Baxmans Trip

1-5-09 My Oly Experiment

Snatch 1x3x45,55,65,65,75

OHS 5x6x67

Fr. Squats 3x8x135, 1x8x140

Inc. Situps 3x12xbw+25

Was able to get a little deeper on snatches. I think my flexibility is improving. Shoulders feel pretty good. Front squats were tough on the wrists..
1-6-09 My Oly Experiment Week 2

5 min treadmill warmup

Cleans+ Jerk 1x3x120,120,130,140,155, 1x1x175**
Performed 2 jerks after each set of cleans up to 140

Deads 3x6x280 Double overhand..Grip Good

Behind neck press 1x8x45,45,55 Done while in full squat TOUGH
Snatch Grip

Squat Jumps 3x3x75

** Thats my best clean ever and I'm pretty psyched about being able to do at least my bodyweight.
Great C&J PR Bax. That's awesome. Was that a squat clean or a power clean?
Thank you kindly tim and Lol. As far as the cleans go, they are squat cleans. I'll tell you my legs are sure getting blasted. Some form of squatting or leg work everyday.

1-07-09 My oly experiment end week 2

Barbell Lunges 2x12/legx100, 1x10/legx100

RDL 1x12x155,160,165

Twisting sit ups 3x15xbw

Bench 80% 1 rep max 3x6x190

Bench was feeling heavy so I've lost some strength there. Lunges fried my legs and RDL's left me pretty shaky! Time for a day off!!
1-13-09 My Oly Experiment Week 3

Well, my day off turned into 4 which was nice and I feel well rested.

Snatch 1x3x45,55,65,75 1x2x95+1power snatch

Squats 3x5x205

rev hypers 3x15xbw

weighted sit ups 2x15x35+bw 1x13x35+bw

Pullups 2x8xbw 1x6xbw

Weighed in today at 176, took some caliper readings and bodyfat is down to 12.79% from 13.5% 2 weeks ago. Wasn't too strict on the cardio last week so I need to step it up a little this week.
1-14-09 My Oly Experiment Week 3

Cleans 5x3x135

Deads 1x6x205,215,220 Snatch Grip
3x6x290 Clean Grip

Push Jerk 3x3x145

Behind Neck Pr. 1x12x55,65,75
(Snatch Grip)

Counter Jumps 3x3 bw

For a little cardio fun, played some hockey for 1 1/2 hours in a local mens league. The hockey was great, but the toes got just a tad bit chilly..We played outside and it was only -20F when we got off the ice here in northern Wisconsin. Probally not the smartest thing to do
is the ice harder to skate on when it's that cold? is it brittle? I was talking to some kids yesterday about the properties of ice changing as it gets colder (in the context of skating) any trouble w/ the pucks breaking?

I would imagine those cleans are helping w/ athleticism. I would like to get back into that...
FF, ice isn't hard to skate on but it is very brittle and cracks easily. No pucks breaking either. It also sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard when skating on it.

My oly experiment is on hold right now. Haven't lifted since last Weds., just been busy and now the past two days have been fighting some sort of flu bug. Last night I had the chills followed by some serious sweating. Today I have no energy, feel weak and a have a sore throat.
Get well soon Bax. Seems there are a whole lot of bugs around on both sides of the Atlantic.
Back on board after an unexpected SD.  Flu bug lasted about three days and I still have a little cough.  My next cycle will look like this.

HST Cycle 3  + OLY
3 day/week
Squats alt with deads
Bench alt with db bench
Chins alt with pullups

Prior to each HST workout I'll work my oly lifts: WO 1 cleans, WO 2 Snatch, WO 3 Clean and Jerk.  During 15's I'll work at 65% of 1 rep max, 10's 70%, 5's 75% and last 2 weeks I'll try for some single PRs.  Overhead squats, RDL's and good mornings will be worked in once / week and abs 3/week.

