Cookie Cutter Routine #3 (Diet down)
Frequency: High (5-12x-a-week)
Duration: 8-10 weeks
Post-WO Cardio:
1) If you only have access to a bike, then keep with steady state. Start at 15-20 minute during 15s and increase up to 30-40 minutes during 10s.
2) If you have access to a good full-body trainer (i.e. cross-country skiing machine, ladder/rock climber, swimming), you can do HIIT instead. Start at 5-8 minutes HIIT during 10s, then work up to 12-15 minutes through 5s.
1) High protein, 1.5-2 * BW.
2) Low-to-moderate carb diet (65-100% of protein) with manteinance-level or just above maintenance level.
3) Time most of carb intake after workouts. If you work out twice a day, try at least 80% of carbs during periods after both sessions.
4) Due to the nature of cutting , it can't be emphasized enough how aggressively you should carb up after your workouts.
5) Fat intake should be concentrated on EFAs.
6) Carb load once a week.
Leg Press
Leg Curl
Incline Press
Bent-over Row
1) One work set
2) Negatives are optional during post-5s
3) Manage CNS stress carefully as you approach your maxes. Cluster to finish out reps if reps get really hard
4) Metabolic burn sets are optional, but recommended in specific cases. If you have low metabolism or are looking to cut to extreme state, creating hypoxia/metabolic stress can eventually lead to elevate mTOR signaling. That in turn keeps your leptin levels up. The price you pay obviously is depleted glycogen stores/catabolism as well as hightened cortisol levels and CNS stress. So, it's doubly important that you eat properly while doing this. For everybody else, just the mix of high frequency and post-WO cardio will more than suffice. Wait until 5s.
Peak Contraction
Machine pullover
Leg extension
Leg curl
1) Really only recommended if somebody wants to get shredded (<9% bodyfat) as well as reduce amount of cardio needed.
2) One work set, 10-15 pulses, progress when it gets easier
3) Wait until 5s.