I am 5' 10" and 283 pounds. Not sure about bodyfat, but way too high to look like a bodybuilder. It's probably about 22 percent. I'm sporting that powerlifter look - not with a huge belly or anything, but not lean anough to show veins and such. I suppose I'll cut bodyfat down to 12 percent or so later spring, but right now I'm having too much fun growing like a weed and feeling like a walking house

So I'm new to HST and currently almost done my first HST cycle. This training has totally changed my life - My body has exploded like never before. I haven't trained for years and years so I had about 60 months of SD

Since I've started with HST here's the bodyparts I have been keeping track of:
Weight: 265 to 283 - a decent amount of that from water I presume due to the 1-AD
Arms: 19 to 20 1/8
Chest: 48 to 51
Calves: 18 to 18 1/2 (flexed)
Waist has increased probably an inch or so (currently 41)
Im taking 1-AD, so is that still considered natural? I dabbled with a few juice cycles back in college, but that was like 10 years ago, and I haven't trained at all for the past 5 or 6 years so does that disqualify me from being considered natural? if I had trained used HST back then I doubt I would have felt the need to experiment with juice at all.
When I was younger I trained using HIT because it seemed the most rational way. Mentzer and Jones just seemed so persuasive that I never seriously tried higher volume/frequency training. I guess my respect for Mentzer's writing style and analytical approach blinded me to other opportunites.
Even though everyone told me how great my genetics for size were when I was a teenager I never really ballooned up like I thought I should and I just chalked it up to not using enough juice. I wish I had known about the HST principles YEARS ago.
Even though I'm coming off of a super extended layoff, I've never felt my body growing before my eyes like I have on this program - my arms have gotten so thick in the past 6 weeks that they get a massive pump just from washing my hair in the shower.. I may be an old timer (37), but using HST I feel like I'm making progress 5 time faster than using my old methods when I was a teenager.
This summer when I have leaned out I'll post some pics - I'd like to get down to a reasonable 250 after another bulking cycle followed by 4 months or so of cutting fat.
- TJ