Slow bulk

Great work Liege...good 2 see you back. Looks like you'll be carrying the strength torch for awhile whilst Jonesey & I get our injuries under control. I'll have to live vicariously through you for awhile
Thanks slapz and sci. Man, I was right, I am really sore today. I did snatch work today, lots of reps. Did an OH squat with each power snatch.

hang power snatch: 60k 7x3, 50k didn't keep count
It does mate, but my gosh, was I sore today. Deadlifts took care of that though, despite deadlifts being a train wreck today. I haven't deadlifted in almost 3 weeks, not a good idea to increase the weight.

Deadlift: 465x3,1,1
bench: 240x12, max-stim
chins: bw+45 2x5

If my deadlift doesn't get back to normal soon, I'm going to try what Bill Starr suggested and not deadlift for a while and focus on cleans.

I'm happy with the bench, I could have done more, but I had to leave the gym. I'm shocked with the chins though, I could barely finish each set, looks like strength dropped quite a bit, more so than in the dips. I'll probably max-stim chins for a while.
Thanks colby. I was smart tonight, I took it easy and went lighter with cleans. It was a good thing too, I'm still feeling last night's deadlifts.

squat cleans: 100k 2x3
hang clean & jerk: 90k 3x3
hang cleans: 90k didn't keep count

My traps are sore to the bone. My form is really improving. I'm doing the lift slower to focus on proper form, making sure I start the second pull at the right point. The 100k cleans were practically from a hang.
(liegelord @ Jun. 06 2007,23:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If my deadlift doesn't get back to normal soon, I'm going to try what Bill Starr suggested and not deadlift for a while and focus on cleans.</div>
Benching and deadlifting are funny animals, aren't they? As I have neared my &quot;genetic limit&quot;, it seems that all the stars have to align perfectly for me to nail new PBs, and even with that, I've been stuck at this dead number for over 2 months now!

I absolutely agree with your approach, though. Sometimes you just need to step away from the very lift that's giving you grief, and when you revisit it after a few weeks, you'll probably find your warmup sets suprisingly light, and a new pr waiting for you. It's happened to me, more than a few times.

Sometimes I wonder how long it really takes to recover from this insane heavy lifting we do....and when I say &quot;recover&quot;, I mean recovered enough so that the next time you go in, you can do more. It's probably a lot longer than we think.
I did mention I went &quot;lighter&quot; not that it was light quad
Although they felt heavier because I hit the deadlift hard the night before.

Last night I got in real late and didn't have the energy for a full workout. I knew I was off, I can't lift late. I could have gotten a few more push-presses and rows, but the gym closed.

front squats: 285x5
push-press: 225x5 max-stim PR!
pendlay rows: 290x7 max-stim
dips: bw+100x5

I knew better this time to go lighter with front squats and keep it to only one set, I'll do more next week. As far as push-presses, I just couldn't resist putting on 225. It's the first time I've done push-presses with more than bodyweight and I'll probably be there for a few workouts.

What is pathetic is I'm push-pressing 225 and benching 240.

I was able to get in an olympic workout today. Just worked form, my traps are still really sore.

hang power snatch: 62.5k 3x3 PR
hang squat clean: 90k 3x3
hang C&amp;J: 90k 2x3

Form is really improving, the power snatches flew up, should easily do 70k Tuesday. The cleans went easily also. I need some sleep now.
Monday week 2. Just off today, maybe I didn't eat enough. Anyway, BW up to 220.4 though.

olympic squats: 375x5,4,3
push press: 225x6 max stim PR, 9 missed

pendlay rows: 290x13 max-stim
dips: 105x5,3

Form was off with squats and push-presses. I missed 9 push-presses, I was just shy of lock-out so I don't count them. I think the bar was too far forward. My main-focus is the push-press right now. My next goal is 315. This is pretty motivating.
(liegelord @ Jun. 11 2007,23:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Monday week 2.  Just off today, maybe I didn't eat enough.  Anyway, BW up to 220.4 though.

