Baxmans Trip

4-17-09 DJ"S Rapid Ascent

Power Cleans 155 3,3,4 F*&^ing Weak

Fr. Squats 155 8,6,4

OHP 125 8,6,4 Nailed it!!

Chins bw+20 8,6,4

Everything was great today except the power cleans. The first rep was fine, but my form was just crap on all following reps. I'm going to give those another shot Sunday and then I'm up for a deload week working at 50% of week 3.

My deload week turned into more time off
. Work has been extremely busy and although I haven't been lifting a bar with plates, I have been lifting some really heavy **** at work. Mon. I started my beloved 5x5 with some new goals in mind. I'd really like to get a 225# front squat and clean and a 200# OHP by Thanksgiving. Here's the routine:

front squats front squats front squats
Power Cleans Deads Power Cleans
Chins Pullups

I'll be taking two days off between workouts.


front squat 1x5x80,100,120,140,150

OHP 1x5x60,75,90,110,120

Power Cleans 1x5x70,85,100,115,125

Chins 3xbw+15 8,6,4


Fr Squats 1x5x80,100,120,120

Bench 1x5x115,135,155,175

Deads 1x5x185,220,255,285 All sets Double Overhand
Welcome back, Bax! Your goals are very realistic - good luck!

Isn't it nice to come back to an old standby routine? I love that too! ENJOY YOUR 5x5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, Thanks tim!

I forgot to add above that I'm also going to try and shoot for a 450# deadlift in the same time frame.

5-9-09 5x5

Fr squat 1x5x80,100,120,140

OHP 1x5x60,75,90,110

Power Cleans 1x5x70,85,100,115, From Hang position
1x8x100 Hang

I did something to my left wrist at work and the front squats are really aggravating it down in the hole. I'm really trying to keep the bar high on the delts, but the pressure on the fingertips is enough to cause some pain. Gonna work thru this ! Strange, cleans dont bother it at all

Front Squat 1x5x81,105,125,125

Bench 1x5x120,140,160,180

Deads 1x5x185,225,285,295 All DOH grip
^Should have been 265,wrong plates

Chins BW+20 8,4,4

Shoulder not liking the bench.
(BAX67 @ May 17 2009,9:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Shoulder not liking the bench.</div>
Not a good sign, Bax. What would you think of injecting some assistance work into the cycle? Maybe doing some lateral work would do the trick in terms of giving you the strength you need at the joint level.
Yeah, sorry to hear the shoulder is playing up still. Mine is too. Just tried some bw dips and push-ups tonight and it was almost as lousy as ever. I really haven't done anything much with it for about a month. It's not as sore as it was but it's still not as good as the right one yet. As a bit of an experiment, I'm going to be taking 10g of cod liver oil per day (as soon as my supply arrives) to see if that helps any. I'll let you know how I get on.
Yeah, still liftin' when I get time! The last three workouts:

5-19 5-22-09

front squats 1x5x81,105,125,142 1x5x85,105,128,150,165

Ohp 1x5x62,77,95,110, 1x5x63,80,95,11,127

Power Cleans 1x5x70,95,105,120 1x5x70,95,107,125,142
Chins BW+20 8,6,4

5-24 09

Fr Squats 1x5x85,110,130,130

Bench 1x5x125,145,165,185

Deads 1x5x190,230,270,300 All DOH

Pullups BW+12.5 8,5,4

Suppoosed to go tonight but got to tired. I'm in new territory for front squats at 165 and I've had to swith to crossing my arms instead of using a clean grip which really sucks. My left wrist is just to sore. On that note, my whole body is sore. It takes a good 15 minutes in the a.m. to get things moving right. After my last bench session on 5-24 my shoulders have been pretty tender. I know now that benching is the source of my shoulder problems. Was hoping that after 8+weeks of no benching they would be good to go. Not the case so I'll probally remove them. Ahh the joys of getting old.
Lol, keep me posted in your log on your cod liver oil experiment and sorry to hear about your hernia. That really blows!!
Tim, if your reading I'd like to give that 10x3 routine a try that youve done in the past. Maybe your could point me in the right direction on where to find it or if you have a spreadsheet or something. Thanks Man.
Fri 5-29 and Sat 5-30

Fr. Squats 1x5x85,105,130,150
1x3x170 PR

OHP 1x5x63,80,95,111

Power Clean 1x5x70,95,107,125

Chins bw+25 8,6,4

Cleans and Chins were done Sat morn. I did 1 more rep for a total of 4 on my set of 146 power cleans. Wasn't happy with the 3rd rep...rep 4 was much smoother.
6-1-09 Start Week 4 5x5

Fr Squat 1x5x88,110,131,153,172 Last set TOUGH

OHP 1x5x65,83,98,115,130

All I could fit in for tonight. Power Cleans and Pullups tomorrow evening. I'll be feelin' those front squats tomorrow!!
Great to see you pushing those front squats up Bax. How's your wrist doing? My left wrist is quite a bit more flexible than my right which I attribute to hours of guitar playing over the years. I always have to warm up my right wrist more.

If you have a desk job then during the day you could take a few moments to stretch out those forearm muscles by placing your fingers on the edge of the desk and pushing the heels of your palms down and away from you. I do a kind of PNF stretch where I'm actively contracting against the stretch as I push my body weight forward. Just make sure your desk has sturdy legs and is reasonably heavy or you'll end up tipping it over!
Yeah, Week 4 started out with good intentions, but when all said and done ended up being a week off. Just too damn busy. 4 years of lifting and I've never been this inconsistent. Pissing me off.

