Lol's New HST Log

Good luck with the op. We're all pulling for you. Maybe a cut would be in order, that way if you do have to take some extended time off later on, it will be easier to maintain things. Besides, I know how you feel with the fatness... you've got plenty of time to hit your goals, and though I'm sure we'd all like to see you get that 500 lb deadlift, you've got plenty of time.

Do you think the high rep curls are doing much for your forearm? I think I'm having the same problem but don't really know what to do about it.
(Lol @ Apr. 24 2008,9:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm now scheduled in for another minor op within the next 30 days and then have to sit back and await the results again.</div>
1) So, you've got a good 30 days to get your numbers up.  

2) Doctors call it a &quot;minor op&quot; when it happens to you. They call it a &quot;major op&quot; when it happens to them...  

3) I'll add my prayers to Quad's.
Fri 25/04/08

Back Squats: 5 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg, 15, 10, 5 x 125kg (275lb) New 15RM

Not a bad effort for an old bloke with a cold. And my training pants ripped right down the left side at about the 5th rep of my first work set. Really off putting. If I had been feeling a little better I might have tried for two sets of 15 with 275 but that'll have to wait for another time. I'm now feeling pretty washed up so I'm going to leave the rest of my workout until tomorrow.

Something that might help Solfsun and others who are finding getting the bar lower on their traps difficult: set the bar to the correct height for unracking; chalk up and put your hands on the bar (thumbless grip) at a comfortable width; get under the bar and then stand up slowly, pushing your traps into the bar but not attempting to lift it up, just attempting to stretch your shoulders. If you can, go right up on your toes. Then you can drop back down into a less stretched position but with the bar still low on your traps at scapular spine level. Don't force yourself up too high too quickly but just work on it every time you squat until it doesn't feel so bad anymore. My fingers don't go numb now but I still like to stretch things up a bit this way at the start and before each set.

Thanks for the kind words again folks.

Totz: I'm not sure about the curls helping my forearms yet. Too soon to tell. I think it's the power cleans that are messing them up. Just old age and lack of conditioning I reckon.
Sat 26/04/08

Still feeling a bit washed out.

Bench: warmups then 3 x 14 x 90kg (198lb) - just couldn't get that 15th rep. I gave the last set hell too! I have no idea how I can get 14 reps three sets in a row but not get 15 on the first attempt?!

Upright Rows: 16, 13, 7 x 61kg (134lb) New 15RM again!
Welcome to Geezerville. We tend to do better as we acclimate by stress. The old days of strongest first are gone and we actually seem to increase strengths set by set: what I think is actually happening is we're coming up to our actual strength, but we're just starting poorly, like an old engine on bad gas. It runs better after warming up.
(quadancer @ Apr. 26 2008,6:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Welcome to Geezerville. We tend to do better as we acclimate by stress. The old days of strongest first are gone and we actually seem to increase strengths set by set: what I think is actually happening is we're coming up to our actual strength, but we're just starting poorly, like an old engine on bad gas. It runs better after warming up.</div>
Every engine, no matter how old it is, needs a warm up.
Week 4 - 1st week of 10s

Mon 28/04/08

Still with the washed out feeling, a sore throat and a bit of a headache. Looks like my lad has contracted glandular fever (mono to you US folks). I've never had it to my knowledge so I hope I didn't share a drink with him in the last month. Apparently it's a bad thing to get if you are older and I am certainly that! I'm pretty sure I just have a regular cold bug.

Front Squat: 10 x 60kg, 2 x 10 x 92.5kg (203lb), 2 x 5 x 92.5kg (203lb)

Didn't feel like doing any more after that; hope I feel a bit brighter tomorrow.


After a break, changed my mind and added in this (nothing too strenuous mind you):

Parallel-grip Chins: 10 x bw, 20(MS) x bw - the Max-Stim reps followed straight on from the set of 10.

Bench: 30 x 60kg (132lb) - just to try to help alleviate some stiffness after Saturday's effort.

Standing Press: warmups then 6 x 10 x 50kg (110lb) - felt less of a CNS hit than 3 x 15 last time around
Wed 30/04/08

Deadlift day!

I have been dreading this all day. I knew what I had to do but wasn't sure if I would live to tell the tale.

Deads: warmups with 60kg, 110kg, 140kg, then 15 x 160kg (352lb) New 15RM then 2 x 5 x 160kg (352lb)*

I used regular hook grip for the first 12 and then switched to reverse grip for the final three reps. I really thought I might pass out on the final rep, but I made it. That was killer! At this moment I never want to willingly do that ever again. The upside (apart from getting a new 15RM) is that it seems that my heart is okay.

I am still not feeling 100% well (it was probably a bit daft to push myself this much considering but anyway...) so I will stop there for now and may do some more later on when I have had a bit of a break.

*Edited to add:

As it turned out, some mates arrived whilst I was catching my breath so I decided to just do a further two sets of 5 with 352 to make up a reasonable total before going out for a feed - I'll have to finish up tomorrow.


My op is set for the 15th May so I have a few weeks before I am out of the loop again.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">(352lb) New 15RM</div>

Pretty cool...your max is more than 475, you just don't know it yet. Been a very long time since I've done high reps with deadlifts, they're killer
Thanks for the advice from a couple of days ago about the squats...will do!  Also sending my wishes for a speedy recovery from both the cold and the operation.  Great work on the PR's...I think I'd be pushing 200 bpm if I attemped anything that strenuous, obviously keeping in mind that I can't even lift THAT once.
(colby2152 @ Apr. 30 2008,8:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Holy crap... did you just pull over 350 lbs for 15 straight reps?

Two more weeks to set a bunch of PR's... good luck!</div>
Yup. They were not MS reps, they were consecutive with only enough time to put the bar down and pick it up again. For the last three reps I had to take two breaths between reps.

It was a truly holistic experience! No one part of my body felt most fatigued, just the whole lot together. The last rep was really hard once the bar was at my knee level and was the one time I've felt that I might actually not be able to straighten right up to get that last inch or so. That points to my lower back giving out but it doesn't feel as bad now as it has done after fewer reps with heavier iron. Of course, tomorrow might be another story...  

I hope you are right about my max Steve. I'd love to be able to hit 500 by June/July time.
Thurs 01/05/08

Pretty darn sore everywhere after yesterday's deads. Sore throat came back as well!

Dips: warmups then 5 x 10 x bw+20kg (44lb) - not heavy but still hard by the last set.

Parallel-grip Chins: 10 x bw+6kg (13lb) then 15(MS) x bw+6kg (13lb)

Single-arm DB Press: 10 x 21kg (46lb), 3 x 10 x 26kg (57lb) - Had to do a slight push press on the 10th rep of my final set for my left arm. No problem for my right arm.

EZ-bar Curls: 20, 15 x 41kg (90lb) - high rep work for the old tendon/joint pain issue

EZ-bar Overhead Tri Extensions: 2 x 15 x 41kg (90lb)

&lt;barely audible whistling noise, becoming louder and louder as if something large and podgy was falling swiftly back down to earth&gt;


&lt;dusts self off&gt;

Ahem... Quad, I feel honoured to have been so swiftly outdone by so determined a fellow as your good self.

I dub thee 'Sir Quadmonster.' May your pacemaker batteries remain charged for many years to come!  