The Road to 10%

(colby2152 @ Jul. 02 2008,8:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I really don't think my road to 10% will get better unless I can manage to find time to add cardio in the mix!  
If you can find time for cardio, you'll find yourself under 10% soon. What will you name your next journey?
(BAX67 @ Jul. 02 2008,9:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(colby2152 @ Jul. 02 2008,8:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I really don't think my road to 10% will get better unless I can manage to find time to add cardio in the mix!
If you can find time for cardio, you'll find yourself under 10% soon. What will you name your next journey?</div>
Name of the next journey is undefined at the moment in time, but may be one of the following.

The Transformation
After The Gold Rush
The Ascent of Olympic Mons

It depends what my journey is. I may try to dabble in the Olympic lifts.
Dabble away, colby. I can't say enough the difference doing Oly lifts regularly does for my overall development. I can honestly say they will always be present in my cycles.

If nothing else, give it a shot for a short cycle and see how you feel, and see how you progress with the lifts. They are incredibly hard to perfect, but even with close form, you'll see a recognizable benefit.
(_tim @ Jul. 02 2008,12:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Dabble away, colby. I can't say enough the difference doing Oly lifts regularly does for my overall development. I can honestly say they will always be present in my cycles.

If nothing else, give it a shot for a short cycle and see how you feel, and see how you progress with the lifts. They are incredibly hard to perfect, but even with close form, you'll see a recognizable benefit.</div>
I may expand upon my warmup routine by doing dynamic stretches, ab work, and instead of the Burgener routine, I could try Clean &amp; Jerk and Snatches with only the bar. I'm not sure if I should start with parts of the lift because of how complicated they are.
This is how I'd approach it... For cleans, start with hang cleans, and maybe only start with the first pull - basically to the part where you jump upward. Snatches are different altogether. I found hang snatches to be harder than regular (from the floor) snatches. I used the bar for about 2 weeks before I put anything on it, and I practiced the movement every day. Maybe try that? If nothing else, for cleans, you'll be able to truly get a handle of the first part of the lift, and when you're ready, begin learning the second half of the lift. Learning proper snatch form takes an insane amount of time, so just take your time and see how you like it.
(_tim @ Jul. 02 2008,12:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This is how I'd approach it... For cleans, start with hang cleans, and maybe only start with the first pull - basically to the part where you jump upward. Snatches are different altogether. I found hang snatches to be harder than regular (from the floor) snatches. I used the bar for about 2 weeks before I put anything on it, and I practiced the movement every day. Maybe try that? If nothing else, for cleans, you'll be able to truly get a handle of the first part of the lift, and when you're ready, begin learning the second half of the lift. Learning proper snatch form takes an insane amount of time, so just take your time and see how you like it.</div>
Snatch actually looks like an easier movement to me than the Clean &amp; Jerk. I will definitely start out light and simple.
HST 10's - WO 1/6 - 7/2/08*
<span style='color:red'>Burgerner warmup</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Bent Over Row: 45 - 15, 115 - 10, PR: 145 - 15
Deadlift: 45 - 15, 130 - 10, PR: 160 - 15
Seated OH Press: 70 - 10, 85 - 14, 85 - 8</span>
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches = 60
Chair Dips: 45 sec SH + 9 Dips</span>

Wow, I was really proud of that workout. The PR on the rows is more than just realized. The best I did on DB's per arm were 70 lbs. 70*2 = 140 &lt; 145, Yay! The all mighty DEADLIFT was the best though. I started to go off balance around rep #12, but I had great control and had no problem pulling the bar!

I was going for the triple crown of my lifts here, but it looks like I can't get that 15 reps for the Seated OH Press at 85 lbs! I'll settle with a PR of 80 lbs for 15 reps. This is actually remarkably good as my previous bests at similar exercises were 45 lbs total for Push Press (8/13/07) and 60 lbs for Arnold Press (6/15/07).
HST 10's - WO 2/6 - 7/4/08
<span style='color:red'>Dynamic Stretches, 5 min jog</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Bent Over Row: 45 - 10, 140 - 10 (3 sets)
Deadlift: 45 - 10, 145 - 10 (2 sets)
Seated OH Press: 80 - 10 (2 sets)</span>
<span style='color:red'>Chair Dips: 10 Dips</span>

Worn out...
Oh, and about the O-Lifts... the Snatch, at least, does not feel comfortable on my knees. IMO, it is too much force very quickly.
(colby2152 @ Jul. 05 2008,1:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Oh, and about the O-Lifts... the Snatch, at least, does not feel comfortable on my knees.  IMO, it is too much force very quickly.</div>
What kind of load were you trying to snatch with? Start with just the bar to get the feel of the movement. If you do that, it's not a whole lot more stress than jumping up in the air and landing with your body weight. You need to let your body adapt to the new stresses you are imposing on it.

On the other hand, if vertical jumping and landing is difficult for you (because it bothers your knees) then you probably shouldn't be attempting Oly lifts until you have become accustomed to standing vertical jumps. For the Oly lifts, jumping with a load is a big part of what you are trying to accomplish in order to get under the bar.
(Lol @ Jul. 04 2008,8:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What kind of load were you trying to snatch with? Start with just the bar to get the feel of the movement. If you do that, it's not a whole lot more stress than jumping up in the air and landing with your body weight. You need to let your body adapt to the new stresses you are imposing on it.

