Bax ive just been reading your log and im amazed at how quickly your strength increased to reach your PR's in squat deads bench and rows!!?
I wanna get strong and bigger, but my strength sucks really bad..
When you was working on strength, i think you were doing 5 sets of 5 increasing the load each set..but were you working to failure??? and how was your frequency??
Also i do quite afew exercises but i am switching to a compound only simplify and win routine next cycle..Do you feel as though you have nade better progress in terms and size and strength doing compound only and less exersises???
I wanna get strong and bigger, but my strength sucks really bad..
When you was working on strength, i think you were doing 5 sets of 5 increasing the load each set..but were you working to failure??? and how was your frequency??
Also i do quite afew exercises but i am switching to a compound only simplify and win routine next cycle..Do you feel as though you have nade better progress in terms and size and strength doing compound only and less exersises???