Baxmans Trip

Bax ive just been reading your log and im amazed at how quickly your strength increased to reach your PR's in squat deads bench and rows!!?

I wanna get strong and bigger, but my strength sucks really bad..

When you was working on strength, i think you were doing 5 sets of 5 increasing the load each set..but were you working to failure??? and how was your frequency??

Also i do quite afew exercises but i am switching to a compound only simplify and win routine next cycle..Do you feel as though you have nade better progress in terms and size and strength doing compound only and less exersises???
Ratty, thanks for checking in. My biggest strength gains came while doing the Bill Starr/Madcow intermediate 5x5. If you google Madcow the program will come up along with a spreadsheet where you can punch in your numbers. The weights get pretty heavy in the 4th week and you only train 3 times week. As for your last question, I have made my best gains this last year doing only the basic compound lifts with very little isos. Good luck and definitely Simplify and Win.


Squats 5x5x155

Deads 5x5x265

OHP 5x5x105

Chins bw+25 8,5,4 tough pulling my fat a$$ up

This bulk is going to be tough. Took some body measurements today and my lack of discipline over the last few weeks has left me a bit larger around the midsection. I've always had a hard time accepting the fat gain while bulking and have always tried to control it a little. Just a mental thing I need to get past. Indecisiveness could foil this attempt.
Again I love this set up BAX

(sorry to repeat myself LOL)

Its just that cool looking.

I'm thinking of doing something just as simple and direct, except carried through the regular HST progression of reps/loads

May even ditch direct shoulder work, as these puppies have been getting sore on me

I'm still watching with interest

Has your muscle mass been visibly increasing along with strength?
(beingisbeing @ Aug. 25 2008,12:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Has your muscle mass been visibly increasing along with strength?</div>


Squats 1x5x140,150,160,170,180

Bench 5x5x155

Hang Cleans 5x5x105

Barbell Curls 1x6x85, 2x8x75
Straight bar skulls 3x8x85

Haven't done curls or skulls for ages. Felt pretty good. It's nice to be doing cleans again. This week was pretty easy, but looking forward a couple weeks has got me a little scared. I haven't loaded anything over 200 lbs. on the bar in a while. Hopefully the weenie weight workouts can come thru for me!!
(BAX67 @ Aug. 26 2008,7:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">weenie weight workouts</div>
this type of remark is wholly inappropriate and grounds for severe sanctioning
^Youre right my bad. Didn't mean to offend anyone!


Squats 5x5x190

Bench 1x5x145,155,165,180,190

Hang cleans 1x5x100,105,115,120,130

Good Morns 1x8,1x5 130

Situps 20,15,3(severe ab cramps, ouch, never had that before)

Cleans are feeling really smooth. Did a few snatches and overhead squats with the bar. Didn't have any shoulder issues so I may add OHS back to my warmups. Will continue practicing snatches if it fits and the shoulder allows. I would really like to try a 8-12 week oly lift cycle like the one on Strength Online by John Cissek.
are you gonna do the sprints/full 5 day split? should you do that oly program...

that'd be awesome sauce.
(fearfactory @ Aug. 30 2008,12:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">are you gonna do the sprints/full 5 day split?  should you do that oly program...

that'd be awesome sauce.</div>
Yes, the whole deal. It would be a nice refreshing change of pace, I think. Maybe if my shoulder holds up nicely, I'll give it a try after this 5x5 or if the weight gets to heavy for me this next couple of weeks I'll jump into it. Very sweet sauce indeed!

Squats 5x5x165

Deads 5x5x300 Pleased

OHP 5x5x115 Very good form and strong

Chins 3xbw+25x8, 6, 4 Puss, but managed 1 more total rep

Passed on the ab work today.

Weight 182 Getting smoother and smoother, Yikes

Tues. 9-2-08

Squats 1x5x150,170,180,190,205

Bench 5x5x175 Felt good

Hang Cleans 5x5x120 Maybe a bit on the light side, but refreshing

Barbell curls 2x8x80 1x6x80

Skullz 2x8x90 1x6x90

End Week 2

Week 3 I'll start on Thurs. before taking off to Ohio for a couple of days. 12 hour drive there and back, I'l have a lot of time to reflect on my current training situation and where I want to go with it. Hope to get a workout in while there, but I haven't trained in a public facility before. Should be interesting!
Deads    5x5x300    Pleased

Well, hell yes...!!!

