Lifting goals

I have recently decided to write down very specific goals, both short-term and long-term. Until now I have had vague goals, such as: lift more wieght, gain weight, lose bodyfat, etc. But research has shown that specific written goals are far more motivating than general, unwritten goals.

What are yours? Share here please!
Yeah the more specific they are the more you can focus and apply yourself.

I'm a bit of a hypocite though cause I haven't set any specific goals, just "get bigger", and get my physique closer to the "Grecian Ideal", like Sandow.
Like Peak I am after teh Grecian Ideal, but have some specific goals, both strength and size, BF etc.

Just no BS!
I've got a mix of physique and performance goals. I want to put on some size and strength for next year's rugby season. So, I'm hoping to gain about 15lbs (fat and muscle, of course) to about 220lbs over the next 3 months and then cut down to 210-215lbs in the spring, when my focus will be on speed and agility rather than size and strength.
I used to have size goals but lately I'm just focusing on attaining certain weights. I think that will allow me to make more progress than constantly worrying about weight, body composition, measurements, etc. For instance, my goals right now are a 500 lb deadlift and 400 lb squat. I wouldn't mind hitting 300 for rows and bench either, but I think those are further off than the first two.
Almost exactly like Tot. I'm not nearly so bothered about size anymore now I know it's not possible to get freaky without drugs. So I now have lifting goals but with HST rather than specific strength training. I want to grow as much as I can on route.

I have made all my goals for this year with time to spare so now I'm after 400 x 5 in the squat and 500 x 5 for deads, 300 x 5 for bench, dips with bw + 200lbs and chins with bw + 100lbs. I'm expecting it to take me a couple of years so I will be setting smaller goals each cycle.

I think it's really helpful to write your goals down to help keep them in mind.
At first I thought you were posting goals you already acheived! I was like geez, LOL IS A FRICKIN MONSTER! I am thinking along the same route as you guys....size gains are largely genetic, etc., and hard to predict realistically, but strength gains are very measureable and practical. I am going to write down my goals for specific lifts. Your goals are way up there, LOL.
Oh yeah, chins at BW + 100 lbs is something I want too. Lol, aren't you hitting 400 for 5 reps on deads already? You could probably hit 500 in a year or so, I'd think, I don't think it would take two years. How much have you been adding on to your max each cycle? Do you ever go for singles? I've been going for singles at the end lately, just every now and then, and it seems to translate to a slightly larger increase for my 5 RM than usual.
Dips at BW + 200 lbs... that's something that would be great, but is pretty far off for me.

But yeah, I think this approach works better for consistent progress. But maybe that's just my excuse to let myself get a little fatter than I usually would? Every time I look at my blurry abs and think 'might be time to start cutting' I then envision Dave Gulledge at 300 some lbs, and think, hey, it worked for him. Obviously my genes are probably crap compared to his, but at least it inspires me to stop worrying about bodyfat so much and focus on strength...

Someday, like maybe a few years from now, or maybe sooner, I'd like to do some powerlifting locally.
i do have to ask about the dips you guys are doing. are these full dips (say upper arm close to @parallel w/floor) or just going down enough to call it a dip.

not trying to be critical or call anyone out. ive never had great dip strength when adding wgt (although i can get alot w/bw) and a shoulder surgery a few yrs ago has also hidered progress but some of the wgt you guys aspire to seems huge to me for a full dip. i can routinely w/o with 50lbs added in the 5s but its the neg part of the movement thats a killer not the concentric. perhaps you guys dont feel the same shoulder strain during the neg. but im on the rivet at 50lbs and usually only shoot for a 5-10lb improvement each cycle.
Sci: Aim for the stars and you might just make it! There's nothing like having good long-term goals to work towards. I reckon a 500lb dead and 400 lb squat is a level that most folks can't do so that's why I want to get there. I don't want to use suits or any lifting aids either (except a belt). At the stage I'm at now I still feel like a newbie lifter.

Tot: Yeah, deads for 406lbs last Wednesday so I feel this cycle is coming to an end. I haven't done singles yet but might do so next week. I might try 450 to see if I can budge it! I was hoping to add around 50lb a year to my deads. This year added around 100lbs (about 20lbs a cycle) but I'm not expecting that kind of improvement to continue. It'll be great if it does though.

