Baxmans Trip

Thanks sci, the 5x5 is great stuff. I think I could survive on just HST and 5x5. I know your a big max stim fan, I'd like to try it , but 20 rep squats - yikes
TR I haven't tried the Inzer wraps. I'll look into them though. Thanks

Changing things up a bit this week. I'm going to switch over to the advanced 5x5, deload and continue 3x3. Hopefully I can increase my maxes another 5-10# in 4 weeks and my bodyweight up to 180#. I'm at 177 right now. As soon as I hit 180# I'll start a 6 week cut.

Mon. 4-6-08

WU OH Squats 2x8x45
Hang Cleans 2x15x45
Squats 1x2x135,205 3x3x240
Bench 1x3x180,205,230
Power Cleans 1x3x115,130,145
Good Morns 1x8,5x140
Dec. Crunch 3x10,10,7x57#
I have to agree Bax... I love HST and 5x5, especially when they are combined! How is the form on the Power Cleans going?
The form on the power cleans has really come along nicely. No problems going from the catch to the front squat now. It's pretty smooth. I am finding though as the weight gets heavier(if you want to call 145 heavy
) I'm not getting as much jump or up on my toes as much. I need to focus on that a little more. Thanks for asking Colby!
Are you working the 5x5 in with the HST or alternating between cycles?  Either way, nice lifts...especially bench at 177 lbs BW.  I feel like a lot of guys on this forum neglect upper body sometimes in a constant quest for dead and squat PR's.  It needs to be a combo IMO.  Good work!!
Thanks Soflsun, I'm alternating the cycles. Right now I'm going 3x3 for the next few weeks, if my CNS can take it. Sleep has been a little restless the last two days, so I'm going to play it by ear. I have yet to make it past 8 weeks on the 5x5.


OH Squats 2x8x55
Hang Cleans 2x15x55

Push Press 3x3x145
Deads 3x3x345
Chins 1x5xbw+45,55 1x3xbw+62.5

Tired today and not alot of drive.
Fri 4-11-08

OH Squats 2x8x55
Hang Cleans 2x15x55

Squats 3x3x135,210,235, 1x1+1 260
Bench 3x3x210
Power Cleans 3x3x135

Hit the pins going down on my second rep of squats and it threw me off, had to drop it. Tried for a 3rd rep, but couldn't get it. Piss me off. I'm going to chalk this week up as a mistake and continue with the 5x5 next week. I'll drop back to my week 4 lifts in push presses and squats and week 5 lifts for bench,cleans and deads.
(BAX67 @ Apr. 12 2008,18:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hit the pins going down on my second rep of squats and it threw me off, had to drop it.  Tried for a 3rd rep, but couldn't get it.  Piss me off.</div>
throws the whole lift completely off. I hate that too!
Week 7

Squats 5x5x125,155,190,215,250
Bench 5x5x120,145,170,195,225(4+1)
Power Cleans 5x5x70,90,105,120,135
Good Morns 2x8x140
crunch 2x20xbw

I'm staying at these weights for Fridays session on squats and bench. Cleans are going up nicely. I think I'll waste my money on some supp with caffeine in it, I need a little energy boost. Felt a slight twinge in my left shoulder while benching. I think it's from shoveling all the snow we got this weekend. I'll watch it close on Weds. during push presses. That's the last thing I want is a shoulder problem.
Good work Bax. Some great progress going on here. Hope the shoulder twinge turns out to be trivial. There's nothing like shoulder trouble to spoil a cycle. Watch that bench form like a hawk. All the best.
Thanks lol, I'll for sure be careful with bench form.


Squats        4x5x125,155,190,190
Push Press  4x5x100,120,135,155
Deads          4x5x235,280,325,375   1x1x420PR
Chins           3x5xbw+45

What a GREAT day!  Deads were just feeling good and  Had to try for a pr.  420 went up pretty good and  I think I could have gotten 430.  I only have two five pound plates left so will have to pick up a couple 45's.  In 3 weeks I'll go for 450. Now if I could just get that squat up.  Tried a new stance that LOL posted on a video in FF's log.  Felt pretty good, but it kind of pinches in the shoulder with the bar really low on the traps.  I don't know if I could hold it there with heavy weight.  I'll give it a try Fri.
Wow! What Tim said with knobs on!

Try mentally forcing your elbows up as this really contracts your traps hard and makes a good cushion for the bar. It is hard on your shoulders initially but your flexibility will no doubt improve if you stick at it.
Thanks guys!


Squats 4x5x125,155,190,215
Loaded 305 on the bar to see what it felt like and did 1

Bench 4x5x120,145,170,195

Power Cleans 4x5x70,90,105,120

Going to continue putting 305 on the bar for squats after my working sets. Hopefully one of these times over the next three weeks I'll feel like I can push that up.
(BAX67 @ Apr. 16 2008,8:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deads          4x5x235,280,325,375   1x1x420PR</div>
4-21-08     Week 8
Thanks TR!!

Squats                    5x5x125,155,190,215,250 1x1x305pr
Bench                      5x5x120,145,170,195,225   275(neg)  way frickin heavy
Power Cleans          5x5x75,95,110,125,140

Nailed that sucker today.  Back was a little rounded coming up, but regardless it went up.  Wore a belt just to be safe.  Next time I go for it, no belt.  Everything felt good today.  I'm going to keep pushing hard for the next two weeks and then end my bulk.  Little bit of a sting in that left shoulder again.
nice job bax, way to go on the squats!

do you intend to keep pushing the bench press too? any shoulder troubles on the OHP or cleans?
Thank you sir! I intend to push bench,deads and squats. The power cleans are what aggravated the shoulder a little. I'll definitely watch it on the ohp's also.
Be careful with bench too, Bax. I'm not sure which part of your shoulder is aggravated, but from personal experience, I can tell you that heavier bench can stop a cycle dead if your shoulders aren't healthy.

A happier note... CONGRATS ON YOUR 305 SQUAT! Great accomplishment!

Where do you feel your max deadlift is these days?