Sorry this is long, and this is just my cursory understanding of these things from reading, etc. So here goes...
1) This was
nkl's brainchild in many ways. It was basically an outgrowth of the IF method, with one important exception: protein intake was to remain constant and high, instead of going into pure fasting periods.
Basically, starting with an 'off day' this is how it would go:
off day: -eat ala protein sparing modified fast diet. all lean protein plus dark/low GI veggies, calories about half maintenance or less.
- cardio
on day: - keep diet the same, until weight lifting time. have protein and some carbs before the gym. lift, then eat 'normal' which could been 40/30/30 (carbs/protein/fat), 65/25/10, whatever, for the rest of the day. Calories set at maintenance plus (for me the plus was anywhere from 3-800)
three 'on' days a week, 4 off days
incidentally, Lyle has discussed in his forum doing something like this, called an "every other day refeed' system. same set up, said he had great results with it.
he'd throw in cardio on weight days, but only in the morning while still eating PSMF style, and use ephedrine/caffeine on off/cardio days.
PWO on 'on days' he wouldnt count calories at all and just slug carbs for about 5 hours (rainbow sherbert, high sugar cereal, milk, pasta lol)
2) I did both. I've had my high calorie days set to high fat/low carb, and high carb/low fat, and isocaloric proportions as well (equal fat/carb). They all worked! (but remember I was/am counting calories with a fine tooth comb).
Doing it with high carb is harder for me, because my hunger gets out of control with carbs. Would never quite feel full. But I would have more energy the next day and the next workout by doing things this way.
here is the thing. as I understand it carbs PWO will instill a strong anabolic response, which fat will not. Further, the more you are glycogen depleted, the more your calories, if we're talking high carb intake, will be partitioned into muscle when you refeed. Fat wouldn't work this way, simply because carbs are used preferentially for reloading glycogen stores.
So on a cyclical diet (UD2.0 is the cyclical diet par excellence), the more you set up glycogen depletion by restricting carbs and burning through them in your workouts, the more you can actually way over eat carbs (in UD2.0 this approaches absurd levels of 6-9000 calories) and manage to not put any fat back on, because the energy is being driven into your muscles. Your body is too concerned with reloading your glycogen stores and repairing your beef to worry about storage. Even better, the longer you have been running on fat as fuel due to restricted carbs, the longer you can actually maintain the use of fat as fuel even while loading up on carbs (Lyle calls this a "neat metabolic trick," and in UD2.0 it supposedly goes on for about 24 hours...pretty cool!)
This works best in UD2.0, because you spend 3.5 days depleting glycogen stores, and then super load on carbs. So you get a diet effect, losing fat, and then an intense anabolic effect from carbs because of the timing and other machinations you've employed to set up the carb load.
This also happens in an EOD system, but to a much lesser extent. So its a trade between frequency and intensity of the anabolic effect.
Obviously, depending on how we set calories, we can manipulate this system for cutting or bulking, which is really cool.
3) I love cyclical dieting for psychological reasons, I can deal with extremes, I find steady state boring, but great bodybuilders make it work and I'm sure it works fine.
But I also believe it preserves muscle quite well if not better, and can even lead to muscle gain while losing fat, because we're 'telling the calories where to go' vis-a-vis the above mechanisms.
4) Cardio on fasting days increases the deficit, burns fat, increases catecholamines and lipolysis in general, etc. In a UD2.0 set up or RFL (PSMF) set up you will/I have lifted on low calorie days, and it works.
5) I think UD2.0 works best, but its a pain in the ***. Four full body workouts a week, two of them are high rep workouts, where the full body circuit is run TWICE to deplete maximal glycogen, then you eat until you burst when you carb load and experience mood swings like you're on drugs. But it works! My first week on UD2.0, I ate way above maintenance for the week and still lost two lbs.
But I love the EOD system. Its great knowing that you get to enjoy great food within 24 hours, and then go back to fat blasting just as fast. And it works too.
6) I spend over an hour in the weight room. The more carb depleted I am, the longer I have to rest between sets. Not sure if I've seen a correlation between length training and results. I did for a period do two a day workouts and eat even higher to try and get a greater anabolic effect. Not sure if it worked, but it was fun hitting the gym after midnight.
7) I feel pretty full in the morning, and all the green veggies and protein end up blunting the hell out of my hunger. In fact if I wasn't counting calories, I'd feel like I'd "over eaten." A lb of broccoli goes a LONG way, not to mention all that animal flesh.