On the other hand, if vertical jumping and landing is difficult for you (because it bothers your knees) then you probably shouldn't be attempting Oly lifts until you have become accustomed to standing vertical jumps. For the Oly lifts, jumping with a load is a big part of what you are trying to accomplish in order to get under the bar.</div>
No load at all actually. The move just feels very un-natural to me. Jumping and landing is not difficult for me. Maybe it's just mental?
Picture Perfect Cutting Day (didn't workout as I fought off a head cold this weekend, still have a dry throat and cough)

Anti-Oxidants (IU/mg - %RDI)
Lyco 0.00
B-Caro 5,704.36
A-Caro 0.00
Vit-E 30.91 122%
B-Toco 0.00
G-Toco 0.23
D-Toco 0.00
Vit-C 1,073.83
SE 202.11 342%
Lut_Zea 10,431.05

Carbs (Grams - %RDI)
Carbs 201.69 80%
Fib 10.68 51%
Net Carbs 191.01
Carb% 0.48
NetCarb% 0.45
GI 67.97

Protein 213.61
g/lb 0.91 91%
g/kg 2.01 134%
g/lb lbm 1.04 104%
g/kg lbm 2.29 115%

Personal Health (mg - %Goal)
Vit-B6 103.83 104%
FolicAcid 2.55 106%
Vit-B12 0.51 103%
Vit-C 1,073.83 107%

Body Composition
Weight 233.50
Body Fat % 0.1219

Diet Results
Caloric Bal -524.55
Goal -50.00
Caloric Intake 2,499.89
Efficiency 1.50
Theoretical Weight 233.35

Essential Fatty Acids
ALA 930.60 85% %RDI
GLA 1.20
ETA 0.00
DPA 67.20
EPA 2,000.00 200% %Goal
DHA 1,317.20 132% %Goal
O-3 5,819.35
O-6 17,749.53
O-6 : O-3 3.05 131% %Goal

Macros (%Kcals - %RDI - Grams)
Carbs 32% 80% 201.69
Pro 34% 506% 213.61
Fat 34% 170% 93.19
Alc 0%

Amino Acid Breakdown
Essential (mg - %RDI - Zane rec.)
AA-Try 2,547.95 686% 108%
AA-Thr 9,130.55 1229%
AA-Iso 10,162.38 957%
AA-Leu 17,243.58 1160%
AA-Lys 16,506.25 1296%
AA-Met 4,605.30 668%
AA-Cys 2,619.43 380%
AA-Phe 7,654.35 1030%
AA-Tyr 6,947.90 935%
AA-Val 10,641.05 1003%
AA-Arg 9,282.23 612% 186%
AA-His 5,250.50 346%
Other (mg) 0.00
AA-Ala 10,285.98
AA-Asp 17,890.10
AA-Glu 35,911.18 431%
AA-Glyc 7,600.40
AA-Pro 12,435.03
AA-Ser 9,056.35
AA-Hyd 52.80

2:1:1 of Luecine:Isoleucine:Valine
AA-Leu 17,243.58
AA-Iso 10,162.38
AA-Val 10,641.05

For the Heart
Chol 437.275 173%
S-Fat 27.7 164%
MonoU-Fat 32.1375
PolyU-Fat 25.0625
U-Fat 65.4875 172%
TF-Fat 0.1
Unsat : Sat 2.364169675
NA 2523.88 125%
K 4675.825 158%
K: Na 1.852633643

Other Vitamins/Minerals
Thi 3.775 298%
Ribo 9.6375 672%
Niac 39.7125 235%
PanA 24.9875 296%
Cho 860.1125
Bet 534.35
CA 1893.725 224%
FE 20.5 40%
MG 468.9625 139%
PH 2448.175 290%
ZN 21.6125 171%
CU 1.575 93%
MN 6.2 367%
FL 486.8
H2O 177.4632911
HOLY $%^&amp;!! That is insane!! How do you manage to keep track of all that? Very interesting by the way.
(BAX67 @ Jul. 07 2008,11:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">HOLY $%^&amp;!! That is insane!! How do you manage to keep track of all that? Very interesting by the way.</div>
MS Excel. I have stored values for all of those parameters that I download from Each day, I simply count how much of a given food, drink or supplement that I consume. The numbers add up, and I copy the totals over to the caloric input slot for that day.

I also count minutes of prominent exercise. This has helped me establish my BMR that is around 2350 calories per day.
(fearfactory @ Jul. 07 2008,11:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">*votes for 'The Ascent of Olympic Mons'*</div>
It's a good title, but I am not sure that I will do the Olympic lifts. I am just getting good with the form on main lifts such as the Row, Squat and Deadlift. When I do start a new era of cycles beyond the Road to 10%, it may go by something like I said before: After the Gold Rush, the Transformation, A New Era, or Nothing like good PR!
(BAX67 @ Jul. 07 2008,11:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">HOLY $%^&amp;!! That is insane!! How do you manage to keep track of all that? </div>
Actuaries are alll crazy like that. When I worked for one of the big nine actuarial firms, I made it a point to get a wristwatch with NO numbers on it...

Body Composition
Weight 233.50
Body Fat % 0.1219

.12 % Body Fat is pretty good Colby...
(TunnelRat @ Jul. 08 2008,11:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">.12 % Body Fat is pretty good Colby...  
It is great! (For a dead person)
Obviously .1219 = 12.19%, should have formatted that cell

TR... which firm did you work for? I didn't know there was a big 9.. I always thought of them as the big 6 (Mercer, Towers Perrin, Buck, Watson Wyatt, Hewitt, Milliman)

Oh yeah, my watch has no numbers on it too!