble of racking and removing the plates was too much to bother.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm was a little surprised to see that your rows and bench are higher than your squats - even if they were major ATG. I'm sure you'll be able to get those numbers up to at least match the others, if not surpass them.</div>
I feel the same way. I know there's something wrong but I can't put my finger on it. It is probably form. And it is not like the squats feel light and I am too lazy to increase the weight. They feel very heavy, maybe even harder then the bench.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Just looking back over your log, I see you had some sort of nerve impingement issue from the squats. Is that sorted now? Are you using a low-bar or a high-bar technique? Like Wildman asked, do you find you are supporting any of the weight with your hands? If so, try raising your elbows more and really adducting your scapulae pretty forcefully. Use a thumbs-over grip on the bar and keep the back of your hands in line with your arms (ie. not lifted up/tipping back). In this position you shouldn't be using your hands to support the weight at all. You are merely anchoring it in place. Also, have you tried front squats in the Smith m/c?</div>
I think I can blame the squat for upper arm pain and hand numbness that seems like some sort of nerve impingement. It is not really sorted. Using a higher bar position and wider grip reduced but didn't eliminate the problem. I don't think I am supporting the weight with the hands and to be honest when I am down on the hole and fatigue is kicking in I tend to pull the bar down with my hands in an effort to help the body up (I know it is wrong, I do it instinctively). I'll check for the hands/arms alignment next time I squat.

I haven't tried front squats in the smith. I did front squats with free weight and had no problems. I changed to Smith back squat for two reasons, one was that since I had to clean the bar for the front squat it was getting to hard, and second I wanted to do back squats for a change. Since there is no rack in my gym I had to settle for the smith. I'll try to find a rack somewhere so I can try a free weight back squat to see if it feels better. I'll also try Front Squats in the smith to see how they feel.

Thanks for the tips Lol and sorry for the long post.
5th day of the 10s. BW @ 70.9Kg (156lbs). Routine:

Deadlift - 3x10 @ 101Kg (223lbs) - first set unstrapped double overhand, second set 8 double overhand and 2 mixed, last set 5/5.
DB Flat Bench - 3x10 @ 52Kg (115lbs) - combined DB weight. Last rep of each set paused
Chin - 3x10 @ BW+12Kg (26lbs) - total weight ~83Kg (183lbs)
OHP - 3x10 @ 31Kg (68lbs)*

I was supposed to use 39Kg (86lbs) on the OHP which is not even my 10RM but I could barely lift it twice. I fell back for the logged weight above. I think that CNS fatigue is catching up to me.
On the other hand, deadlift was good, I got the entire first set with unstrapped double overhand grip and the grip only started failing by the end of the second set. I'll try hook grip next time to see if there is improvement and to avoid the mixed grip.
(electric @ Sep. 29 2008,12:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">12% bf isn't bad but it is all a matter of goals. I am not tall so I don't want to look too bulky so I'm aiming for the ripped look.</div>
It's part of our schizophrenic life-style: first you eat and lift to bulk up 15 lbs; then you diet and lift to cut down the extra padding.

Do not despair. There's no way you're going to gain that much weight without a given amount of fat. Even so, 12% bf after a bulk is not bad. A month or so of cutting will have you looking svelte and trim again. Lol is our example...?  
TR, thanks for the encouragement!
Today was the last day of the 10s. I think I should have heeded the warning signs and took a break before today's workout. It was a disaster. I started with Flat BB Bench using my 10RM weight. I stopped at 5 reps on the first set !!!! I took a minute and tried again. Had to stop at 4. Instead of hiding in shame (which I should have done) I reduced the weight and tried again, at rep 6 I failed and ended with the bar stuck to my chest.
After that I just started doing random exercises with random weights and reps since I was already at the gym mostly with machines to avoid injuries due to lousy form.

What I am starting to learn (or to accept) is that full body 3x a week might be a little too much for me. All 3 HST cycles I tried so far had me with this failed days around the end of the 10s likely due to overtraining. It seems it is less related to volume and more to the frequency. I might, after this cycle, try either a split routine where I train 4x / week but with the same muscle working only 2x / week or a 2x / week full body routine. As always, suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated.
First day of the 5s. BW @ 71.8Kg (158.3lbs). Weekend + carbs + lighter weights = great workout! Routine:

Deadlift - 6x5 @ 91Kg (201lbs) - All unstrapped double overhand
DB Flat Bench - 6x5 @ 48Kg (106lbs) - combined DB weight
Chin - 6x5 @ BW+4Kg (9lbs) - ~76Kg (168lbs) total
OHP - 6x5 @ 35Kg (77lbs) - strict

The DB Bench was probably too light, the rest were just fine for a first day of the mesocycle. After the last workout failure I thought about reducing the starting weight for the OHP but decided to give it a try first. And it was so easy. It is impressive the miracle some rest and carbs can do.