olympic squats: 375x5,4,3
push press: 225x6 max stim PR, 9 missed  

pendlay rows: 290x13 max-stim
dips: 105x5,3

Form was off with squats and push-presses. I missed 9 push-presses, I was just shy of lock-out so I don't count them.  I think the bar was too far forward.  My main-focus is the push-press right now.   My next goal is 315.  This is pretty motivating.</div>
Nice work on the push presses! Don't even worry about the missed ones, next time you'll get all 15!
Oh, THAT'S a push press. (I'd thought it was the machine thing...)
Will those help my standing overhead presses? My failure point is usually right off the collarbone or about halfway up.
Thanks slapz, a big push-press is definitely more impressive than a big bench. I know 225 is not a lot of weight, but it felt better than when I benched 315 the first time.

quad, the guy in the video, though a beast, did not do a push-press, it was a push jerk. he missed the jerk and pressed it to lock-out. This video is a better example of a push-press. His form isn't the best, and he'll get much more weight when he learns to not come up on the balls of his feet, I was doing that for a while. And yes, push-presses will help you with strict OH presses.

I just found this, this is a very impressive push-press.

Did snatch work tonight. Form is really improving. I know I'm lifting sissy weights, but I'm doing hang snatches with close to what I was doing floor snatches with

hang power snatch w/drop snatch: 147 (66.8k) 3x3 PR, 110 (50k) 3x3

I would do a hang power snatch, lower the weight BTN to my shoulders and then do a drop snatch. I really understand now why olympic lifters have such incredible shoulder development.
Repping 315 like that...I want some a' what HE'S smokin'!!! I can see it has the advantages of like doing negs. Sooner or later the legs wouldn't be needed for help.

I don't WANT to put 315 on my shoulder joints~!

225, yes. Someday.
I was sick yesterday and didn't lift, and should not have lifted today. Wow, what a train wreck.

deadlift: 465x2
bench: 245x14 max-stim
chins: bw+45 3x5

Suprisingly while my deadlift tanked, my bench improved. I know I was sick yesterday, but I'm going to stop deadlifting and do what Bill Starr wrote about and focus on cleans for a month or so. My deadlift is my best lift and it just isn't going like it usually does. I'll hit cleans 2x a week and see where my deadlift is in a month or so. I may change my routine a bit to focus on olympic lifting for a couple of months. I'm more interested in getting stronger and more powerful anyway.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm going to stop deadlifting and do what Bill Starr wrote about and focus on cleans for a month or so.</div>

Sometimes you have to stop an exercise for a while to once again improve your strength on it. Good luck with that.
I agree with your decision, liege...stepping away from the lift for a few weeks to a month is a good thing. I'm willing to bet that you come back and set a PB right away. It's a weird phenomenon how that works.
Yeah, I read that article Bill Starr wrote in 1969, he stopped deadlifting and focused on cleans, clean pulls and good mornings. His deadlift increased 60 pounds in a couple of months. I lifted tonight, but still have the tail end of that cold so I didn't do heavy cleans from the floor.

hang squat cleans: 210 (95.5k) 3x3 PR
hang C&amp;J: 70k 3x5

Form is really improved, I power cleaned a couple of the 95.5k instead of full squat. I'm going to really focus on the olympic lifts for a few months. I want to push-press and squat clean 315 before the end of the year and deadlift at least 575.
Nice work on the PR!!

I'm doing that myself (kinda!) I'm staying clear of the deadlift mostly due to my injury, so we'll see if it has similar effects.
Thanks slapz, if I wasn't hitting PR's on other exercises, I'd be really concerned about my deadlift. I'm out of town until tomorrow, so I won't be lifting again until Wed. night. I probably need a few extra days rest. I'll be doing a routine focused on olympic lifting, I probably won't deadlift for at least a month. I'll post the new routine and goals when I'm back home.

I'd like to push-press 250 in a couple of months though.