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  1. L

    Shoulder Pain

    if it persists i would try a:slowing your reps down a little especially near the base of the movement b:warm your shoulders up really well it worked for me. good luck.
  2. L

    Bench Press Form

    i do bench to nipple level,i did it the other way it put too much pressure on my shoulders,i also like to put my feet on the bench sometimes it stops you from squirming allover the place and keeps your back where it should be,i hate to see guys lift huge weights with there back and butts off the...
  3. L


    i was having problems with squats,i began to dread them,i was getting some pain in my i decided to stand on a couple of plates(weights)with my heals and that sorted it,now they are my daily bread.
  4. L

    Cutting ???

    rather than a callorie deficit to lose weight(cut)just do some cardio,it works fantastic for never tempted to deprive myself of food i believe its counter productive,besides you will lose weight more efficiently by exercising.having said that it all depends on what you want,do you want to...
  5. L

    Good Form on Skullcrushers

    sometimes i take the zed-bar way down over my head and sometimes i bring it to my forehead(carefully)it gives you a slightly different feel.
  6. L

    New angle

    i think its a great idea,i would love to do this if i had the time unfortunatley i have to do all my iso,s with my compounds,i believe that any training is a stimilus and therefore use what ever you can(as long as you dont go too far).
  7. L

    Biceps has always lagged

    my bi's have always lagged so i do 3 sets bis 3 sets tris all the way through my cycle.bis are coming on now and my tris have really responded. i like to do 1 week of db exercises then my 2nd week bb/zed bar.
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    Would like some advice...

    free weights are king!
  9. L

    Would like some advice...

    free weights are king!
  10. L

    weakling needs help

    sometimes finding your rms can be difficult if this is your first cycle i suggest(looking at what you are lifting) incline bench:50-55-60 for 15s barbell curls : 30-35-40 db shoulder :16-18-20 tris : 30-35-40 ish depends on available weights but dont worry too much about reps as long as...
  11. L

    Inclined Bench

    gonna sound daft being as you are talking about incline but i use alot more decline now and my chest has responded very well,and i mean all of my chest not just lower,i think decline uses alot more of your muscle fibres,try it for a cycle see what you think you will be suprised.
  12. L

    few questions and advice please

    the shoulder press is great for shoulers,its proberbly your technique i would imagine you are doing them stood up(or seated) Hyperextending :arching your back so letting your wrists drop horizontally which maybe the cause.try to do them seated with less weight keeping your back firm against the...
  13. L

    15 min. cardio session after hst workout ok?

    i train 3-4 times a week and run 3 days a week 45min which is proberbly too much but i would never mix cardio and weights, not good if you run low on energy stores while training your body will start to eat itself (protein),if you have to,try 5 mins max.
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    hst principles?

    ive was thinking of doing a very similar thing start by doing say : mon- 15s@200lbs @100%load wed- 15s@200lbs @100% fri   - 15s@200lbs @100% but as i go through the week slow the reps down so by the second week my reps are slow but not as slow as negs,i decided against it cos im not sure it...
  15. L

    A few thoughts on changing my training

    i personally would do it something like this because although you arent incrementing your weight over a long period i believe it is enough in your predicament.and i would go 100% load for each day.although people will say that you only use the different rep ranges to accomidate load, i think...
  16. L

    Shoulder Problems! Options?

    if its really painfull i would sd for a couple of weeks and then ease back in,i too have had some shoulder pain recently i find the 15s help ease it out.I would definitely worm up your shoulders more and with small increments in weight to get the blood in there,its hard to know the best option,i...
  17. L

    the training effect

    i enjoyed reading the post about "reactions to muscle" some interesting points of veiw,but what about you,what is your reaction,have you become one of lifes winners has it been positive or are you an a**hole?personally i got interested in it after watching pumping iron and alot of the...
  18. L

    what the f.....???!

    dont believe that either,i like to put 1 pint of milk 2 eggs(including the yellow bit) whey protein powder 30g-50g and maybe a bannana sorted!
  19. L


    thanks for the posts i guess i gotta get it in to my head to do it that way,building up to your max weight ill give it ago,im in sd mode at the moment.