The Road to 10%

5th workout delayed a day, but stayed in a caloric deficit, so it's all good

912 HST - 1/11/08
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches: 25 reps (1 set)
Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Side Bends: 45 - 10
One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 12.5 - 15, 82.5 - 5, 112.5 - [PR: 5 -3-2]
Bench Press: 45 - 15, 135 - 5, 200 - [5-1-1]
Shrugs: 45 - 20, 155 - [5-3-2]</span>
<span style='color:red'>Back Squats &amp; Cleans w/unloaded barbell</span>

Total weight lifted in 912 portion: 4.33 tons
(scientific muscle @ Jan. 12 2008,19:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Nice Rowing! and another PR while cutting!</div>
Thank you Sci, now here comes the best PR of all!!!

Halfway through my 912 venture, and I am at about 90% of my 1RM for these lifts. I think there will be a lot of PR's this week!

912 HST - 1/12/08
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches: 25 reps (1 set)
Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Side Bends: 45 - 10
One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 12.5 - 15, 82.5 - 5, 112.5 - [5-3-2]
Bench Press: 45 - 15, 135 - 5, 202.5 - [PR: 5 -2-2-1]
Shrugs: 45 - 20, 135 - 5, 160 - [5-5]
Lateral Raises: 22.5 - [5-3-2]</span>
<span style='color:red'>Back Squats &amp; Cleans w/unloaded barbell</span>

Total weight lifted in 912 portion: 5.11 tons
(BAX67 @ Jan. 12 2008,22:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Good to see your strength is holding up! Nice job on the rowing and bench pr's.</div>
Thanks Bax... I wasn't mentally into my workout today... I tried benching right off the bat without the dynamic first exercise of the rows, and my energy and focus suffered...

912 HST - 1/13/08
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches: 25 reps (1 set)
Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Side Bends: 45 - 10
Bench Press: 45 - 15, 135 - 5, 205 - [3-2-1-1]</span>

I am considering redoing this workout tomorrow. This will put me on pace to end the 912 routine (that I turned into a 12.5 plus 1 day of rest routine) on Saturday.
Well, I seem to be bending the rules of the 912 routine, but at least I am still cutting at a decent rate and working out very frequently. 7/12 of the way through and I landed on the shores of New PR's!

(scientific muscle @ Jan. 12 2008,19:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Nice Rowing! and another PR while cutting!</div>
Thank you Sci, now here comes the best PR of all!!!

912 HST - 1/15/08
<span style='color:red'>Cleans: Tabata style (4 min)
Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Side Bends: 35 - 20
One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 12.5 - 15, 82.5 - 5, 115 - [4-4-2]
Bench Press: 45 - 15, 135 - 5, 205 - [PR: 5 -3-2]
Shrugs: 45 - 15, 135 - 5, 165 - [5-3-2]
Reverse Curl Cuban Press: 60 - [PR: 5 -3-2]</span>
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches: 25 reps (3 sets)</span>

Total weight lifted in 912 portion: 5.25 tons at an aggregate 91.6% of my 1RM.
I had no time to lift yesterday due to personal reasons.

Be prepared for a long read about the split path I face on my road to 10%.

I have been running the numbers this morning, and I am on a good pace to hit 10% body fat by May 31st. However, I have been going at this pace so far, and the expected weight loss has not happened. The body fat percentage is not dipping as much as I thought it would, so there must be something wrong in my calculations. I am hungry a lot, and I work out as much as possible, so I know I am cutting correctly, but it may not be enough. I record calories burned per exercise as part of my TDEE. These calories burned per minute statistics are based on my weight at the time. The lower a person's weight, the less amount of calories they burn for an exercise. Therefore, I am going to apply my ULW assumptions to exercise by setting my measured weight at 220 (a whole 19 pounds lighter than what I currently weigh). This should create a drastic change in my TDEE. In fact, it seems that it reduces my calories burned via exercise by 6.5%.

At the end of the day, whatever the numbers are, I need to change something. I need to consume less calories and burn more. Two problems that have occurred with my caloric intake are my fiber intake and Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation. Fiber has been correlated with weight loss, and studies have shown that the calories from fiber end up being undigested for thermodynamic purposes. However, what is not seen is the additional amount of calories that are not fiber within these fiber supplements. The most cost effective ways to increase fiber are through beans and ready-to-eat breakfast cereals. These foods contain fiber, but they also have additional sugars, other carbs, protein, and some fat. Protein is no problem, but the extra fat and carbs are the areas of caloric intake that I am trying to reduce. My numbers have shown that fiber seems to have a slightly negative correlation (r=-.15) with weight loss. This can be drawn from the fact that fiber brings in those extra unwanted calories.

