The Road to 10%

(AKUFADUM @ Feb. 05 2008,08:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sorry to hijack but uh - what is IF?
Intermittent Fasting, usually pertains to consuming all calories around a certain period the day. That period lasts 4-10 hours depending on the severity of the fast.
HST WO - 2/6/08
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches: 25 (4 sets)</span>
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 12.5 - 15, 62.5 - 5, 82.5 - 20 (MS)
Power Clean: 65 - 20 (MS)
Reverse Curl Cuban Press: 20 - 20
Hang Jump Shrug: 65 - 20
Chair Dips: 8 (2 sets)</span>
One week... plenty of walking, ran a few miles in Orlando, and lifted some DB's on Saturday. I am extending the mesocycle one week to finish out the high load portion / push my 15/20RM's.

Excellent results in the diet... I definitely noticed a body recomposition over the weekend...

Daily Caloric Balance: -613.64
Fiber: 17.20
Protein: 129.97
EPA: 1039.17
DHA: 920.14
Omega-6 to Omega-3: 1.69
Average Fast: 12.86 hrs

Weight: 236.9
BF%: 13.75%

Caloric Bal: -4295
Goal: -1983.4
Efficiency: 217%
I lifted once last week, so therefore I decided to eat at maintenance. I am back to my schedule for this week... I will be finishing out my first mesocycle, and continue on to my 2nd by the end of the week. I would like to get a head start on the second mesocycle since I will be in NYC for four days next week. This month has been tough with travels to Orlando, NE PA, and then NYC.
I think I am becoming as impatient as you are to see you finally reach 10%. This thread should have been entitled, &quot;The LONG road to 10%.&quot; You have admirable sticking power.

Am I correct in thinking you have to get to about 225lb? After last weeks respite, I really hope you manage to get that remaining fat off soon; only about 11lb to go!
(Lol @ Feb. 19 2008,10:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I think I am becoming as impatient as you are to see you finally reach 10%. This thread should have been entitled, &quot;The LONG road to 10%.&quot; You have admirable sticking power.

Am I correct in thinking you have to get to about 225lb? After last weeks respite, I really hope you manage to get that remaining fat off soon; only about 11lb to go!
225 seems to be the target weight for that body fat percentage. My body looked much better after Orlando probably due to all the walking I did at the conference. I also went running once, and I lifted at the hotel clubhouse once.

As far as sticking to dieting is concerned, my motivation is that I will get to eat come June.
(Lol @ Feb. 19 2008,10:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This thread should have been entitled, &quot;The LONG road to 10%.&quot;

...only about 11lb to go!
Yeah, Colby has been my encouragement during the long cut. I, too, have been impressed with the amount of time it takes to lose those last few pounds. I'm nearly ready to start reading some of Lyle's alchemy...!

I have another 5 pounds before I reach my 10%. It seems the closer I get, the harder it is to lose.
Catching up on my log...

HST WO - 2/12/08
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 50 - 20 (MS)
Power Cleans: 60 - 20
Hang Jump Shrug: 60 - 20
RCCP: 20 - 20</span>

HST WO - 2/18/08
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 82.5 - 20 (MS)
Power Cleans: 65 - 20
RCCP: 20 - 20</span>

HST WO w/the Deadlift - 2/18/08
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 87.5 - 20 (MS), PR: 87.5 - 10
Power Cleans: 65 - 20
RCCP: PR: 25 - 20
Chair Dips: 8 (2 sets)
Deadlift: 140 - 3 (10 sets)</span>
Great to see you getting some PRs Colby.

Your dips down on reps a bit? These should be getting easier as you lose weight. Maybe you are adding extra weight?
(Lol @ Feb. 20 2008,07:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Great to see you getting some PRs Colby.