Bluejacket: My dips are just about my favourite movement. They don't hurt my right shoulder like flat bench so I feel happier about pushing the loads up more. I always try to go to at least parallel (I should get my lad to take a movie so I can check my form). Last night I made 9 reps (almost 10) with 110lb db for my first set (I'm not that light either at 215lb). It's the biggest db in the gym so I now have to get a proper weight belt for next cycle as the gym doesn't have one (I've been using rope to tie the db on to my belt). I am always a little wary and make sure I warm up really well for these babies. It does feel rather like I'm about to be ripped in half. I feel the most strain where the pec tendons insert on each humerus, all along my clavicles and down my sternum. Most importantly, I never drop down to the lowest point to get a bounce out of the bottom. I think that would just be asking for trouble.
I chose just improve because it was the closest to my goal.

My goal is to stay out of that freakin wheelchair. The day 3 years ago when I sat in the floor and my weakened legs were unable to lift my useless flabby body back up then I couldn't walk without assistance for a couple of days - that scared me into changing things.

As long as I'm getting stronger, building muscle, and not getting fat again - I'm happy with the results.

>I'll never be a real powerlifter because my CNS won't allow it.
>I'll never be a real bodybuilder because I've got this saggyness left behind from my obese years and I'd have to get a GH gut to fill it up.
>I will be the best that I can be and at the moment, I am. I'm also in better shape that 100% of the other people my age out there who are doing nothing.

This goal does help me keep progressing and moving forward. Just a few days ago at work they had ordered a pizza and I was eating my chicken breast, beans, and corn. They asked me, "why don't you ever eat real, normal foods with us." My reply, "because I don't want to look like you."

Reply from the guy who first asked the question, "good reason."
(vagrant @ Oct. 13 2006,16:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This goal does help me keep progressing and moving forward.  Just a few days ago at work they had ordered a pizza and I was eating my chicken breast, beans, and corn.  They asked me, &quot;why don't you ever eat real, normal foods with us.&quot;  My reply, &quot;because I don't want to look like you.&quot;

Reply from the guy who first asked the question, &quot;good reason.&quot;
Vagrant, that's priceless! They know and yet they continue down the path to flabdom.
And sticking to your goals will see the gap ever widen.
(vagrant @ Oct. 13 2006,11:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This goal does help me keep progressing and moving forward.  Just a few days ago at work they had ordered a pizza and I was eating my chicken breast, beans, and corn.  They asked me, &quot;why don't you ever eat real, normal foods with us.&quot;  My reply, &quot;because I don't want to look like you.&quot;

Reply from the guy who first asked the question, &quot;good reason.&quot;

i train for a specific physique,its been along road from being skinny to getting something not far off now theres light at the end of the tunnel.but i wish i had been there 10 years ago lol.

strength is a good by product of training but for me it isnt a necessity.
Alright here goes...long-term goals.

Squat- 400lb.s x5
Chins- BW+100 x5...this one seems light-years away!
Bench press- 300 x5
DB seated press- 90s x5

I would also like to eventually have a 50 inch chest without getting fat, but I don't know if this is possible on my frame...I'll aim for it anyway!
With regards to dips, I don't get shoulder pain so much, but sometimes I get pain in the sternum sort of like Lol was talking about. It can feel like I'm about to break in half right there. Ouch...
(Totentanz @ Oct. 13 2006,19:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">With regards to dips, I don't get shoulder pain so much, but sometimes I get pain in the sternum sort of like Lol was talking about.  It can feel like I'm about to break in half right there.  Ouch...</div>
yes this is similar to the type pain im talking about. my shoulder flexibility is not what it used to be and perhaps there is some lingering scar tissue from the surgery.... the pain/strain is def. in my shoulder area and some in the sternum/clav. usually i i only really feel the stern/clav pain when i finish my last rep and release the bar......ouch

i just got back from my w/o and regardless of what the &quot;problem&quot; is im certainly not ready to go over 50's yet. like i said before the concentric is really not that hard so the strength is there but lowering and stopping before the up is akin to doing a real heavy neg. only instead of stepping off im pushing up.

oh well, yet another exer. im not ideally suited for.  thanks for the input.
Bench/Dip: 1.5xBW
Row: 1.5xBW
OH Press: 1xBW
Squat: 2xBW
Deadlift: 2xBW

BF% 10
and to sport a 6-pack for at least a little while.

I am assuming I will be about 190-200lbs when I can accomplish these lifts.