Slapshotz' SST journal

Nice workout!! I use old metal washers with 25# test fishing line tied thru them. Weigh them out on a food scale in 1/2 # and 1# ropes.
(Slapshotz @ Jan. 09 2008,16:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">um, I think bb'g is different from, oh, say, murder....but maybe I'm bass ackwards on the subject.
What, you've never heard of a &quot;killer&quot; workout...?
Hey, guys, great suggestions....the fishing line is definitely an option for my home setup. And as far as killer workouts, dunno why, but my traps were so sore from yesterday, it woke me up this morning. d'oh!

A new gym store opened up near my house, and they actually had the 1.25 and the 2.50 magnetic plates. I almost $hit myself when I found out the price, tho...those little weights are expensive! I think my entire 500 pound weight set at home cost @$250, and they wanted almost $100 for four 1.25 plates and two 2.50 I just bought the four 1.25 plates for around $50.

Hopefully I won't lose them the way I lose my straps at least once every couple months...
Aw, how many times do I have to say it to you guys...get some blown speakers from the local stereo shop and chisel off the magnets! FREEEEEEE!!! FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!
MaxStim - Workout 13

Barbbell Bench Press: 210 - 20 (Previous 205 - 20)
Weighted Dips: BW + 55 - 15, 2 sets
20 Mins. Cardio

Notes: Took some time off as a result of being sick, and had a strong effort today.

But I've learned something.

Every time I try to crank up the frequency of my workouts, I fail miserably....feeling overtrained, having poor sleep, irritable, etc. Happens every time.

My greatest successes have always come from less frequent workouts, so I guess I have to go back to that. By less frequent, I'm allowing two to three days in between weight sessions, with some cardio thrown in between.

The intensity in my workouts is such that I guess I need the rest in between (CNS &amp; muscular). When I did routines like HST in the past, there were plenty of workouts where you were working suboptimally, and more frequent workouts didn't hurt me, but now that every session is a balls to the wall kinda thing, I have to allow more time in between so I can continue to methodically increase my loads and get stronger.
(Slapshotz @ Jan. 17 2008,16:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The intensity in my workouts is such that I guess I need the rest in between (CNS &amp; muscular).  When I did routines like HST in the past, there were plenty of workouts where you were working suboptimally, and more frequent workouts didn't hurt me, but now that every session is a balls to the wall kinda thing, I have to allow more time in between so I can continue to methodically increase my loads and get stronger.</div>
That is pretty much universal training wisdom. Suboptimal = high frequency; High-intensity SST/ME work = lower frequency.

BTW, nice benching.
I have noticed similar results with higher frequency. Note, that higher frequency means working a muscle x amount of times per week. Personally, I plan on doing an upper lower split for my next cycle. Upper body will be trained 3x/week and lower body will be trained 2x/week on different days than the upper body. That still only totals 3x/week for most of my muscles (arms, abs get hit 5x/week).

This is the one thing I haven't enjoyed through my 912 cycle. I have put off trying this cycle for almost three years now, and I may not do it again because the frequency is too high. Imagine starting off with 80% of your 1RM for Bench Press, and progressing that every single day for 12 straight days. There is no energy to lift such a high load on half of those days.

Anywho, forgive me for my rant, just wanted to chime in! BTW, for a 2.5 lb addition to my barbell, I used one of those ankle weights, and strapped it to the middle of the bar between the inner knurls.
Hey, that's a neat idea! I just don't understand using something less than 5 lbs. tho.
I'm seeing the ankle weights around the wrists...using db's! Quick and easy bump.
Sci, My M-time is between 20 and 30 seconds, as it is for all my lifts. I imagine that time will get longer as I near my peaks (BW+75 on the pullups, 150 on the military, etc.)

Sci wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That is pretty much universal training wisdom. Suboptimal = high frequency; High-intensity SST/ME work = lower frequency.

BTW, nice benching.</div>

Hey, tks for the props...and yer right. That's bodybuilding 101, and I always seem to forget that very simple rule. Every time I break it, the results ain't pretty.

Colby wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Imagine starting off with 80% of your 1RM for Bench Press, and progressing that every single day for 12 straight days.</div>

See, I think that *brief* bouts of purposeful training are okay, if you realize ahead of time that that's what you're doing, and then plan on taking a nice SD afterwards. Where I get into trouble is when I increase frequency/intensity on an ad-lib basis, and only when my workouts go in the crapper or I get run down or sick do I realize what I did. Always in retrospect. Hopefully, that won't be an issue anymore

Q-dood wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I just don't understand using something less than 5 lbs. tho</div>

Obviously you haven't hit your strength ceiling yet, then, old man! Not all of us can have superman vitamins
MaxStim - Workout 14

Deadlifts: 295 - 20 (Previous 275 - 20)
Back extensions
Pulley rows
Dumbbell curls

20 Mins. Cardio

Notes:  Woke up feeling pretty good, so decide to make today a deadlift day.  Weight went up pretty smooth, so 305 will probably be the next goal.

And just as a reminder to my ignorant self, I'm going to take tomorrow and monday off, doing only cardio monday, and make my next session either tuesday or wednesday.  I always know when I'm in the right zone b/c I'm strong in my workouts, and I am getting restful sleep at night.  I'm gonna try like hell to maintain that delicate balance from now on.
...the countdown begins...@ 2 months until my week's vacation in the Bahamas with the wife...gotta drop about 3 or 4 pounds to get into beach shape.

My diet will stay the same, I'll just add about 60 mins. of cardio per week.  Should do the trick

So, without further ado, 40 mins. of cardio this evening.
(quadancer @ Jan. 21 2008,22:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You are inSANE lil' guy! Comin' thru Atlanta? Let's work out!</div>
well...I'll be flyin' over you.  Maybe I'll parachute in for a few sets with the Q-dood...

MaxStim - Workout 14

Barbbell Shoulder Press: 150 - 20 (Previous 150 - 15)
Barbbell Shrugs:  415 - 15, 12, 2 sets
Lat Raises
15 Mins. Cardio

Notes:  f**K yeah, baby!  Solid, strong, all around good effort.  Need more days like this.
415 - 15 FOR Barbell shrugs makes me crave a power rack even more...

Slapshotz, you are not in beach shape? How in the ach-e-double hockey sticks aren't you?
(colby2152 @ Jan. 22 2008,20:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">415 - 15 FOR Barbell shrugs makes me crave a power rack even more...

Slapshotz, you are not in beach shape?  How in the ach-e-double hockey sticks aren't you?</div>
lol......tks, colby.

i define beach shape as how I ended my cut last summer. i'm probably up around 9 or 10 now, which means i've lost the visibility of the last ab row. I need to drop @ 4 pounds to get that last row to &quot;pop&quot;, and hence the &quot;beach shape&quot;

rather than eat less (which is tough as hell in the winter when it's cold), I'll just increase my cardio by about 1 to 1.5 hours per week over what I already do. increasing intensity/load on my MS workouts should help retain LBM, just like last summer.