Picture Perfect Cutting Day (didn't workout as I fought off a head cold this weekend, still have a dry throat and cough)
Anti-Oxidants (IU/mg - %RDI)
Lyco 0.00
B-Caro 5,704.36
A-Caro 0.00
Vit-E 30.91 122%
B-Toco 0.00
G-Toco 0.23
D-Toco 0.00
Vit-C 1,073.83
SE 202.11 342%
Lut_Zea 10,431.05
Carbs (Grams - %RDI)
Carbs 201.69 80%
Fib 10.68 51%
Net Carbs 191.01
Carb% 0.48
NetCarb% 0.45
GI 67.97
Protein 213.61
g/lb 0.91 91%
g/kg 2.01 134%
g/lb lbm 1.04 104%
g/kg lbm 2.29 115%
Personal Health (mg - %Goal)
Vit-B6 103.83 104%
FolicAcid 2.55 106%
Vit-B12 0.51 103%
Vit-C 1,073.83 107%
Body Composition
Weight 233.50
Body Fat % 0.1219
Diet Results
Caloric Bal -524.55
Goal -50.00
Caloric Intake 2,499.89
Efficiency 1.50
Theoretical Weight 233.35
Essential Fatty Acids
ALA 930.60 85% %RDI
GLA 1.20
ETA 0.00
DPA 67.20
EPA 2,000.00 200% %Goal
DHA 1,317.20 132% %Goal
O-3 5,819.35
O-6 17,749.53
O-6 : O-3 3.05 131% %Goal
Macros (%Kcals - %RDI - Grams)
Carbs 32% 80% 201.69
Pro 34% 506% 213.61
Fat 34% 170% 93.19
Alc 0%
Amino Acid Breakdown
Essential (mg - %RDI - Zane rec.)
AA-Try 2,547.95 686% 108%
AA-Thr 9,130.55 1229%
AA-Iso 10,162.38 957%
AA-Leu 17,243.58 1160%
AA-Lys 16,506.25 1296%
AA-Met 4,605.30 668%
AA-Cys 2,619.43 380%
AA-Phe 7,654.35 1030%
AA-Tyr 6,947.90 935%
AA-Val 10,641.05 1003%
AA-Arg 9,282.23 612% 186%
AA-His 5,250.50 346%
Other (mg) 0.00
AA-Ala 10,285.98
AA-Asp 17,890.10
AA-Glu 35,911.18 431%
AA-Glyc 7,600.40
AA-Pro 12,435.03
AA-Ser 9,056.35
AA-Hyd 52.80
2:1:1 of Luecine:Isoleucine:Valine
AA-Leu 17,243.58
AA-Iso 10,162.38
AA-Val 10,641.05
For the Heart
Chol 437.275 173%
S-Fat 27.7 164%
MonoU-Fat 32.1375
PolyU-Fat 25.0625
U-Fat 65.4875 172%
TF-Fat 0.1
Unsat : Sat 2.364169675
NA 2523.88 125%
K 4675.825 158%
K: Na 1.852633643
Other Vitamins/Minerals
Thi 3.775 298%
Ribo 9.6375 672%
Niac 39.7125 235%
PanA 24.9875 296%
Cho 860.1125
Bet 534.35
CA 1893.725 224%
FE 20.5 40%
MG 468.9625 139%
PH 2448.175 290%
ZN 21.6125 171%
CU 1.575 93%
MN 6.2 367%
FL 486.8
H2O 177.4632911