(SameOldSameOld @ Jul. 12 2007,16:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"></div>
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> 1. I can only do about 9 or 10 chins with bodyweight but really want to improve this. How can I incorporate into HST? Can I somehow increase my reps without going to failure?</div>
My suggestion would be to use pulldowns during the 15s and 10s until you get to the last workout of the 10s. So chins would work perfectly for your 10RM day(s).
Then, after the 10’s keep using chins for the 5s. Don’t add weight the first day of 5s, but try to hit the same number of total reps you performed during the 10s. So if you did 2 sets of 10 on your 10RM day, do 4 sets of 5 on your first day of 5s.
Then during the 5s, progressively add weight (using a chin/dip belt) 2.5 pounds at a time. Even if you have to reduce the number of sets you do. So lets say workout 1 you do 4 sets, then on workouts 2-4 you do 3 sets w/5lbs, then on workouts 5-6 you do 1 or 2 sets w/7.5-10lbs.
Now, you may find that you are not reaching failure w/7.5-10lbs you can continue to add weight 2.5lbs at a time until you do reach your 5RM.
Now, the second cycle, I would suggest organizing the increments so that it only took 6 workouts to reach your 5RM during the 5s. Then I would move into negatives using an additional weight. It is after doing negatives that most experienced lifters experience the greatest gains in strength when using HST.
As always, if you feel you are over training reduce the volume.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> 2. If I train biceps, how would I incorporate using two different exercises eg. bar curls and preachers, into a HST cycle? For the sixth session of each rep cycle would I go to failure on one or both exercises?
You have a few options here. The simplest one is to simply do both exercises each time your train biceps using your RMs for each exercise individually as you suggested.
Another option is to use alternating routines in which you would do bar curls on Monday, and Preachers on Wednesday, and bar curls again on Friday, etc, etc. In this instance you would normally only use your RMs on the 6th workout of each block. Keep in mind that it is the biceps themselves that you are focusing on, not the exercise, so the fact that you wouldn’t use your RM on one or the other each time you complete a block is not important.
Finally, you could use the two different exercises sequentially as a way to progress your weight loads. Most people can use more weight doing standing barbell curls than they can doing Preacher curls.
The idea is to start with Preacher curls for the 15s and into the 10s. Then as things start to get really heavy you switch exercises and begin using standing BB curls to finish the 10s or as you start your 5s.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">3. When it comes to the negatives for 2 weeks I will be doing 2 more weeks of 5reps. Should I be keeping my 5 rep max the same for the next 2 weeks or increasing it? eg. If my 5 rep max for curls is 100 do I just do:
Week 1: Mon Wed Fri
100x5 100x5 100x5
Week 2: Same as above </div>
Yes, just continue to use your 5RM weights. Although we try to increase the load over time to combat the effects of the RBE, by the time you reach your 5RMs the weight loads are often heavy enough to be effective for some time. It is helpful to incorporate drop sets during this period to maximize the growth stimulus.