The Road to 10%

(_tim @ Jan. 22 2008,10:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fine looking cycle, Colby. I hope this helps get you to 10% OR BELOW! Heck - you may get there just from puking!

Seriously, it looks like a great cycle.</div>
Thank you... I hope it goes well too, this cycle has to be my best yet.
HST Strength Balanced WO - 1/23/08
<span style='color:red'>Pilates</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Side Bends: 45 - 15
Barbell Floor Press: 45 - 15 (2 sets), 95 - 15 (3 sets)
Speed Deadlift: 95 - 15 (3 sets)
Jefferson Squat: 120 - 3 (10 sets)
Reverse Curl Cuban Press: 10 - 20 (2 sets)</span>
<span style='color:red'>Jump Ropes w/high of 51 reps</span>

Excellent workout I must say. The 10 sets of J-Squats were beasts. I figured out a nice set up for the floor press too. Check it out in my Home Gym Log.
and now for the crazy traps pose



Before 912:

After 912:

I really don't see much difference. The after picture actually looks worse, but I suppose it has to do with glycogen stores and the fact that the first picture was taken first thing that morning, and this one was taken after I ate tacos.
Does form and fatigue ever become a factor when power cleaning for high reps or does the m time help?  Maybe a stupid question, but  I'm only asking cause I've only seen oly moves done in low rep range. That is a crazy traps pose!
(BAX67 @ Jan. 24 2008,10:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Does form and fatigue ever become a factor when power cleaning for high reps or does the m time help? Maybe a stupid question, but I'm only asking cause I've only seen oly moves done in low rep range. That is a crazy traps pose!
Obviously, the set down period (m-time) helps dramatically. What is great about using Max-Stim for my Power Cleans is that it really lets me focus on form.

HST WO - 1/24/08
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches - 25 (4 sets)</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Side Bends: 45 - 15
Barbell Floor Press: 45 - 10, 95 - 10 (3 sets) with Static Holds of 30 and 45 seconds
One Arm Bent-Over Row: 45 - 20 (MS)
Power Clean: 45 - 20 (MS)
Hang Jump Shrug: 45 - 20
Reverse Curl Cuban Press: 10 - 20</span>

Another great thing about Max-Stim is the amount I sweat. I also work up a good cadence during the reps.
The Midseason Review
At approximately 13.5% body fat with another four months to go, I feel very confident in attaining my goal of 10% body fat by May 31st, 2008. I still have a bag of tricks that haven't been unveiled. The weather has been cold and dark, and it has afforded me no time to run outside. Running is the best form of cardio, and will be saved for my last stretch. I recently started Tabata as my main form of cardio, and I expect pleasant results. I will also experiment with intermittent fasting, possibly, sooner than later. Most likely, I will run another 912 cycle at the end of May to get the last bit of unwanted adipose tissue off of my body.

The pictures speak for themselves, but the numbers show a different picture. While I have dropped a significant amount of fat off of my body, my weight has stayed the same. This can be attributed to the pace that I have been taking. Slowly cutting plus seemingly great muscle building genetics has helped me build muscle while losing fat. I think I proved my case, with this paradox of simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain, yet again. I have four months left to get to 10% (using my measurements and philosophy of what 10% is), and cutting 251 calories a day will safely reach me to my destination. In theory, my weight should drop to 235, but theory hasn't held its ground with me so far, so I cannot fully expect the weight loss to occur.
That's good work Colby. It's a tough road to stay the same weight build muscle and lose bodyfat at the same time. Just goes to show you have a solid program and the tenacity to keep at it. A+ man.
(BAX67 @ Jan. 28 2008,13:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That's good work Colby. It's a tough road to stay the same weight build muscle and lose bodyfat at the same time. Just goes to show you have a solid program and the tenacity to keep at it. A+ man.</div>
If I could have days like today much more often, then I would be in good shape, literally. 650 calories consumed during the day, with approximately 1300 calories coming in the evening. Combined with my metabolic rate and energy exerted in my workout, and I have cut about 900 calories today.

