Baxmans Trip

(BAX67 @ Feb. 26 2009,1:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deads                1x5x205,3x5x325
Used a double overhand grip on my last set of deads which surprising worked pretty good...</div>
Ooh! Double overhand grip at 325...?

Color me impressed!
Hey Bax, you've made some great progress with your squats, OHPs and your grip strength recently. Sorry to read you're still struggling with a shoulder issue. I know how frustrating that is.

I'd like to get back to some snatching but I don't have the space to allow for safe dumping of the bar right now (which is why I haven't done any OHSs either). How's your form these days? Have you managed to get into the low position right after the second pull or do you do more of a power snatch? I think getting a snatch right is one of the coolest lifts. It's so easy to over or under cook it; those Oly lifters make it look so simple.
Thanks Lol, grip strength seems to have really improved and as for the squats and OHP's, not really close to 5rep maxes when I was 187. I'll keep plugging away a little at a time. I've been really wanting to switch to 5x5 because I seem to gain more strength, but I also burn out at about 7 weeks. This HST cycle I've enjoyed because it's allowed me to work on the oly lifts along with all my other favorites. The best part fo this cycle so far is I've been able to maintain a bodyweight of 170 while dropping some fat. I started the cycle at BW 170/ 12.18% BF with a lean weight of 149.28 and a fat weight of 20.71. Today's measurements have me at 170/ 10.64% with a lean weight of 151.91 and fat weight of 18.09.

RE: Snatch form: My quads are parallel after the second pull and with the bar overhead. Quite a difference from when I started and it was a power snatch followed by an overhead squat. I'm going to try and get a lesson or two at the end of this month when I head to Milwaukee for a long weekend. Hopefully my form isn't too far off.

Workout 4 HST CYCLE 3 + OLY

Front Squats 1x10x45,1x5x95, 3x5x155

OHP 3x5x127

Deads 1x5x205, 1x1x305, 3x5x340

Pullups 3x5x12.5

Weighted Pushups 1x15xbw, 1x10xbw+25, 1x8xbw+25

Inc Situps 3x15xbw+35

Deads will put a hurtin on the old CNS I'm sure. I managed 3 reps on the first set and 4 reps on the second set with a double overhand grip. I like the feel of the DOH grip, everything feels more evenly distributed + I like imagining cleaning that SOB.

For my weighted pushups I put two wooden benches side by side and a chair on the end. I put my feet on the chair and used the benches to put my hands on. This allowed me to strap a 25# plate to my chest with my lifting belt and go down past parallel with very little shoulder pain at all. Will see how the shoulder feels later today and tomorrow to see if this might be the way to go instead of benching and dipping.
3-6-09 HST CYCLE3 + OLY

Squats 3x5x225 Slow coming out of the hole

OHP 3x5x130

Power cleans 3x3x150

Chins 3x5xbw+30 Strong

Despite shoveling down 4000 calories/day since Sunday my squats still suck. I may have to do something drastic like a Smolov Squat Cycle or something. Boy it pisses me off!!
(BAX67 @ Mar. 06 2009,1:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Despite shoveling down 4000 calories/day since Sunday my squats still suck.  I may have to do something drastic like a Smolov Squat Cycle or something.   Boy it pisses me off!!</div>
Bax - Do you know at what load point you are still explosive out of the hole? Perhaps you need to focus on staying a bit lighter and slamming your fast-twitch fibers for a while? I know I went through something similar maybe 2 years back, and by dropping the weight to the point where I was again able to explode out of the hole and doing 4 x 8 sets, I very quickly was able to ramp up the weight and start doing lower rep sets rather heavy, maintaining that same rep speed as I had built with the lighter loads.

Good luck regardless!
Bax, just went back through a few of your log entries and extracted this:

2-9-09 Squats 2x10x190
4 days
2-13-09 Squats 2x10x200
3 days
2-16-09 Squats 2x10x210  Real Tough
5 days
2-22-09 Squats 1x10x220 PR 1x5x220
2 days
2-24-09 Squats 3x5x190
2 days
2-26-09 Front Squats 1x10x45,1x5x95,3x5x145
4 days
3-2-09 Squats 3x5x205
2 days
3-4-09 Front Squats 1x10x45,1x5x95, 3x5x155
2 days
3-6-09 Squats 3x5x225   Slow coming out of the hole

And you've also been doing deads in that time plus cleans and snatches as well as time on the bike!

From where I'm sitting I think I can see what might be apparently 'holding back' your squat progress. I think you are probably just a little too fatigued to really 'see' your progress at this point in the cycle. The extra cals will have provided the building materials but you still need time to put the materials together. I suspect that if you had a decent three or four day break from squatting and deadlifting and then went back to your squats you would do a whole lot better (assuming you ate and slept well and didn't spend much time on the bike). What you've done is a bit like purposefully overreaching, which is kind of what HST is about anyway - the whole 'creating a chronic environment for growth' thing rather than focussing on strength gains. Of course, it may be that you've just become a weak old fart in the last few weeks, but I somehow doubt that!