June 10
, 2009 Trying Week 4 over

Only enough time to do some power cleans and OHP's and chins

P cleans 1x5x75,95,110,130,146

OHP 1x5x65,85,100,115,130

Chins BW+30 8,5,3


Deads 1x5x195,235,275,310 All DOH, no straps

Pullups BW+15 6,5,4

Really wanted to get the front squats in, but those will have to wait for Sunday. Back is really sore today from the deads...feels wonderful!!

Front Squats 1x5x90,110,132,153

OHP 1x5x65,85,100,115

Had a little trouble keeping the bar on my delts in the 5th set of squats. Darn thing wants to roll forward. Left wrist is still too sore to use a clean grip.

Power Cleans 1x5x75,95,110,130,150 Sets 1-4 Hang p-cleans

OHP 1x5x68,85,103,120,135

Chins BW+35 8,5,4

Form slipping on last few reps of power cleans in the 5th set, I'll hold at that weight until that improves.
Felt good and stong on OHP's. I liked that.

Bodyweight 169

Front Squats 1x5x90,115,135,155,180

OHP 1x5x68,85,103,120,
1x3.5x137 I'll get 5 next time

Tried some dips at bodyweight and couldn't even manage to get one rep. Shoulders were screaming something horrible. So I did 3 sets of 15' incline presses. 45-10
Your front squats are going from strength to strength. Excellent job Bax.

That's some mean pressing too. Over 80% bw for reps!

Which part of your shoulders do dips bother the most? AC or GH joints? I find that dips are less of a problem for my AC joints then bench, but once they are sore from benching, pretty much anything bothers them. Right now my left AC joint is better than it has been for ages; I can grab my right shoulder with my left hand with only mild discomfort but if I pull on it there is still some tenderness. My right shoulder feels good and strong by comparison. Funny thing is, if I do OHSs my right shoulder is the one that complains the most and makes my right thumb go numb. Asymmetric weirdness I guess.
Lol, ac giving me the problems with dips.


Power Cleans 1x5x75,95,110,130,150
Pullups Bw+15 8,5,4


Deads 1x5x215,255,305,325 All DOH grip


After break decided to test my one rep maxes and see where I'm at.


Deads 1x10x135
1x1x255,305,325,375,400 miss, 390

OHP 1x10x45
1x1x95,115,135,155,165 miss, 160 miss

Not too bad for my sporadic training and crappy diet over the past month and a half. I got the 400 dead just below the knee and 165 OHP to the middle of my forehead. I also tried some benching, but it's just not going to happen..even regular push ups hurt the shoulders this time. Using a close grip on the pin in the power rack, I was able to do pushups without much pain. Did 3 sets of BW 20,15,12. My tris were REALLY sore the next day.


Power Cleans 1x10x45
1x1x135,145,150,155,165,185, 190 miss PR on the 185. Form not great but not horrible either.


Soooo....It looks like I have a good clear 6 weeks ahead of me finally. Time for Triples routine ala tim. Here's my setup:

Mon Push Tues Pull Thurs Push Fri Pull
fr squat 10x3 Deads 10x3 OHP 10x3 Power Cleans 10x3
OHP 4x6 Power Cleans 4x6 fr squat 4x6 Deads 4x6
skulls 2x8-12 chins 2x8-12 close grip pushup 2x8-12 pullups 2x8-12

Hoping I can handle deadlifting and cleaning on the same day twice a week. I won't be doing 10x3 on the assist exercises and will be starting the cycle at 77.5% of my 3 and 6 rep maxes. Can't wait to get started tomorrow.

Front Squats 10x3x145

OHP 4x6x105

Skulls 2x10,8x75

Only an hour after my workout and my legs are sore. I don't think I'll be walking to easily tomorrow.

After a couple of triples workouts I injured my right hip at work and had to take almost two weeks off.  Right now I'm starting Week 4 of 5x5, just haven't posted because it's basically weight that has been lifted before.  Approaching some new territory with power cleans and front squats and my ohp is close to my old previous best.  It has been a nice three weeks, haven't missed a workout and I think I'm finally back in the groove.  Up to that point it had been a struggle trying to find the  motivation to lift, something I hadn't experienced in the past four years.  So with that behind me hopefully, I'm ready to try and hit those goals I set for myself.  I'll be adding a month to the timeframe so Christmas is the day I'm shooting for.  My workout from yesterday.

Week 4 5x5

Front squats    5x5x160

OHP                 1x5x105,113,120,130,135

Power Cleans  1x5x120,130,140,150,160

Dips       1x10xbw

SLDL      2x10x205
Shrugs   2x12x205

The last set of Power Cleans had to take about 15-30 seconds between reps.  Form was pretty good on the first three reps and then the fatigue started in.  Last two reps were so so.  Real strong on fronts and Ohp.  I've started dipping and benching again.  Boy have I lost some strength there.  The dips are a little painful and have finally reached full depth this week.  Eased back into them with bodyweight and just stretching them a bit further each time.  AC's are still sore, but like they have been for some time so I'll keep pushing it.

Bodyweight  178

Deads           4x5x320

Bench           4x5x185

Chins            3x5xbw+40

Bodyweight 179

Was pressed for time so I opted out on light front squats today.  As usual right AC didn't care for benching...  Feels fine this morning.  CNS isn't bothering me either so I'm going to extend my volume phase 1 more week before deloading.