I tried to use the hook grip for the deadlift and either I am doing it wrong or it requires a numb thumb. I'll try it again next cycle from the start, when the weights are light and see if I can build it up like I did with the double overhand. This cycle I'll stick to DOH and cluster or use some mixed grip when grip starts failing.
Second day of the 5s. BW @ 70.9Kg (156.3lbs). Even though I have a mild cold and been on low carbs (20-30g/day) this was a great workout.

Flat BB Bench - 6x5 @ 65Kg (143lbs) - last set all reps paused
Smith Squat - 5x5 @ 64Kg (141lbs), 1x5 @ 60Kg (132lbs) - ATG
Pendlay Row - 6x5 @ 65Kg (143lbs)
Upright Row - 1x5 @ 32Kg (71lbs), 1x5 @ 38Kg (84lbs), 4x5 @ 42Kg (93lbs)
Bent-over Shrugs - 1x5, 1x8 @ 65Kg (143lbs) - shrugging with the row bar on the bent-over row position
Pull-over - 1x6 @ 28Kg (62lbs) - just testing

Didn't feel the nerve impingement today doing squats. Used a wider grip and positioned the bar upper in the back. I have noticed (and a gym instructor also told me) that I am hyperextending the lower back when I try to get out of the hole. I am not sure how to avoid it. Maybe some of the blame is in the fact that the Smith Machine does not allow the bar to move in the horizontal plane or maybe it is just lousy technique.
(electric @ Oct. 08 2008,2:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have noticed (and a gym instructor also told me) that I am hyperextending the lower back when I try to get out of the hole. I am not sure how to avoid it. Maybe some of the blame is in the fact that the Smith Machine does not allow the bar to move in the horizontal plane or maybe it is just lousy technique.</div>
Smith squats will not kill you; they'll only injure you for life...

Be very careful doing squats on the Shirley Machine. It forces the bar into an unnatural path.
(electric @ Oct. 08 2008,7:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Didn't feel the nerve impingement today doing squats. Used a wider grip and positioned the bar upper in the back.</div>
That's good then.
(electric @ Oct. 08 2008,7:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have noticed (and a gym instructor also told me) that I am hyperextending the lower back when I try to get out of the hole. I am not sure how to avoid it. Maybe some of the blame is in the fact that the Smith Machine does not allow the bar to move in the horizontal plane or maybe it is just lousy technique.</div>
If you are aware that you are hyper-extending then make your abs work harder to keep your spine in a more neutral position. Practice with just the bar until you get your torso position during the movement right and then load up a bit at a time, all the while focussing on keeping your spine more neutral. Your lower-back and abs should be tight the whole time you are under load, particularly so throughout the turnaround.

Any chance you can take a vid? It would be good to make sure you get this possible problem sorted or dismissed ASAP.
Lol, unfortunately today when I woke up I was (am) feeling that pain in the arm related to the squat. I guess it is not completely solved. Since the Smith bar locks into place if you twist the bar forward you have to keep twisting it back to avoid locking throughout the movement. That might be amplifying the problem.
Regarding the hyper-extension, it doesn't happen with lower weights, but with the heavier weights or when fatigue starts kicking in, it starts happening. Maybe my core's endurance is lacking. I'll try to video it but, call me silly, I am embarrassed of filming myself in the gym.

TR, how I wish I had a rack to do free weight squat...

