your results with HST...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sharivan
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Just want to say HST on the whole has worked pretty well for me. My chest got fuller, shoulder got wider and rounder, strength's up. The only problem is that my back's growth is crawling, i varied my total sets for my back from 18-27per week. Arms are not growing, strength's there but no size, set range i experimented with 9-12 per week. I volume train and split mon,wed,fri upper body tue,thur,sat lower body

Pull up
Pull Down

Hammer Curls
BB Curls or Preacher Curls
Tricep Push down
French Curls or Kick backs

Help Help

mannn...ive been doing this program for about 6 months and i seem completely unable to gain any stuck at 185 and ive been averaging between 5000 and 6000 calories per day!go figure? im 38 years old and have double the weight that i work out with but no change in my own,and im still at 27% bodyfat,a real lardo.when i did try to live off of 3000 calories per day my muscles and joints ached continously. i m eating between 200 and 250 grams of protien a day thru 6 meals. is it possible i have some sort of chemistry problem that might need to be addressed? have any of you suffered this sort of stagnation? am i not watching enough porno?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (robertkey60 @ Nov. 13 2004,6:33)]mannn...ive been doing this program for about 6 months and i seem completely unable to gain any stuck at 185 and ive been averaging between 5000 and 6000 calories per day!go figure? im 38 years old and have double the weight that i work out with but no change in my own,and im still at 27% bodyfat,a real lardo.when i did try to live off of 3000 calories per day my muscles and joints ached continously. i m eating between 200 and 250 grams of protien a day thru 6 meals. is it possible i have some sort of chemistry problem that might need to be addressed? have any of you suffered this sort of stagnation? am i not watching enough porno?
Try increasing your protein intake to at least 300g+ You have to cut your carbs accordingly, so your total calorie intake don't go thru' the roof. It's all in the diet ;)
you need to cut-up a bit, drop your cals to around 2k, and adjust the ratio of macronutrients to 40%c 30%p 30%f at every meal. Gram wise, start with protein: you'll need 1/3 more grams of carbs and half the gram count for fat.
Try to eat lower GI carbs, as this will stabilise your blood sugar and release glucagon for fat burning...

Yes you will probably be pushin' less weight in the gym. :confused:
first,thanx for the replies.
to the dark, when i drop my calories under 3k,i am sore all you think there is a micro nutrient i may be short on? this week i am taking your advise about increasing protien and cutting back on fats,in exact ratios. hehe you know its funny,1 gram of gasoline "according to my bio-chem book" is worth about 5 calories,but 1 gram of fat is good for 9 calories! i wish my bike ran on crisco!

:) Let them hate us as long as they fear us,...should be on the bow of every destroyer.
hey guys
here are two comparison-pics before and after my 2first hst-cycles
I know progress is not really big,but this is a result-thread and every result should be mentioned here.
and here is my story...
the first time i have touched barbells and dumbells i was 152 pounds with a 6'4 frame. İ used the routine described in the book: Arnold the education of a bodybuilder, and went up to 185 pounds.. as a teenager, that was awesome and people around me clearly noticed the results because as u have noticed i was too skinny before. But as Bryan also mentioned, anyone who lifts something would build something which he could flex inthe mirror. but there was a problem... all this had happened in six months and the growth stopped no matter what i did, i have vasted 3 years...
and then i discovered Hit style training, copying the routine of dorian yates and boom i went to 200 pounds with nice strength gains. i continiued reading searching but couldnt find anything more effective and wasted another 8 years, yes the gains that i made were in the first year and nothing had changed since then...
the day i typed HYPERTROPHY in the google search bar had broken my chains that limit my growth... Truly HST is the deal!! after so many years, i growed to 227 pounds in my first cycle which i still continiue in the negative phase.. my strength went up to personal records very easily, and 20 pounds of muscle really shakes the ground :D hitting the eye because nobody in our gym is as big as me :) NO AAS... i really wonder what would happen if i used them though
I have been using HST (and variations of HST) for about 3 months now, and for me, it has been slow going. I am 49, don't have the best diet or sleeping habits, which probably has something to do with the results. But compared to other methods I have used, I have to say that it works and has allowed me to work with heavier weights than I have ever used before and without injury. I am stronger in some exercises, and not in others. I have had to vary the routine somewhat, instead of 3 days, I will do a two-day split with 3-4 sets per exercise. I found that I did not feel I was getting a good enough workout, and my stamina was not high enough with just 2 sets per exercise.

I think one of the things I do like about the program is the congnizance of over-training, which can be avoided using this program. But again, 2 sets per exercise just does not seem enough for me to "feel" like I have had a good workout and achieve the strength and stamina I like.

I think patience is key to this program. I think I look better than I have in a while, and have gotten the most compliments since I have been on this program.

So I will continue using it, utilizing variations that I deem appropriate for me.

Thanks Bryan.
I just finished my second cycle of HST. I am very pleased, but it wasnt always that way.

I finished my first cycle with gains of absolutely nothing, still 158 lbs. Not a bloody thing. I was happy with the actual routine (my goodness, no joint pain!) and re-evaluated things. Nutrition, re-read the faqs, the whole shebang. I went and got what I think is a good weight gain powder (Muscle Juice) because I felt I wasnt getting enough calories. I also made a point of getting enough protein.

Started 2nd cycle. Did 15's, same weight. Did 10's, am I up a couple of pounds? Must be water retention or something. I decided not to look at the scale again until the end because I didnt want it to discourage me from finishing if I didnt gain anything. Did 5's twice (instead of negs) and checked the scale yesterday morning...166!! Wow! No noticable fat gain. I actually got comments throughout the holidays that people thought I was getting bigger.

Just want to thank Bryan and everyone else for their help (direct or indirect). I can't wait for the 3rd cycle!! :D
Just finished my first cycle. Started at 174.5 and finished at 190. Gained 1.5 during 15's, 4 during the 10's, 5.5 during the 5's and 4.5 during the drop's and neg's.

Thanks again Bryan, HST is awesome.
That is sweet. What was your diet like? Fat gains? Pm me so we can keep this to just a results thread. In fact ... i may have made a boo boo by posting this in the first place.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (salihyz @ Dec. 22 2004,6:49)]and here is my story...
the first time i have touched barbells and dumbells i was 152 pounds with a 6'4 frame. İ used the routine described in the book: Arnold the education of a bodybuilder, and went up to 185 pounds.. as a teenager, that was awesome and people around me clearly noticed the results because as u have noticed i was too skinny before. But as Bryan also mentioned, anyone who lifts something would build something which he could flex inthe mirror. but there was a problem... all this had happened in six months and the growth stopped no matter what i did, i have vasted 3 years...
and then i discovered Hit style training, copying the routine of dorian yates and boom i went to 200 pounds with nice strength gains. i continiued reading searching but couldnt find anything more effective and wasted another 8 years, yes the gains that i made were in the first year and nothing had changed since then...
the day i typed HYPERTROPHY in the google search bar had broken my chains that limit my growth... Truly HST is the deal!! after so many years, i growed to 227 pounds in my first cycle which i still continiue in the negative phase.. my strength went up to personal records very easily, and 20 pounds of muscle really shakes the ground :D hitting the eye because nobody in our gym is as big as me :) NO AAS... i really wonder what would happen if i used them though
Music to my ears!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Lance @ Jan. 14 2005,1:35)]That is sweet. What was your diet like? Fat gains? Pm me so we can keep this to just a results thread. In fact ... i may have made a boo boo by posting this in the first place.
Fruit (apples & bananas) all morning, chicken breast & brown rice for lunch (two lunches actually), dinners usually chicken and yams, also a lot of turkey. I ate a few yams between meals. I didn't use any supplements except for a brown rice protein powder you can buy at any supermarket. There was a little fat gain, though no more than a few pounds.
Im just finishing my 15's in my second cycle.
On my 1st cycle I added 8 pounds of muscle and lost 6 pounds of blubber, all on a less than perfect diet, no negs (I train alone)

To say Im happy would be an understatement! :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Andrew69 @ Jan. 20 2005,5:22)]Im just finishing my 15's in my second cycle.
On my 1st cycle I added 8 pounds of muscle and lost 6 pounds of blubber, all on a less than perfect diet, no negs (I train alone)
To say Im happy would be an understatement! :D
wow thats great
wouldnt mind posting ya routine and rough diet would ya ;)
I didn't take measurements other than my arms and weight before my first cycle. I've put on 3 & 1/2 kilos after first cycle, and from the mirror I can tell that this is not puppy fat :) Thrown on nearly 3/4 of an inch on both arms.

Biggest (and strangest) result.......I added 20 KILOGRAMS to my 5RM for deadlifts. I reached my max at the end of 5's, and the weight just felt ridiculously light, so instead of using that for my 2 wks of 5RM, I kept on adding to it....20kgs!!!

Crazy . . .
Hy everybody ....

I'm glad i finally found the time to register here and learn some more....

Glad to be here!!!

I'm 21 now and started lifting weights when i was 15 after i felt that i needed more power for kickboxing which i've been doing since i was 13teen (which then helped me to loose weight and become ...well pretty "toned" but thin - instead of being simply chubby like I used to be as a young kid) well by now i'm not participating in any kickboxing competitions any more - just stretching and practicing techniques on my own just not to foreget the art... but lifting weights has since then taken a very important part in my life ... i can't imagine life without the inner strive to become stronger and bigger anymore.

Well i started of pretty enthusiastic and it didn't diminish in fact i simply got hooked on it. I started out at 7day-split working (more or less) one muscle group each day of the week and in the next 5 years i tried many different programs after reading according books or the "very educational" Bodybuilding Magazines i did Volume, HIT, Powerfactor (my joints hated the idea of partial reps with insanely high weights??? .. but i did grow) and many different routines i “built” for my self according to some "principles" i read up on in different books and articles (*lol* i even tried Bill Phillip's “Body for life” concept and Berend Breitenstein‘s "Power Bodybuilding” - Split routines somewhere along the road…. wasn't much about average as far as i remember ..) but i always felt puzzled - not knowing what was happening in my body and looking for a better way to train .... what was the key factor? intensity? volume? TUT? load per minute? ... and so on and so forth everybody who's comments and articles i read stated something else and i was mostly simply confused…. still gaining a couple of pounds and reaching plateaus now and then and altering programs to counteract .... i bet most people in here know what i'm talking about (well i reached the level of muscularity you can see on the pictures on top)

Anyways about 2 years ago i discovered Bryan Haycock's Articles on (after having major health problems after overtraining and taking a forced break of a couple of month -photos in the middle ).. and of course i read them .. just as i read anything else on bodybuilding and lifting weights...and I read everything else I could find on HST and well i liked the way it was written :-) and it sounded logical ...not understanding most of the "cell-structure-stuff" Bryan was talking about i did my reading ... and after those nights spend with some more or less exiting biology books and a few of bryans articles i decided it had to work and gave it a try ... well a year later after 5 HST cycles (2 basic 3 "tweeked" ->working out every 36 hours and altering rep schemes and taking volume into account) i gained 55 pounds (with surprisingly little fat for such a gain) in total and an amazing 45 pounds compared to my best stage ever before HST - a little bit bigger than photos at bottom (there i lost 10 pounds again since i was in the army and couldn't eat train or sleep properly)

Right now i've been having health problems again since finishing my military service and moving to a different city (on my own for the first time) and starting my studies has been a LOT of stress and i (being really hooked *lol*) just couldn't back off with lifting weights ... well so now i had another forced break of a couple months

Soon i should be ready to start back up with HST and become bigger than ever and i'm really looking forward to learn more about what makesme big and strong *hehe*

THANKS BRYAN for making HST available on the internet back then

(always wanted to thank you … especially after my first cycle ... in fact i wanted to contact you back than but than i thought there must be hundreds writing you each and every day and most "experts" i tried to contact never answered .... oh well i just hope you read this .. THANKS A LOT)