Baxmans Trip

Damn...PR's in Deads and Squats in the same week!! You're surely doing something right. Now if anyone pisses you off you can choose to deadlift them or squat them after beating their ***. That made no sense...oh well
Congrats on the pull and the squat!!!!

Also congrats on becoming my target of who to beat on my way to beating Lol, Tot, and Quad! haha
(nipponbiki @ Apr. 23 2008,12:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Congrats on the pull and the squat!!!!

Also congrats on becoming my target of who to beat on my way to beating Lol, Tot, and Quad!  haha</div>
Oh crap! Why you got to do that to me?
  Thanks for the extra incentive and the comp.    


Squats             4x5x125,155,190,190
Push Press       4x5x101,122,140,158
Deads              3x5x240,285,330, 1x4+1 385(30sec rest)

No issue with push presses and the front left delt, although I can still feel a little sting when doing other activities.  I'll take it easy with bench and cleans on fri.
Anybody have any suggestions on a good cutting routine?  I'd like to stick with 5x5 to retain my mass, but at the same time the 15's of hst might help me heal up a bit.  Should I SD before a cut or maybe deload?
(soflsun @ Apr. 22 2008,5:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Damn...PR's in Deads and Squats in the same week!!  You're surely doing something right.  </div>
+1 Big Time!

Squats 4x5x 125,155,190,215

Bench 4x5x 120,145,170,195

Power Cleans 4x5x 75,95,110,125
Hmm, I thought I posted something about your squat and deadlift PRs but I guess I must have simply thought about it and never actually did it? Anyway, that 305 squat is great, but I think that 420 deadlift is awesome. By this time next year, you'll probably be hitting 500. It will be interesting to see how that unfolds.
Thanks Tot,  500 doesn't seem real, but it wasn't long ago I thought the same about 300 and 400.  I twill be interesting to see how it unfolds.

4-28-08  Week 9

Squats            5x5x130,160,195,220,255

Bench             5x5x 125,150,175,200,[/B]230new  5rep                          
Power Cleans 5x5x 80,100,115,130,145(4+1)

Pretty surprised at todays workout.  Long day putting boat docks in on our nice balmy 38 degree day.  I thought for sure lifts would be for crap.  Lost my balance a little on rep 4 of power cleans and didn't get down into the front squat.  That was a little scary!!
Sat. 5-3-08

After one crazy week of work, finally got my weds. workout in today.

Squats 4x5x130,160,195,195

Push Press 4x5x 105,125,145,161

Deads 4x5x 245,290,335,395(3+1+1)
10 &amp; 30 second rest on last 2 reps in last set

Felt great to feel the iron of the barbell instead of a boat dock. This is the first time I've done any work like this, but it's nice to see the weightlifting carrying over into a job. The grip strength has been huge. Gotta start that cut pretty soon, but with snow flurries on and off today it's hard to think about summer!!
Mon 5-5-08

Squats 4x5x130,160,195,220

Bench 4x5x125,150,175,200

Pendlays 4x5x95,115,145,165

Had to ditch the power cleans for awhile because of the shoulder aggravation. Pendlays felt nice. Disappointed with bench effort. I thought for sure I would be able to get 3 reps, but no dice. For squats I placed the bar low on the traps again to try it out. The last time I had some problems keeping the bar there and it felt like it was going to roll off. Well , I took my little pad of the bar and it stayed in place much better, but boy does it make for some sore traps. Was able to do all sets without the pad. Doing squats this way I noticed some more drive off my heels, not sure if it should be that way.

Squats 5x5x135,165,200,225,260pr

Bench 5x5x125,150,175,200,215(oops), 235(3+1neg)

Pendlays 5x5x100,120,150,170,195(4)

After the squats I was pretty psyched so I was feeling pretty confident about bench, but I screwed up and didn't add the weight right on the 5th set. Still happy with 1 more rep at 235 than on Sat.

My limited experience with squats has already revealed that the low-bar position allows more hip drive than the higher version. For me, the weights feel heavier with the bar higher as well. Regardless, I am not yet flexible enough for low-bar with arms in tight enough for a proper cushion. in the heck are you supposed to keep your chest up when standing up with the bar so low, it seems like sure slippage or massive pressure on the wrists holding the weight on the back. Well, it was good for a new PR!
Wow, that is some nice squatting. Don't worry about the bench, you'll get 235 for a full 5 soon enough.
As Tot said, the 235 x 5 for bench will come soon enough. When you bench, focus on the concentric portion of the rep. In other words, when the bar is being lowered to your chest, prepare yourself for a sudden burst of energy to push the bar back up. This mental focus is key in nearly all lifts.
(BAX67 @ May 07 2008,10:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Squats              5x5x135,165,200,225,260pr</div>
Whoa! Nice squats.
5-11-08  Sun.

Squats         4x5x135,165,200,200

Push Press   4x5x107,128,148,165 PR

Deads           3x5x245,290,335
                    1x4x395  Had the damn bar above the knee on the fifth rep and couldn't pull it any further.  Next time for sure!

Bodyweight 176
That's a darn fine push press Bax. Only 5kg off bodyweight. How does your strict press compare? Great deads too! You'll get that fifth rep next time.
Lol, haven't done a strict military press since for a couple of months. Switched to push presses to try and help those out a little. Now may be a fine time to check that out. I'll give it a go next week. Previous 5 rep max on a stict overhead press was 136.

End Week 11: 5-14-08

Squats 1x5x135,165,200,225

Bench 1x5x125,150,175,200

Pendlays 1x5x100,120,150,170

Pretty decent workout. It's been all I can do to try and squeeze my workouts in the last couple of weeks. That second job has been kickin my a@#. My pants are feeling a bit loose too, so I hope a little bodyfat is being trimmed off. Strength seems to be holding up.
Sun. 5-18-08

Squats                   1x5x140,170,205,230;  1x3x265

Bench                    1x5x130,150,185,205;   1x2x235

Pendlays               1x5x105,125,155,175;   1x3x200

I knew I was in trouble today when 205 squats felt heavy.  Haven't had much sleep the last three days so maybe that's why I was weak today.  I'm thinking today was my last 5x5 workout.  Going to take a few days off and try for some new 1 rep maxes towards the end of the week and SD starting Sat.  HST cycle #2  will follow.  Really looking forward to that.

Stats for 11 week 5x5
Starting 5rep maxes                       New 5 rep maxes  
Squat          250                                     260
Bench          220                                     230
Deads         355                                     385
Push Pr       150                                     165
PCleans      125                                     145
Pend Row   185                                     195
5-20-08  Tues.

Deads     1x5x135
               1x1x290,335,395,430PR 440 Wouldn't budge!!!

Mil. Press Strict(borrowed from fearfactory)

               1x1x105,125,145,155PR barely

Happy with those deads.  Was really hoping for a better MP, shooting for 175 by July 11, but that isn't going to happen.
Nice PR's!  

You know you've hit the big league when you have 4+ plates on each side.
 You may try on your PR attempt with the military to jump 20 lb increments so you don't get as worn out on the other tries.  Are you able to get your elbows out in front of the bar...I can't seem to get them out in front at all, no matter how wide I hold the bar.  What kind of flexibility is that? Wrist?