Your dips down on reps a bit? These should be getting easier as you lose weight. Maybe you are adding extra weight?</div>
That's good to see that you have been paying attention to my log. I am not as passionate with the dips because the chair dips are tough on my wrists. I didn't do them for a week and a half, and the endurance wasn't there.
(colby2152 @ Sep. 14 2007,15:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(bluejacket @ Sep. 14 2007,15:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">what are your goals in between then and now?
at this point with what you currently know about training/diet going from 12.1% to 10% could be a goal for october 31.

either way, good luck</div>
My last cycle has been disrupted, so I never attained the 12.1% goal. I am in the low 13's though. I could be even higher, but I will know when I hit 12% since my handles will be gone.

My goal is to be at least 10% by next June, but getting to 8% would be even better. If I hit the goal earlier, I'll start my slow bulk, and I should stay at the same bf% as I put on muscle.

For now, my weight training is at a halt until I get some DB's - see my home gym log.</div>
How naive I was! I am finally into the low 13's five months later. I have three and a half months to go until I can get to 10%. Dieting has become much easier because I have mentally adjusted to the cut. I have been cutting more and more calories over the past couple months, so the time to be in the best shape of my life is now!
(BAX67 @ Feb. 20 2008,17:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Seize the moment and run with it Colby!!</div>
I am going with it...

HST WO - 2/20/08
<span style='color:red'>Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Pullover: 12.5 - 15, 40 - 15 (2 sets)
Power Clean: 45 - 10, 70 - 20 (MS)
Hang Jump Shrug: 70 - 20</span>
SST WO - 2/21/08
<span style='color:red'>Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Jefferson Squat: 70 - 3 (10 sets)</span>

Abbreviated workout, no speed deads today. I worked out right after my birthday dinner (salmon, salad, pasta, stuffed peppers = healthy, tiramisu = unhealty!). At least I put a workout in tonight!
HST WO - 2/25/08
<span style='color:red'>10 min on Elliptical machine</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Chest Press: 150 - 10 (3 sets)
Concentration Curl: 60 - 10
Reverse Curl: 50 - 10
Lat Pulldown: 120 - 10 (2 sets)
Pec Flys: 140 - 10</span>

Universal machine wasn't too bad, but at least it was here at the hotel. The only other weights were baby weights up to 15 lbs a piece.
(colby2152 @ Feb. 25 2008,15:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The only other weights were baby weights up to 15 lbs a piece.</div>
When the only weights available come in shades of pink and blue, that's a good time to do some lateral raises, making virtue of necessity...
HST WO - 2/26/08
<span style='color:blue'>5 min on Ellpitical</span>
<span style='color:red'>Chest Press: 160 - 10 (2 sets)
Lat Pulldown: 130 - 10 (2 sets)
RCCP: 24 - 15
Lateral Raises: 12 - 10 (2 sets)
Pec Flys: 160 - 10 (2 sets)
Pulley Deadlift: 160 - 7 (2 sets)</span>
(TunnelRat @ Feb. 25 2008,17:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(colby2152 @ Feb. 25 2008,15:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The only other weights were baby weights up to 15 lbs a piece.</div>
When the only weights available come in shades of pink and blue, that's a good time to do some lateral raises, making virtue of necessity...</div>
And so I did... although I was wrong, the max DB was 12 lbs!
I really enjoyed the elliptical at the hotel. I plan on buying one in a year or so.

HST WO - 2/28/08
<span style='color:red'>RCCP: 30 - 15 (2 sets)
Chair Dips: 11, 12 reps
One Arm Bent-Over Row: 12.5 - 15, 62.5 - 5, 82.5 - 20 (MS)</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Tabata: Back Squats - 45</span>

My legs were shaking for an hour last night thanks to Tabata.
(colby2152 @ Feb. 29 2008,09:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><span style='color:blue'>Tabata: Back Squats - 45</span>

My legs were shaking for an hour last night thanks to Tabata.</div>
How did you do Back Squats with Tabata? What does the 45 mean?

Did you squat for 45 seconds then rest for 45 seconds? Or did you just use a 45 lb bar and squat till you drop?

Inquiring minds want to know....

After the thread about 8 minute, low weight squats for hyoooge legs, I tried light back squats for a minute at a time -- very tiring.