Just my 2¢.
(BAX67 @ Mar. 06 2009,1:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I may have to do something drastic like a Smolov Squat Cycle or something.</div>
Oooh, Smolov...! That sounds like fun!
tim, thanks , I can still come out of the hole explosively at 190 so I may give it a try.

Lol, Thanks for taking the time to point out my overreached state. I guess I just got caught up in all the activities and didn't put it all together..

Question: Overreached or Overtrained?
--My Symptoms: Slight irritability, low sex drive(this worries me and the wife), can't gain weight(despite caloric excess).
--I'm still sleeping well, have a good appetite, and motivation to train.

I'm going to try a deload this week and see what happens. Planned SD is March 20 which coincides with my kids spring break. Am I foolish for continuing or will a deload help me eek out 1 last week?

Yesterdays Workout 3-9-09 HST CYCLE 3

Power Cleans 3x3x155

OHP 3x3x133

Chins 3x3xbw+35

Dips 3x10xbw

No squats until Weds. I'll do three light sets as a warmup to deads. OHP's and chins were strong, found the groove on power cleans in the third set(should have did a few more warmup sets). Dips weren't bad, but not great either.

No snatch work or extra activities this week.
(BAX67 @ Mar. 10 2009,10:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Question:  Overreached or Overtrained?
--My Symptoms:  Slight irritability, low sex drive(this worries me and the wife),    can't gain weight(despite caloric excess).
--I'm still sleeping well, have a good appetite, and motivation to train.</div>
Sounds like overtraining to me; I kinda think you should consider doing that SD much sooner than later, Bax. Give yourself a chance to get caught up metabolically.
After 2 weeks off I'm feeling much better and ready to give it another shot. The next 8 weeks are going to be real simple. I'll follow the Rapid Ascent Program outlined here. Thanks Lol for the good read and the link. I will add deadlifts once a week because I like em and I'll rotate chins and pullups. I hope this doesn't backfire on me!


Power Clean 3x115 8,6,4

Ohp 3x115 8,6,4

Front Squat 3x115 8,6,4

Chins 3xbw 10,7,4

Inc Sit up 3x15xbw

1 minute rest between sets....huffing and puffing.


Power Clean 3x120 8,6,4

OHP 3x115 8,6,4

Front Squat 3x120 8,6,4

Pullup 3xbw 8,6,4

Finished in twenty minutes. That's good, not a lot of time to lift these upcoming weeks. It's strange not back squatting at all, but maybe this will be a nice change of pace.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1 minute rest between sets....huffing and puffing.</div>

Glad you enjoyed the DJ book, Bax. He's got so many useful lifting tips and techniques. Always makes for a good read.

Routine looks like a load of fun. Hopefully, your front squat numbers will benefit and when you return to back squatting you will hit some new PRs. Meantime, blow that house down!
(BAX67 @ Mar. 26 2009,9:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I will add deadlifts once a week because I like em and I'll rotate chins and pullups</div>
Not much point in going to the gym if you don't deadlift (or squat...).
Hey thanks guys!

3-29-09 DJ's Rapid Ascent

Power Cleans 3x125 8,6,4

OHP 3x117 8,6,4

Front Squats 3x125 8,6,4

Chins 3xbw+5 8,6,4

Inc. Sit Up 3xbw+35 15,15,12

Also power cleaned the bar for the first rep of each set on OHP and Front squats. Was really in the groove with power cleans. Felt great.
3-31-09 DJ's Rapid Ascent

Power Cleans 3x130 8,6,4

OHP 3x117 8,6,4

Front Squat 3x130 8,6,4

Pullups 3xbw+7.5 8,5,4


Power Cleans 3x135 8,6,4

Front Squats 3x135 8,6,4

OHP 3x120 8,6,4

Chins 3xbw+10 8,6,4

Sit ups 3x15xbw

Pushups 2xbw 20,15
4-7-09  End Week 2 DJ's Rapid Ascent

Been busy as heck.  Hitting the iron late last night ..9:30p.m.

Power Cleans          3x140           8,6,4

Front Squats            3x140           8,6,4

OHP                         3x120           8,6,4

Pullups                     3xbw+10      8,4,3

Done by 9:50.   Hard to sleep after that!
Sat. 4-11-09 DJ's Raped Ascent

Power Cleans 145 8,6,4

Fr Squats 145 8,6,4

OHP 125 6,4,4

Chins bw+15 8,6,4

Tues. 4-14-09 DJ's Rapid Ascent

Power Cleans 150 8,6,4

Fr. Squats 150 8,6,4

OHP 125 7,5,5 A few reps more than last time

Pullups bw+10 8,6,4

Fr squats were tough only because I was having a hard time keeping the bar on my shoulders. It kept rolling down and straining the wrists down in the hole which must mean I'm leaning forwad. I'll have to work on keeping the elbows up more. Been progressing rather nicely.
(BAX67 @ Apr. 16 2009,9:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sat.  4-11-09  DJ's Raped Ascent</div>
That must be one tough workout.
(electric @ Apr. 16 2009,10:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(BAX67 @ Apr. 16 2009,9:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sat.  4-11-09  DJ's Raped Ascent</div>
That must be one tough workout.  
Yeah, raped, pillaged, and left in the corner trembling