Squats 1x5x155,165,180,190,205
Bench 5x5x160
Pendlays 1x5x115,4x5x125
Squats 5x5x210
Bench 1x5x150,160,170,180,195
Pendlays 1x5x115,130,140,145,155
Good Morns 1x8x140,1x6x140
Weight Situps 2x15xbw+25
Squats 5x5x185
Deads 5x5x310
OHP's 5x5x125
Chins 3x8xbw
Had to switch to pendlays for a while because of a nasty cut to my index finger. They felt nice, haven't done them for some time. May just stick with those for the rest of the cycle and practice cleans on an off day. Very strong session today.