Thanks Lol, grip strength seems to have really improved and as for the squats and OHP's, not really close to 5rep maxes when I was 187. I'll keep plugging away a little at a time. I've been really wanting to switch to 5x5 because I seem to gain more strength, but I also burn out at about 7 weeks. This HST cycle I've enjoyed because it's allowed me to work on the oly lifts along with all my other favorites. The best part fo this cycle so far is I've been able to maintain a bodyweight of 170 while dropping some fat. I started the cycle at BW 170/ 12.18% BF with a lean weight of 149.28 and a fat weight of 20.71. Today's measurements have me at 170/ 10.64% with a lean weight of 151.91 and fat weight of 18.09.
RE: Snatch form: My quads are parallel after the second pull and with the bar overhead. Quite a difference from when I started and it was a power snatch followed by an overhead squat. I'm going to try and get a lesson or two at the end of this month when I head to Milwaukee for a long weekend. Hopefully my form isn't too far off.
Workout 4 HST CYCLE 3 + OLY
Front Squats 1x10x45,1x5x95, 3x5x155
OHP 3x5x127
Deads 1x5x205, 1x1x305, 3x5x340
Pullups 3x5x12.5
Weighted Pushups 1x15xbw, 1x10xbw+25, 1x8xbw+25
Inc Situps 3x15xbw+35
Deads will put a hurtin on the old CNS I'm sure. I managed 3 reps on the first set and 4 reps on the second set with a double overhand grip. I like the feel of the DOH grip, everything feels more evenly distributed + I like imagining cleaning that SOB.
For my weighted pushups I put two wooden benches side by side and a chair on the end. I put my feet on the chair and used the benches to put my hands on. This allowed me to strap a 25# plate to my chest with my lifting belt and go down past parallel with very little shoulder pain at all. Will see how the shoulder feels later today and tomorrow to see if this might be the way to go instead of benching and dipping.