LOL, I use a hook grip for any heavy pull. Unless your a freak, you'll always get more from a hook grip. It just takes a few weeks to get used to it. I hated it the first few workouts, but I could pull 50-60 pounds more.
Week 1. I'm back to it. I did more than I should have after not lifting for over a week, I'll really feel it tomorrow. Gym scale has me at 220, so I'll go by that, at least it's consistent.
olympic squats: 370 (168k) 2x5
push-press: 220 (100k) 10 max-stim PR
pendlay rows: 285 (129.5k) 10 max-stim
dips: 95x5
I knew one set of squats would have been enough, 2 weeks since I last did back squats, I was already feeling sore warming up for push-presses. I'm glad I got a PR, FINALLY push-pressing bodyweight, but I should have stayed with 215, 220 was really tough to lock-out. After more than a week off I should have started lower, but I figured it would be OK since I'm doing max-stim.
It's real tempting to push-press 225 (102K) next workout, but I'm sure I'll hit that next week, I don't want to hit a wall again so quick. I'm going to make a few other adjustments though, I'm cutting volume back a bit and not back squatting 2x a week. Instead, olympic squats only on Monday and front squats on Friday.