My gym subscription ended and I'll be temporarily working out on a gym in my apartment building. My options are very limited due to lack of equipment and weight. Today's routine:
Pull-over - 5 @ 17Kg (37lbs), 5 @ 27Kg (60lbs), 5 @ 37Kg (82lbs)
Deadlift - 5 @ 77Kg (170lbs), 5 @ 87Kg (192lbs), 5 @ 95Kg (209lbs), 6, 1, 1 @ 105Kg (232lbs)
Standing BB Curl - 2x5 @ 37Kg (82lbs)
Flies - 3x8 @ 28Kg (62lbs) - Combined DB weight
OHP - 2x5 @ 47Kg (104lbs)
Unlogged shrugs and close-grip bench
Deadlifts were all with unstrapped double overhand grip. I used all the weight available and could only get to 105Kg, which is under my 5RM, so though luck here. Flies also were using the heaviest DB so I went for an extra stretch. OHPs were good heavy. Since I can't do weighted chins I went for a pullover which made my lats sore due to the extra stretch compared to chins. Good deal.
Pull-over - 5 @ 17Kg (37lbs), 5 @ 27Kg (60lbs), 5 @ 37Kg (82lbs)
Deadlift - 5 @ 77Kg (170lbs), 5 @ 87Kg (192lbs), 5 @ 95Kg (209lbs), 6, 1, 1 @ 105Kg (232lbs)
Standing BB Curl - 2x5 @ 37Kg (82lbs)
Flies - 3x8 @ 28Kg (62lbs) - Combined DB weight
OHP - 2x5 @ 47Kg (104lbs)
Unlogged shrugs and close-grip bench
Deadlifts were all with unstrapped double overhand grip. I used all the weight available and could only get to 105Kg, which is under my 5RM, so though luck here. Flies also were using the heaviest DB so I went for an extra stretch. OHPs were good heavy. Since I can't do weighted chins I went for a pullover which made my lats sore due to the extra stretch compared to chins. Good deal.