HST WO - 1/28/08
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches - 25
Tabata style Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Row: 60 - 20 (MS)
Power Clean: 45 - 20 (MS)
Hang Jump Shrug: 45 - 20 (2 sets)
Reverse Curl Cuban Press: 15 - 20 (2 sets)
Chair Dips: 12 reps, 10 reps (2 sets)</span>
SST WO - 1/29/08
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches: 25 (4 sets)
Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Deadlift: 45 - 15, 205 - 3 (2 sets),</span><span style='color:green'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>HOLD UP - PROGRAM CHANGE!*</span></span><span style='color:blue'>, 135 - 3 (8 sets)
Speed Jefferson Squats: 45 - 15 (2 sets)</span>

*What change and why? I am training my legs for strength, and with that should come proper form and no pain. I felt an uncomfortable feeling in my right knee, and thought about it for five minutes. I have all the time in the world to gain strength at the age of 22. Why ramp up the weights so quick to match my HST cycles? I have decided to give it a &quot;Totentanz&quot;-like long view. I like the idea of my 10x3/speed strength workouts, and I am going to start off light. Each week, I will add 5 lbs to my lifts. Once I get to the point where form and strength suffer, I will either: a) start training for hypertrophy OR b) lift at that weight for a bit until strength improves.
Three days into the week, and I have already surpassed my weekly caloric deficit goal of -1871 kcals. However, it isn't how I start it, but it's how I finish it...

HST WO - 1/30/08
<span style='color:red'>Pilates
Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Row: 65 - 20 (MS)
Power Clean: 50 - 20 (MS)
Hang Jump Shrug: 50 - 20 (2 sets)
Reverse Curl Cuban Press: 15 - 20 (2 sets)
Chair Dips: 10 reps, 8 reps (2 sets)</span>
SST WO - 1/31/08
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches: 25 (4 sets)
Tabata style Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Speed Deadlift: 45 - 15 (3 sets)
Wide Jefferson Squats: 45 - 3 (10 sets)</span>
(BAX67 @ Feb. 01 2008,11:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You must be starving! I can here your belly rumbling all the way up here in Northern Wi.
Somewhat, but I am fighting it. Actually, the fasting helps with the appetite. I would rather have one fasting period (morning to early afternoon) than two a day (morning and late afternoon). I have been slowly shifting my breakfast up to later times. I have gone from 8AM to 10:30AM over the past week with my average max fasting period being 12.5 hours so far this week. My protein intake is lower, but my carbs are dramatically lower too thanks to the ignorance of fiber intake.
(colby2152 @ Feb. 01 2008,13:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have been slowly shifting my breakfast up to later times. I have gone from 8AM to 10:30AM over the past week with my average max fasting period being 12.5 hours so far this week</div>
Yup, I've been trying that a bit, following some of the IF discussion on Lyle's site, the Fast-5 page, and some of Dan's comments.

I've been under the impression that I had to get up early for THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY lest I waste away to nothing. Now I'm trying to wait until elevenish before I eat (heck, what's there to IF except skipping breakfast...?

I find this helps somewhat in keeping my total daily calories down.
Colby, have you tried or considered trying ephedrine/caffeine for appetite suppression? It worked great for me when I was hardcore IF-ing it. Though when I did IF, I fasted for around 20 hours, then ate all my calories in a 4 hour period, instead of the standard 16/8 setup. It still worked great, but wouldn't be feasible when eating closer to maintenance, I don't think.
(TunnelRat @ Feb. 01 2008,17:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I find this helps somewhat in keeping my total daily calories down.</div>
When I have time in a few months, I would like to read a lot into the studies of fasting versus frequent meals. There are studies about insulin and hormonal control that give way to the argument for frequent meals. Nevertheless, I agree with you TR, the fasting does help keep my caloric intake down.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Colby, have you tried or considered trying ephedrine/caffeine for appetite suppression? It worked great for me when I was hardcore IF-ing it. Though when I did IF, I fasted for around 20 hours, then ate all my calories in a 4 hour period, instead of the standard 16/8 setup. It still worked great, but wouldn't be feasible when eating closer to maintenance, I don't think.</div>

I will not try it (EC). I have been drinking an extra 12 oz of hot Earl Gray tea in the morning which is good enough to suppress my appetite. My family history is bad in the heart area, so I really watch what goes in my body.

On to tonight's workout!

HST WO - 2/1/08
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches: 25 (4 sets)</span>
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 12.5 - 15, 70 - 20 (MS)
Power Clean: 55 - 20 (MS)
Reverse Curl Cuban Press: 15 - 20 (2 sets)
Hang Jump Shrug: 55 - 20 (2 sets)
Chair Dips: 10 (2 sets)</span>
Last Week
Caloric Bal -2792
Caloric Goal -1833.57
Efficiency 152%

Fat: 29.2%
Protein: 40.6%
Carbohydrates: 27.6%
Alcohol: 2.63%

Pro g/lb: 0.647

Average Max Fast: 12.79 hours
HST WO - 2/4/08
<span style='color:red'>Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 12.5 - 15, 75 - 20 (MS)
Power Clean: 60 - 20 (MS)
Reverse Curl Cuban Press: 15 - 20 (2 sets)
Hang Jump Shrug: 60 - 20 (2 sets)
Chair Dips: 10 (2 sets)</span>