Week 3 I'll start on Thurs. before taking off to Ohio for a couple of days. ... Hope to get a workout in while there, but I haven't trained in a public facility before.  

Welcome to Ohio. We have some pleasant facilities available for your lifting enjoyment.
Where will you be in the Buckeye state, Bax? And which public facility will be privileged by your presence?
Tim, I'll be in Toledo helping a friend tear down a pool he bought. TR has given me a few spots to try out if I have the time.

9-4-08 Start Week 3 Starr Adv. 5x5

Squats 5x5x210 Legs quivering after that.

Bench 1x5x160,170,185,195,210(last couple reps were real tough)

Hang Cleans 1x5x110,115,125,135,140

Good Morns 2x5x135

Weight sit up 1x15x25,1x10x35,1x10x45

Really happy with todays effort.

Squats 5x5x180

Deads 5x5x330

Ohp 5x5x127

Chins BW+25 3sets8,6,4

crunch 15,15,10

Strength is coming back I do believe. Deads were tough, but still with good form. Somewhat of a personal best as I've never done that many sets and reps with that weight. OHP's continue to feel real strong and I'm looking forward to next week to hit some PR's. Chins are still the same because my back is just crushed after the heavy deads.
I pulled something in my low back while squatting. It's in the muscle right above the *** cheek and just above the hip(gluteus medius??). It's pretty sore today, but only when I sit down and stand. I was able to work thru the same injury in May and I'm hoping I can do the same now.

Squats 1x5x170,185,200,215,230(FELT LIKE THE MOTHER LOAD)Back sore

Bench 5x5x195 GOOD

Hang Cleans 5x5x130

BBCurls 3x8x80

Skulls 3x8x90

May have to end this early if the low back keeps hurting.
(BAX67 @ Sep. 09 2008,11:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I pulled something in my low back while squatting.  It's in the muscle right above the *** cheek and just above the hip(gluteus medius??).  It's pretty sore today, but only when I sit down and stand.</div>
I've had a sore gluteus medius before. It can take forever to heal.

There is a simple stretch you can do that helps a bit, if you wanna take the time to google it.
Thanks TR.


Squats 5x5x220

Bench 1x5x170,180,195,205, 1x4x220 DAMN

Hang Cleans 1x5x115,125,130,140,150(Form slipping a little)

Skipped Good Morns and abs ran out of time.

May have been using arms a little when pulling on my last set of cleans. Very happy with squat effort. Never did 5sets with 220 before.


Squats 5x5x190

Deads 5x5x345 Wanted to pass out!!

OHP 5x5x137PR Finally!!

Chins BW+25 8,4,5,3 Spent

Previous best for ohp's was 1 set at 136 for 4 reps quite some time ago...Dec 19, 07 actually. So quite a bit of improvment there.

Weight up to 183. Still much weaker than when I was 165 though.
(BAX67 @ Sep. 16 2008,7:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deads                   5x5x345 Wanted to pass out!!</div>
C'mon, Bax! Don't settle for wanting to pass out.

Better to add a coupla plates and lift till you wanna die...  
Thanks FF! TR, you got that right!

9-18-08 Last Day, Week 4 5x5

Squats 1x5x180,195,210,225,235(last rep cheated, no ATG)

Bench 1x5x205, 4x5x200

Hang Cleans 5x5x140

BB Curls 1x8,6,5x85
Skullz 1x8,8,5x95

That was a nice 4 weeks. Enjoyed the advanced setup of the Madcow 5x5. Not as much plate changing. I feel I made some good progress. Weight is up about 6 pounds and strength seems to be up too. Also snapped some pics yesterday to compare myself to some pics from March 07. That's the last time I was at 185 and pre HST-5x5. Will try and post in my log if I can figure it out, otherwise I'll post them over in the Pictures Everyone thread.