how big is everyone?

I'm 5'9'' 195 and this is my first HST cycle. And Loving it. I've been in the iron game now since Sep. 1979. And NEVER had results like this! Drug free too.
I am 5'10" and (currently) 224 lbs. Been lifting weights off and on (more off than on for too many years) since, hm, 1986 or so I guess. Just finished one complete HST sequence (in SD now) and I really like it – HST is much simpler than trying to remember how often I went heavy last week etc.
I am 20 years old, 6'1, and currently 185 lbs (BF around 14%)

I was introduced to weightlifting a year and a half ago, and I was oon and off until this past winter.  At first, I did the standard program lifting different body parts 3-4 times a week while doing upwards to 12 sets for a bodypart during one of those days!  With some research and guidance, I found out why I was hitting plateaus and not having the gains I wanted.  I then moved on to POWER FACTOR TRAINING.  If anyone has tried this program out, let me know how it worked for you!  I did have decent gains in the first two months, but then it led to diminishing returns.  

Now, I am just starting my first HST cycle, and I am still trying to cut another 10 lbs of fat off by the end of summertime (or even better yet, by the end of my first cycle - 7 weeks)
185 at 9% isn't anything to be ashamed about. That's pretty good. But at 6'5, you can probably get up to 220 or so naturally, at similar bodyfat levels, I mean. More fat would obviously mean you would weigh more... But 6'5, 220 at 9% would be really impressive.

I finally broke 200. So now I'm about 6'1-6'2 at 200 lbs and around 13-15% bodyfat, soon to be 185 pounds at 8% in a couple months.
Thanks for the encouragement. 220lbs is my ultimate goal. I'm starting my first ever cycle of HST a wk from today. I cant wait to break the 200lb barrier. I've just turned 30 yrs old and have a goal of entering in a local BB competition in the future. Lots of work ahead of me!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (chiefhog @ July 04 2005,5:17)]Thanks for the encouragement. 220lbs is my ultimate goal.
Funny you should mention that. I`m currently 6`1 at 202lbs. 2 years to go to meet my target and am well ahead of the curve.
*hangs head in even greater shame*
51 years old:
Just recovered from shoulder surgery, and back in the gym after 3 months of rehab.  Hope to get up to 225@10%.
5'9 & 180 lbs
as for BF never measured it but I know it's low

was a skinny 160lbs b4 HST and just one cycle - BAM!!
but I think Muscle memory has alot to do with it b/c I was even bigger than this b4

my parents are actually upset with me and telling me that I got to curb my eating b/c I'm swelling and that's not natural. I couldn't have got a better compliment

BTW I'm 24 yrs old
Almost done with my third 9 week phase. I started at 6'1" 190 and 18.5 % bf. I am now 6'1" 196-198 at 16.5% bf. I haven't done measurements in a few years though.
Chiefhog, I'm 6'4 176 right now :)

I had it up to 185 last summer but school dropped me down to 168 in the winter. I've gained 8 lbs in three months (which is good for me!). Keep at it and I will too.

previous - 144.44 / current - 157.77

BF - struggling with this, currently 13.48%, target is 6.71 % :confused:

Currently bulking up, I think when summer starts I can start cutting down a little, difficult to bulk and stay lean. :mad: