2016 Log

Wednesday; OHP; 5x4-80kg

Thursday; 3-220kg, 1-240kg, deficit; 4x3/220kg

Friday; 3-220kg, 3-230kg, SGDL; 4x3-200kg.
Nice pressing. I was secretly hoping to catch up to you in my press but that'll have to wait a while now. :)
I shall pop by here for inspiration so keep up the solid work.
Wednesday; OHP; 3x4-80kg. Session cut short.

Today; 3-220kg, 6x2-240kg. These were all RPE 8.5. Felt fantastic.
Make it three ... I'm mostly past it, just coughing up all colours of the rainbow now.

Hope you feel better soon. I had to re read the news, I didn't realise it actually made people have asthma attacks, I thought it was just the name of the storm.