I am not giving up on fiber for my lifelong diet. Its benefits outweigh the extra calories. However, it does not seem to have its place in my current cutting diet. The increased fiber intake gives me about 450 extra calories. Out of those extra calories, there is about 25 grams worth of fiber. Subtract that 100 calories out and there is an extra 350 calories. That is what I call excessive baggage, and it is unnecessary for my plane trip to 10%. Now, all those extra calories are not to be blamed exclusively on fiber. The fish oil has a lot to do with that. In the same comparison tests, the fish oil has resulted in an increase of 10 grams of fat per day. That is another 90 calories. 350 - 90 = 260. It is safe to say that I can blame 260 extra calories on fiber. The fish oil is a pure supplement while the fiber isn't. I cannot afford to have both purely supplemented, and I believe the benefits of the fish oil outweigh any other nutritional supplement.

For the next 19 weeks, I will return to non-supplemented normal fiber intake. Fish oil consumption will stay the same. ULW assumptions are applied to exercise reducing my TDEE an average of 50 calories per day. It is safe to say that these extra steps in and out of the numbers will have dramatic effects on my weight loss.

I am posting this in my Optimizing Your Caloric Intake thread due to relevancy.
2/3 of the way through my 912 routine and I hit a major problem area: my equipment. The $15 used flat bench that I had bought is not looking as safe anymore with the heavy weights on it. It is rickety as its joints, and IMO I would do myself harm and put my life into jeopardy by further benching heavy weights on it. This was my main exercise of the 912 routine, so it throws off the work load for the last four workouts.

912 HST - 1/17/08
<span style='color:red'>Back Squats: Tabata style (4 min)*
Jump Ropes with high of 77 reps</span>
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 12.5 - 15, 82.5 - 5, 120 - [3-4-4]
Bench Press: 45 - 15, 135 - 5, 210 - [3-2-2-2-1]</span>

Short workout due to personal reasons, but that is my last heavy bench. I would still like to do bench press, but I suppose I can concentrate on higher reps and add in Chair Dips as my main chest exercise. Pullovers and pec flys are also options. What to do?

P.S. I am looking for a flat bench (w/o rack) or adjustable bench that can support a lot of weight. I am talking a capacity of at least 700 lbs to be on the safe side. Feel free to post suggestions in my training log or home gym log (home exercise equipment section). Thanks guys!
(colby2152 @ Jan. 17 2008,21:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The $15 used flat bench that I had bought is not looking as safe anymore with the heavy weights on it. It is rickety as its joints, and IMO I would do myself harm and put my life into jeopardy by further benching heavy weights on it. This was my main exercise of the 912 routine, so it throws off the work load for the last four workouts.</div>
You might try doing your bench presses while lying on the floor. You won't be able to lower the bar all the way to your chest, but you can still do a major portion of the exercise. That may be better than skipping bench presses altogether...
(TunnelRat @ Jan. 17 2008,23:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(colby2152 @ Jan. 17 2008,21:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The $15 used flat bench that I had bought is not looking as safe anymore with the heavy weights on it. It is rickety as its joints, and IMO I would do myself harm and put my life into jeopardy by further benching heavy weights on it. This was my main exercise of the 912 routine, so it throws off the work load for the last four workouts.</div>
You might try doing your bench presses while lying on the floor. You won't be able to lower the bar all the way to your chest, but you can still do a major portion of the exercise. That may be better than skipping bench presses altogether...</div>
Thanks TR, I will consider that, but how should I go about doing that? People recommended that to me during the days of my caveman workouts. The floor bench press would end up being a partial rep exercise. Intuitively, I could put more load on the bar, but in this case I think the load will be lower since I lack a full stretch.

Hmm, I would have to put it to practice. The load is toughest to push when it is close to the chest, and that would be removed from the exercise.

