Max-Stim questions


Blade said:
Anytime you do a set and it burns like crazy (painful burn) you are creating the same conditions of the occlusion studies. In other words, its not that the effects seen in this study don't happen without cutting off the blood supply, they do depending on the type of set. I would guess the vascular occlusion is increasing phosphorylation of MAPKerk1/2. erk1/2 appears to be more sensitive to acidosis, and oxygen radicals, both of which would be increased by lack of blood flow. Although less of a contributor than p38, erk1/2 does appear to contribute to hypertrophy.
How does Max-Stimulation address the erk1/2 pathway?
Exercise Biology

anoopbal said:
I personally think Maximum Stimulation is a good example of the problems if you just look at physiology at the molecular level. Though we learned a lot , we don’t know much about the how these molecular players act in muscle.
I think Dan made a leap of assumption by saying that doing reps with rest lowers the AMPK and thereby less inhibits mTOR/AKT and thereby greater muscle growth. I don’t think the AMPK up-regulated with weight training is anywhere high enough to blunt mTOR or muscle growth. Even if it did, there might be other molecular mechanisms which can override it.
If indeed AMPk up-regulated with weight training can blunt hypertrophy, we shouldn’t see muscle growth with occlusion or training with rest pause like Dogg crap. In fact, the AMPK production is so high with occlusion stimulus that we should see atrophy instead of muscle growth. And if AMPK was high with weight training, we would have seen endurance training adaptations like increased mitochondrial density and so on. But we don’t.
On the other hand, AMPK production is pretty high with endurance training and might be the reason why muscle growth is blunted with endurance training and hence makes biological sense not to mix strength and endurance.
The Four Horsemen

Dan Moore said:
FP: I know you've learned a lot from Bryan Haycock who is well known for developing HST. What other "gurus" in the industry do you follow?

[Dan] None, I prefer to use academic sources instead. This isn’t to say I don’t admire anyone else for what they have achieved or through their efforts have helped others achieve their goals but I don’t really “follow” anyone. If I were to make a list of those who I think are talented writers the list would be quite long. Comparatively if I were to make a list of those who actually “said” something in their writings the list would be quite short. So for the sake of brevity I’ll only mention the later.

Bryan Haycock, as you mention, for not only his development of HST but also his approach.

Lyle McDonald, for his in depth knowledge in metabolism.

Borge Fagerli, for his practical understanding and implementation of the science.

I’m sure there are others, but none have influenced my thought processes as much as the ones mentioned above.
You mentioned 2 of "The Four Horsemen;" what is your opinion of the other 2, namely Alan Aragon & Martin Berkhan?
They seem knowledgeable enough and I've had brief conversations with both of them some time back.

As far as the book, I wouldn't hold my breath because collaborative books rarely pan out (too many egos involved, kind of like rock bands).
Is anyone able to email me the Max-Stim spreadsheet that automatically calculates your workloads please?
I do max-stimulation for deadlifts, but for most lifts I prefer myo-reps just because it saves time. I do believe max-stim is an awesome way to gain strength and size. I may even try to train more max-stim style, especially as I go for maximum strength, next time I bulk up.

I trained max-stim a lot in the past, it is a good method.
Thanks Sci. How do you do it? Do you do it all through the 15's, 10's and 5's?

I like to use 20 seconds M-time. This proves to be the ideal rest time for me, just enough to recover slightly, while the muscle is still somewhat stressed. I also use this time when I "pause" during myo-reps.

Myo reps are basically take a set to near failure, then pause and take a few more reps, then pause, etc. similar to Doggcrapp, or "rest-pause", but I think Borge explains how it works better, and also implements the technique better.

Incidentally, Borge Fagerli (blade), developed myo-reps heavily inspired by Dan Moore's writings, and his "Max-Stimulation" method.

Anyway, max-stim is typically doing 20 reps with a ~10-30 second pause between reps. You rack the weight and take 10-15 deep breaths, then you do another rep, then rack it, then another. It's hardcore, and although Dan developed this method for hypertrophy, it happens to be one of the best strength training methods I have used.

As far as progression, you can do it just like vanilla HST, or you can just go from something like 60% of your 1rm and progress each workout until you are using your 3rm. Though in my experience, once you get to the 5rm loads, total reps have to drop to 10-15 max-stim reps. It is amazing how many reps you can do with a heavy load using this method.

Great for deadlifts, chin-ups, dips, bench, rows, Pulldowns, curls, anything where you can quickly rerack the weight. It is not recommended for squats, too awkward to rerack each rep.

Give it a try.
Great for deadlifts, chin-ups, dips, bench, rows, Pulldowns, curls, anything where you can quickly rerack the weight. It is not recommended for squats, too awkward to rerack each rep.

Give it a try.
It's definitely not as straightforward to do Max-stim squats but it is doable if you have good racking/unracking technique. If you can unrack the bar, take a single step back with each foot, squat and then rerack, you should be ok to do a set of Max-stim squats. Front squats work well too.