I am 20 years old, 6'1, and currently 185 lbs (BF around 14%)
I was introduced to weightlifting a year and a half ago, and I was oon and off until this past winter. At first, I did the standard program lifting different body parts 3-4 times a week while doing upwards to 12 sets for a bodypart during one of those days! With some research and guidance, I found out why I was hitting plateaus and not having the gains I wanted. I then moved on to POWER FACTOR TRAINING. If anyone has tried this program out, let me know how it worked for you! I did have decent gains in the first two months, but then it led to diminishing returns.
Now, I am just starting my first HST cycle, and I am still trying to cut another 10 lbs of fat off by the end of summertime (or even better yet, by the end of my first cycle - 7 weeks)