The major problem I find with this exercise is the lack of maneuvering for the elbows/shoulders.
TR, I looked more into the floor press, and since I do not own a rack yet, I could stick with the DB Floor Press. See the bottom end of this article.
My 912 routine is wrapping up without bench press, so nothing really notable. I am stick with DB Floor Presses and Dips as my main chest exercises. I will be posting my newest cycle in a few days when it is ready to unravel!
My first bench made out in my cabin in Missouri was two 4x4 uprights, some 2x4's and a piece of plywood with an old couch cushion on it. It would hold a truck, and cost about $12. (a bit more these days) I used to bench with no collars, so I could abort if I got in trouble out there. Clank.
I seem to remember from the MuscleNow site that Francesco told us to ignore fibre calories or protein from fibre because the fibre itself helps rid one of fat by some mechanism or the other. I'll have to find my old book and see.
(quadancer @ Jan. 20 2008,18:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My first bench made out in my cabin in Missouri was two 4x4 uprights, some 2x4's and a piece of plywood with an old couch cushion on it. It would hold a truck, and cost about $12. (a bit more these days) I used to bench with no collars, so I could abort if I got in trouble out there. Clank.
I seem to remember from the MuscleNow site that Francesco told us to ignore fibre calories or protein from fibre because the fibre itself helps rid one of fat by some mechanism or the other. I'll have to find my old book and see.</div>

Thank you for the advice. Please let me know what you find from that book. As far as the bench is concerned: I am no carpenter, and I wouldn't trust the safety of my own creation when it comes to loads 450 lbs and up. Your advice and others in PM's has been helpful though in my search for a bench. In the mean time, I have created a new routine for my 14th HST cycle...

HST Cycle #14
This seven week routine (eight if deload week is included) is my first true Max-Stimulation cycle. I will also cycle three exercises in for a high repetition HST cycle. Two separate days each week, I will be training my legs. The goal is to limit the growth possibilities in the legs by using a certain training regiment along with calorie cycling. I will progress week to week, but the frequency of high load will be once per week. The other workout is for endurance, doing speed deadlifts and speed J-Squats. I pulled some ideas by using 10 x 3 and some of the Westside principles. I also have a goal of introducing some Olympic lifts into the routine.

HST Max-Stim
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows
Power Cleans</span>
HST Regular Mesocycles
<span style='color:blue'>DB Floor Press</span>
HST High Reps (20/15/10)
<span style='color:blue'>Hang Jump Shrug

That is a routine I will do 3x/week probably Mon/Wed/Sat. The following strength routine will be performed 2x/week most likely on Tue/Thurs.

SST Routine A
<span style='color:blue'>Deadlift - 10 x 3
Jefferson Squats - Speed 3 x 15</span>

SST Routine B
<span style='color:blue'>Deadlift - Speed 3 x 15
Jefferson Squats - 10 x 3</span>

Deloading period / warming up on form starts this week. Pictures will be taken this week to track progress.
Your gonna be hurtin' with all those max stim power cleans followed by deads and j-squats the next day.

I have an old bench in my garage that's really heavy duty. I don't use it because it's a pain to move in and out of my rack. If your interested I can snap some pics.
(BAX67 @ Jan. 21 2008,22:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Your gonna be hurtin' with all those max stim power cleans followed by deads and j-squats the next day.

I have an old bench in my garage that's really heavy duty. I don't use it because it's a pain to move in and out of my rack. If your interested I can snap some pics.</div>
Thank you Bax, but that's fine. I believe I have found the bench-rack combo that I was looking for.

As far as me hurtin'.... It is a workout after all!

Side note: Despite not being in a caloric deficit the past three days, I have dropped size in my waist. I have moved another notch in my belt, and it isn't even tight! Approximate bodyfat% is in the 13's.
I will also have a warmup routine consisting of:

<span style='color:red'>Pilates / Swiss Ball Crunches
Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Side Bends
Chair Dips</span>
Fine looking cycle, Colby. I hope this helps get you to 10% OR BELOW! Heck - you may get there just from puking!

Seriously, it looks like a great cycle.
Warming up this week...

HST Regular/MS SST Mix - 1/22/08
<span style='color:red'>Pilates
Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Side Bends: 45 - 15
Power Cleans: 45 - 20 (MS)
Deadlift: 45 - 15, 135 - 3 (10 sets)
One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 45 - 20 (MS)
Hang Jump Shrug: 45 - 20
Speed Jefferson Squats: 45 - 15 (2 sets)</span>

The speed J-Squats are normally done twice within a true set because you naturally turn the bar 30 degrees to what side. However, doing six TOTAL sets of speed J-Squats is a bit too much. I think I will stick to a warmup + one set of 15 for each side.

Deadlift form seemed to go pretty good... I am currently reading that chapter of Starting Strength, and my main sticking point is the rounded back at the starting position. I am conscious of the angle between my abs and quads (that prevents the rounding) and where my butt is. I am sure I am not doing it perfect, but it seems a lot better than before - feels natural like I was doing the straight leg deadlifts, but with the true deadlift form.

Olympic lifts were awkward as always... Hang Jump Shrug is probably right on, but I am still learning Clean Press.