Thanks FF.
Just finished my SD(still some heavy lifting at work) and ready to start my 2nd HST cycle. I'll be following an A/B routine three times a week, calories will be at maintenance thru the whole cycle, and cardio will be 3 times/week, low intensity for 15's, 4 times/week medium intensity for 10's, and three times/week high intensity for 5's. All cardio sessions will be 30 min. on non training days.
A routine B routine
Squats Deads
Bench Dips
Pendlays Chins
Military Press Push Press
If my shoulder will allow it, 5 sets of power cleans will follow the 1st workout in the week, 5 sets of the snatch on the 2nd, and 5 sets clean and jerk on the 3rd workout of week. These are added for practice on form and technique. Weights will be fairly low and only increased if I feel like I can handle more weight.
Workout 1 HST Cycle 2
Squats 15,10 145
Bench 15,10 130
Pendlay 15,10 115
MPress 15,10 75
Power Cleans 1x5x45, 1x3x75,85,105,105
Nice quick workout. Boy it's been awhile since I did anything over 5 reps. Got a nice little pump today which was nice. Feeling a little deflated after the time off.