Fri 25/04/08
Back Squats: 5 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg, 15, 10, 5 x 125kg (275lb) New 15RM
Not a bad effort for an old bloke with a cold. And my training pants ripped right down the left side at about the 5th rep of my first work set. Really off putting. If I had been feeling a little better I might have tried for two sets of 15 with 275 but that'll have to wait for another time. I'm now feeling pretty washed up so I'm going to leave the rest of my workout until tomorrow.
Something that might help Solfsun and others who are finding getting the bar lower on their traps difficult: set the bar to the correct height for unracking; chalk up and put your hands on the bar (thumbless grip) at a comfortable width; get under the bar and then stand up slowly, pushing your traps into the bar but not attempting to lift it up, just attempting to stretch your shoulders. If you can, go right up on your toes. Then you can drop back down into a less stretched position but with the bar still low on your traps at scapular spine level. Don't force yourself up too high too quickly but just work on it every time you squat until it doesn't feel so bad anymore. My fingers don't go numb now but I still like to stretch things up a bit this way at the start and before each set.
Thanks for the kind words again folks.
Totz: I'm not sure about the curls helping my forearms yet. Too soon to tell. I think it's the power cleans that are messing them up. Just old age and lack of conditioning I reckon.