I think I should drop the Smith Squat while I am not injured yet. The warning signs are here. I can do leg presses instead until I get hold of a proper rack.
3rd day of the 5s. BW @ 71.3Kg (157lbs). BW is higher then last workout although I have eaten below maintenance both days. I think the lack of carbs (and fiber) is causing some constipation. Today's routine:

Deadlift - 6x5 @ 103Kg (227lbs) - unstrapped, first set was double over hand but had to use mixed grip for the other sets
DB Flat Bench - 6x5 @ 56Kg (123lbs) - combined DB weight - all last reps were paused
Chin - 6x5 @ BW+12Kg (26lbs) - total weight of ~84Kg (185lbs) - all reps from dead hang position
OHP - 6x5 @ 41Kg (90lbs) - strict, no push-press.
Some calf raises
4th day of the 5s. BW @ 71.8Kg (158.3lbs). I feel like I am stuck weight-wise. Not sure if there is any recomp going on or if I am just wasting my time in the gym. Been following keto during the week (below 30g carbs/day) and trying to go 500kcals over maintenance on wo days and 500 below on non-wo. Today's routine:

BB Flat Bench - 5x5 @ 73Kg (161lbs), 23 @ 41Kg (burnout set)
Hammer V-Squat Machine - 5 @ 40Kg (44lbs), 5 @ 60Kg (132lbs), 3x5 @ 80Kg (176lbs), 20 @ 40Kg (burnout set)
Bent-over BB Rows - 5x5 @ 73Kg (161lbs), 20 @ 41Kg (burnout set)
Upright Rows - 5x3 @ 48Kg (106lbs), 20 @ 18Kg (burnout set)
Calf Raises (on horizontal Leg press machine) - 2x10 @ 200Kg (441lbs) - not sure how this weight translates to a standing calf raise

Supersetting Bent-over rows with upright rows isn't a great idea, could only get 3 reps per set and even those required some &quot;momentum&quot;. Will back up the weight. Tried the V-Squat machine today from Hammer and it isn't great. Borrowed the burnout set idea from Nkl's log.
(electric @ Oct. 09 2008,9:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">TR, how I wish I had a rack to do free weight squat...</div>
Santa should be coming soon!!
BAX: Yes, but he said I've been a naughty boy this year and didn't eat my vegetables so, though luck.

Today was the 5th day of the 5s. BW @ 70.9Kg (156.3lbs). Routine:

Deadlift - 5x5 @ 111Kg (245lbs) - unstrapped mixed grip - didn't have it in me for double overhand today
DB Flat Bench - 5x5 @ 62Kg (137lbs) - combined DB weight
Chin - 5x5 @ BW+22Kg (48.5lbs) - total weight of 93Kg (205lbs)
OHP - 3 @ 51Kg (112lbs), 4x5 @ 45Kg (99lbs)

After the first deadlift set I was ready to settle for 4 sets per exercise. Turned the insane switch on and went for 5 sets. I did avoid last workout's burnout sets this time. Everything was brutal today, rest times were gigantic but I lived to tell the tale. I tried to push a new PR for OHP using 51Kg but only got 3 reps (semi-strict) so humbled back to 45Kg for the rest of the sets.

On a side note weight still appears to be stuck, I figure my maintenance is around 2500kcals and I've been trying to go 3000kcals on wo days and 2000 on non-wo, all of this while low-carb. Not really seeing results.
I skipped the last day of the 5s last Friday. On monday I worked out at a different gym with very limited options, so I ended up doing Presses, deadlifts, Rows, light flies and curls. Today I finally went for my 6th 5s session. BW is at a steady 70.7Kg (155.9lbs). Routine:

Flat BB Bench - 4x6 @ 81Kg (179lbs) - I asked a gym instructor to spot for me, I was supposed to do 5 but he insisted that I did a 6th rep on all sets. He was touching the bar so I am not sure how much he helped but this is somewhat of a PR.
V-Squat Machine - 4x5 @ 90Kg (198lbs) - I don't think I like this machine
T-Bar Chest Supported Row - 5x5 @ 70Kg (154lbs) - I was supposed to do 81Kg (179lbs) with the BB Row but at this weight I was worried I might injure something due to bad form. Opted for this row instead for safety.
At this point I just started doing some random unplanned exercises. I did calf raises, machine bench, machine seated row, leg presses and cross-cable biceps curls.
Probably worth logging was a 5 rep set @ 90Kg (198lbs) at the Seated Bench Machine.
I am experiencing with a different strategy at the moment, since my HST cycle is over I am extending it by pushing my 5RMs on every workout but, to avoid CNS burnout, I am only working out twice a week, Monday and Thursday. I use as much volume as I am able to, trying to avoid that the workout extends for (a lot) more then 1 hour. I don't lift to failure but I also don't avoid it.
BW today was 72Kg (158.8lbs) and the routine:

DB Flat Bench - 5, 4, 6 @ 62Kg (137lbs) - combined DB weight
Deadlift - 3x5 @ 121Kg (267lbs) - even mixed grip is starting to fail me here (no straps)
Chin - 4,5,4,1 @ BW+26Kg (57lbs) - total of 98Kg (216lbs)
OHP - 3,5,4,3 @ 51Kg (112lbs) - new PR
- additional &quot;I am not dead yet&quot; exercises -
Preacher Cable Curls - 5 @ 30Kg, 5 @ 35Kg, 5 @ 40Kg
Cable Straight Arm Pulldown - 5 @ 40Kg, 5 @ 50Kg, 5 @ 60Kg
Cable Triceps Push-downs - 5 @ 40Kg, 5 @ 50Kg, 5 @ 60Kg

The DBs at my gym go up to 28Kg so for the DB Bench I have to use it and add one of those wrist weights (which are filled with sand) for 3 additional Kg per side. There isn't much room for weight increase here so I might keep the weight and try to increase the reps.
Deads will be increased next workout for a new PR attempt. I'll keep the weight at chins and try for 3x5 next time.
OHPs were nice since I was able to do 5 reps with 51Kg which is a new PR but the last reps were pretty wobbly. I didn't push-press but I didn't stand still and straight so I don't think it qualifies for a Strict press. I'll also keep the weight here and try to do 3x5 with stricter form.
(electric @ Oct. 27 2008,11:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deads will be increased next workout for a new PR attempt</div>
Deadlift PRs make you feel like a man! Even your aftershave comes in hairy bottles...
Today's workout was fantastic. Not sure if it was just a good day or the maltodextrin pre-workout drink helped. BW @ 70.9Kg (156.3lbs). The routine:

BB Flat Bench - 5 @ 51Kg (112lbs), 5 @ 71Kg (157lbs), 3x5 @ 87Kg (192lbs) PR - spotter barely touched the bar
Hammer machine V-Squat - 5 @ 40Kg (88lbs), 5 @ 80Kg (176lbs), 3x5 @ 100Kg (202lbs)
T-Bar Chest Supported Row - 5 @ 20Kg (44lbs), 5 @ 40Kg (88lbs), 3x5 @ 60Kg (132lbs)
- additional random exercises -
Seated Machine Bench - up to 3 @ 95Kg (209lbs)
Preacher Cable Curl - 5 @ 40Kg (88lbs)
Horizontal Sled Calf Raise - 2x15 @ 200Kg (441lbs)
Seated Machine Row - up to 3 @ 110Kg (243lbs)
Weighted crunches - 2x10 @ ?
Standing Cable Triceps Pushdown - 2x5 @ 70Kg (154lbs)

The basics were done in 30 minutes, since I am only working out twice a week I added more exercises to make an 1 hour workout and bump volume up a bit. Bench press was a new PR and didn't feel like a maximum effort. Both the V-Squat and the T-Bar row are new exercises so I can't call these values PRs really but both also felt like there is room for increase next workout.

Diet-wise I've noticed that I am always around 2200 cals per day and keeping protein over 150g/day. No wonder I am not gaining weight even with the PRs and everything. I'll make the effort to get 3000 cals on workout days. 2200 is probably a little below maintenance but since weekends are free, the small deficit is probably eliminated during the week end putting me at a weekly maintenance.
Today was probably my last serious workout before my SD. BW @ 72.1Kg (159lbs). The routine:

Deadlift - 5 @ 51Kg (112lbs), 5 @ 91Kg (201lbs), 4, 4, 3, 3.5 @ 131Kg (289lbs) - failed PR attempt, all unstrapped but with mixed grip. Grip failed me
DB Flat Bench - 6 @ 40Kg (88lbs), 6 @ 56Kg (123lbs), 3x6 @ 62Kg (137lbs) - spotter helped me on the last rep of the last set
Chin - 5 @ BW, 5 @ BW+10Kg (22lbs), 3.5, 4, 4, 3 @ BW+26Kg (57lbs) - total weight of 98Kg (216lbs)

I wish I had got the 5 reps for at least 1 set on the deadlift for a PR. The grip failed me. The Bench was hard but ok. Chins were not so good, probably all those deads took their toll, specially considering that both deads and chins require pretty good grip.