For someone who isn’t conditioned, 1 - 2 sets per exercise (~3-6
sets/week) is sufficient to cause muscle growth. If you have been training for many years (5+)
consistently then it might take more time under tension. This person will either need to take
more time training in order to accommodate more sets per exercise, or split up their workout
into two sessions and train either twice per day, or 6 days per week. This is how guys like
myself, Blade, Boris, and others train. I have been training for over 25 years, and it takes a bit
more strain and time to overcome years of RBE. Does this mean that the principles of load and
time under load have changed for me, as opposed to the new guy? Absolutely NOT!
Strain is what my muscles grow. It is what makes the new guy’s muscle grow. The difference?
RBE. RBE makes my muscle more resistant to strain, thus, I need to either increase the strain or
increase the time that my muscle is strained. Here are the limitations:
1) My strength levels limit increasing the strain
2) My tissues ability to support the strain without tearing limit increasing the strain
3) My CNS limits increasing the time my muscles can be strained.
So, I must work within these limitations to continue to grow over time. My only other option is
to use
testosterone which will reduce the need for both strain and time under strain for the most
part. But as a natural lifter, I am left to manipulate my training to make the most of the
principles. The method that results from these manipulations is called HST when growth is the
primary goal.