1-23-09 FRI WO 1  HST CYCLE 3 + OLY

Cleans       5x3x115

Squats                    1x15x145

Bench                     1x15x130

Chins                      1x12xBW+5   Whoa not good....weak

OHP                        1x15x75

Weighted sit ups    3x15x35+bw

Well chins didn't work out so well.  I'm using all the same weights from my HST Cycle in June.  I was around the same weight and bodyfat% as I am now.  I'll be eating at maintenance or slightly above for the cycle...cardio hopefully 3 times/week.

Weight   170
BF%       12.18
1-25-09 HST CYCLE 3 + OLY WO 2

5 minute treadmill warmup

Snatch 5x3x65

Deads 1x15x270 Not Bad , but hearts really pumping

OHP 1x15x85

Pullups 1x9xbw+6ms

DB Bench 1x15x90(combined DB's)

Overhead Squats 2x5x70

Inc sit ups 3x15xbw

After lifting went and played hockey for two hours with a bunch of 9 and 10 year olds(I'm one of the coaches). Those little whippersnappers can wear an old guy out. Great fun and good cardio.
(BAX67 @ Jan. 25 2009,11:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deads 1x15x270  Not Bad , but hearts really pumping</div>
And you know you're alive. Ha!  

Nice lifting Bax.
(BAX67 @ Jan. 25 2009,6:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deads                    1x15x270  Not Bad , but hearts really pumping</div>
That should take care of your cardio requirements for a day or two...


30 min. Treadmill Intervals

1-27-09 HST CYCLE 3+ OLY

5 min. treadmill warmup

Clean and Jerk 5x3x115

Squats 1x15x165

Bench 1x15x155

Chins 1x13xbw+5 15sec break +2reps

RDL 2x12x165

Hanging leg raise 3x12xbw

Bench is already feeling heavy. I'm supposed to go 175 for my final wo and I'll be very surprised if I get it. Cleans were really nice and smooth. I've noticed my shoulder flaring up again. It's gotta be from benching. For 3 weeks of oly lifting and a bunch of stuff overhead(only benching once/week), no shoulder problems.
1-30-09 HST CYCLE 3 + OLY

Power Cleans 5x3x120

Squats 1x15x175 Loads of Fun

DB Bench 1x15x124(combined dbs)

Pullups 1x11+4msxbw

OHP 1x15x95

Weighted sit ups 3x12xbw+40

Decided to squat instead of deadlift today. I feel stronger when I squat 2 or more times a week and only deadlift once. To think, I often entertain the thought of trying the Squats and Milk program, yet when I do 15 rep squats it really straightens out my mind and I have to say to myself &quot; What the Heck are you thinking?&quot;
I real;ly like the setup of the new cycle, Bax.  Too bad your Oly experiment had the unexpected SD - but I'm so glad that you still hgave elements of it in the new cycle.  Great stuff!
Thanks tim!


5 min treadmill warm up

Snatch                   5x3x70

Deads                    1x15x280    wow, intense

OHP                       1x12x105, 1x3x105

Chins                      1x15xbw+5

Overhead Squats 2x5x75

DB Bench               1x7x144,1x8x134 Wrong plates

Good Morns           1x12x110

Inc Sit ups              3x15

Not a bad workout considering yesterdays activities.  A buddy and I shoveled off 3.5 feet of snow off a fairly nice sized roof=My shoulders are screwed.  Every rep of OHP hurt and the db&quot;s for bench were not much better especially with the wrong weight.  I finally hit chins and was happy with the deadlift effort.  1 more day of 15's
2-6-09 HST cycle 3 + OLY

5 min treadmill warmup

Squats 1x15x185

Bench 1x12x170, Rested 30 sec 1x3x170

Pullups 1x11xbw, Rested 30sec 1x4xbw

RDL 2x12x170

Crunch 2x20

Going to do my clean and jerk workout tomorrow a.m. Start 10's Mon.