Wannagrow's training diary

today i had my first rippetoe-style training. I made sure the loads were light and really focused on technique especially with the squat, after all, I don't wanna be getting injured after squatting 3x weekly.

squat 52.5 kg- 5/5/5 piece of cake
press- 30 kg 5/5/5
deadlift 60x5, 65x5
chins 5/5/5 bw
(quadancer @ Apr. 28 2008,12:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That was a bit rough Nippon. Not necessary. I'd hate to be shot down for everything I'd read and forgot or didn't understand completely.
As far as 7 months of training goes, I consider anything under a year to be noob territory - great gains and fatloss still happening to most guys. Also, it really is a lot of information to digest, this bodybuilding thing...considering that half of what you hear out there is nonsense, and it all has to be picked through.
Wannagrow, it looks like you've really simplified: the weights will just have to be felt to see how you do. In the beginning, it depends a lot on your conditioning.</div>
I think I chose the more or less the right weights. ALthough, I think I will progress really fast on the deadlift since I've never properly done it before.
My intention with these weights is that I will be hitting PRs after 3-4 weeks.

Quad, there is like a dilemma going on inside me, I'm woried that if I only start hitting PRs after 4 weeks, I will get weaker and Im keen on hitting PRs more like after 2 weeks. Is this rational?

what do you think are the bodybuilding principles/ theories that are false; are they just those that HST refutes or do u have some that u personally feel don't work? I would like to know myself and advise others on what to avoid.
are you intending to milk this routine until you can no longer make linear progression?

I'll be watching this log w/ interest.
I did a thread on linear progression with HST, BTW. It works better for me, keeping me closer to failure and limiting zigzag effect. Won't work for everybody tho.
Myths. That could take all night. If you have a few (more than a few: $45) bucks, you'll have a ball with &quot;Knowledge and Nonsense&quot; by Coach Jamie Hale.
Much is said about the pitfalls of failure training in here, but many of us grew on it. Before our joints and CNS couldn't take any more...
Shock training...good for a minnit; don't make a habit.
Oh, let's see, there's muscle &quot;confusion&quot;, constant tension, things like supervolume (which I'm not entirely sure doesn't work in some cases) and many silly exersizes that waste gym time.
I like to say that we need a change AFTER we've adapted ourselves onto a plateau and consistently lose progress. Guys who change constantly are missing the concept of training. They usually don't get very strong either, IMO.
Oh, why are you so focused on PR's? They're not the endall and beall of this sport, nor is your growth dependent upon them. Sometimes we get TOO goal-oriented and lose the enjoyment. That can be debilitating. Old age (such as it is) has me enjoying the heck out of beating the clock, staying disciplined, being generally strong, and of course there is that occasional workout that totally just ROCKS...keeps you fired up until the next one. But I get that without PR's - it's beating the iron and being the master of my day.
Bedtime: Peace/out.
(wannagrow @ Apr. 29 2008,5:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Quad, there is like a dilemma going on inside me, I'm woried that if I only start hitting PRs after 4 weeks, I will get weaker and Im keen on hitting PRs more like after 2 weeks. Is this rational?</div>
I know you addressed this to quad, but I'm jumping in anyway.

progression is important. if you start too high, you'll blow the opportunity to make the progression.

why are you worried about waiting x weeks to hit new PRs? personally, I could go home tonight and set a new PR for squats...but then I would miss out on the progression that will take me to new heights.

I could be way off base here. I always seem to be lately... but I'm under the impression you're running Rippetoe's program until adding weight, week to week, is no longer feasible and then starting in on HST for the long term. right?
(nipponbiki @ Apr. 30 2008,8:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hell, you can even ask Rip himself, but if you think I am harsh, he will make you cry.</div>
Yeah, you'll find out why they call him &quot;Rip&quot;...
right, well, I trained today:

squat 5/5/5 55kg
bench 50 kg 5/5/5
pendlay row 40 5/5/5

it was light weights as intended but even though the squat was light, i started feeling knee pain. I know that all of you are gonna jump on me and accuse me of bad technique.. alright well here is how I squatted:

-heels shoulder-width apart
-bar on my rear delts and traps as described in SS
-Big chest and close grip width apart
-bending at my hip before my knees
-keeping torso 60 degrees at the botton position, hip joint below knee joint
-knees of over toes but not too much
- feet pointing 30 degrees outwards
-strech in the hammies

I can't describe how much I focused on my form, so it can't be that. I think its an old injury thats coming back to me. So, I need to stop squatting and substitute it with deads- I have no choice
wanna, try even lighter weights for the squat and progress slowly but constantly and see if it helps. I have noticed ATG squats seem to stress my knee less then the one you are doing so you could also try them. For ATG Squats the feet are wider apart then you are using at the moment.
(electric @ Apr. 30 2008,1:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">wanna, try even lighter weights for the squat and progress slowly but constantly and see if it helps. I have noticed ATG squats seem to stress my knee less then the one you are doing so you could also try them. For ATG Squats the feet are wider apart then you are using at the moment.</div>
ok, i think ill go back to 40 kg or something, better that than destroying my right knee. its actually only my right knee that was hurting.

how wide exactly do u suggest?

u see, this is an old injury that was caused by bad technique in the past. god i wish someone had shown me how to squat correctly when i started, then iwouldnt have this problem.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">how wide exactly do u suggest?</div>
If you plan to switch to ATG/Full Squats (I liked it better) it is a little wider then shoulder width for the heels. But you should probably search for a better source of explanation then me. If you will keep the actual Squat the width you are using is fine.
Quad said:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Oh, why are you so focused on PR's? They're not the endall and beall of this sport, nor is your growth dependent upon them. Sometimes we get TOO goal-oriented and lose the enjoyment. That can be debilitating.</div>

This coming from the man who beats out everyone's PR's here except Steve (Jones) and Aaron.
I've probably about hit my ceilings too. I like what FF said: <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">&quot;personally, I could go home tonight and set a new PR for squats...but then I would miss out on the progression that will take me to new heights.&quot;</div> Like riding a Harley, the journey is the destination itself in a way.
WG: Are your toes in line with the knees? Something to think about.
(quadancer @ Apr. 30 2008,4:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've probably about hit my ceilings too. I like what FF said: <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">&quot;personally, I could go home tonight and set a new PR for squats...but then I would miss out on the progression that will take me to new heights.&quot;</div> Like riding a Harley, the journey is the destination itself in a way.
WG: Are your toes in line with the knees? Something to think about.</div>

The best thing to do I reckon would be to upload a video of my squatting from various angles.
I started with box squats. I feel they helped teach me the correct form for ATG ( helps teach you to &quot;sit back&quot;, which I had a problem with)
(colby2152 @ Apr. 30 2008,3:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Quad said:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Oh, why are you so focused on PR's? They're not the endall and beall of this sport, nor is your growth dependent upon them. Sometimes we get TOO goal-oriented and lose the enjoyment. That can be debilitating.</div>

This coming from the man who beats out everyone's PR's here except Steve (Jones) and Aaron.</div>
Yeah, but he does it without trying...
Aw C'mon TR...you know we hate working out any more! I have to drag myself in there, but I do it because I know something is usually gonna happen and if not, at least I plastered up another brick on the house!
Never took so many thermos before, either!
deadlift 67.5- 5/5/5
bench press 55- 5/5/5
pull up bw 7/6/5

comments: on the pull ups I cheated a bit by reducing the ROM on the first and second set. Will only do 5-6 reps next time with proper form.
Squat 55 5/5/5
Press 32.5 5/5/5
Pendlay row 42.5 5/5/5

comments: on squats, thank god, my knees felt ok and it went well in general. Perhaps I'm doing too little- 3 exercises 3 sets each- seems very little volume maybe I'll add another set or exercise. suggestions?

another thing: my back feels tight. i wouldnt desccribe it as pain but more of a tight feeling possibly due to some hyperextension on the press. is this possibly something more seriouis?
W.G. : my opinion is that if you feel like you can do more exersizes and a need to, you can. It's a lot harder to overtrain than people think, especially for you young bucks. Before adding exersizes though, I'd make sure my program was in the weight range it should be at the reps I was doing. Some guys start off a bit light, but can't tell right away, since this is new stuff for them.