Browners New Powerlifting Log

I would put pulldowns and rows on the safe upper day.

Also ... sumo??
Yeah, just for a trial, also see if it has any Carry over to my squat

Also based on your recommendation lol
Eh, my other theory is that American volume programming (RTS, BM, Candito etc.) is a massive factor in things ending up that way - the potential being realised.

You’ll be fine with some ancillary stuff for abductors, adductors and maybe spent some time on sumo? I’d do it more if not for my knee.
120 x2x5

Squat w/Pause halfway down
130 x3x3

DB shoulder Press
37.5 x10x3 @6-7

Feeling pretty shit this week physically and mentally. This week saw the year anniversary of my brothers suicide so just feeling meh and just going through the motions in the gym
Thinking of ya bro, hope you and your family are okay
Thinking of ya bro, hope you and your family are okay
Thanks man... yeah I feel better now. Just a bit of a roller coaster week, new MD at work telling us we will all need to re interview for our own jobs, anniversary of my brother, my daughters third birthday, my mums 60th and my little boy had hand foot and mouth... but new week this week... time to go again!
Thanks man... yeah I feel better now. Just a bit of a roller coaster week, new MD at work telling us we will all need to re interview for our own jobs, anniversary of my brother, my daughters third birthday, my mums 60th and my little boy had hand foot and mouth... but new week this week... time to go again!

Careful you don’t catch hf&m too. It’s contaguous to adults too.

Here’s to a better 7 days this time around.
So... after a bit of tinkering this is the plan... for the next 6 weeks the main goal is just to max out on a few variations, build some muscle but most of all just have some fun with training again. I've attached the first 3 week wave, after this I'll swap some movements/accessories around.

Then take a deload (of sorts) before starting a 12 week prep for the next comp.

One thing is for sure... those "Pause Squats w/pause halfway down" will be nowhere to be seen!


Thanks man... yeah I feel better now. Just a bit of a roller coaster week, new MD at work telling us we will all need to re interview for our own jobs, anniversary of my brother, my daughters third birthday, my mums 60th and my little boy had hand foot and mouth... but new week this week... time to go again!
Ah shit... sucks about the job, hope the reinterview goes well and that your little man is okay! Yep a new week :)
Ah shit... sucks about the job, hope the reinterview goes well and that your little man is okay! Yep a new week :)
Thanks! I recently completed my Strength & conditioning qualification I have been working on over the last 12 months with the hope of one day getting me away from this office anyway so it might give me the kick I need to go and do something with it lol
Thanks! I recently completed my Strength & conditioning qualification I have been working on over the last 12 months with the hope of one day getting me away from this office anyway so it might give me the kick I need to go and do something with it lol
Ah that's really cool, would suit the field perfectly mate :)
Last nights session was A LOT more fun than anything I have done over the last 8 weeks of that AI coaching nonsense

Squat w/sleeves
160 x1
180 x1

Squat w/wraps
210 x1
230 x1 @8.5
240 x1 @9.5

First time using wraps and they feel really weird. Feels as though your knee cap is going to come out the back of your leg. Was fun though, I think with a bit more time in wraps and a bit of practice we should be able to get a decent squat in Feb

Back off Squats (naked knees)
160 x 9 (clustered 3-3-3)

220 x6 ( clustered 2-2-2)
220 x6 (clustered 2-2-2)

Walking lunges
20kg DB's x 20 paces (3 sets) - my glutes are on fire today from these

10kg of plate weight x8x3 (these felt really awkward)

Leg extensions
55kg x15x3
this is why I like heavy work... it highlights where you need to work on better than lazy 70% stuff. Last nights squat was a little wobbly in the upper body. Maybe because I havent had anything heavy on my back for a while so forgot how to brace but may be as my 'core/abs' are a little weak.

Going to do isometric ab work at then end of every session to try and improve that.
Also going to tinker with the layout of my program slightly;

Day 1
ME Squats
DE Deadlifts

Day 2
ME Upper

Day 3
ME Deadlift
DE Squat

Day 4
DE Upper
Max Effort Block Press
140 x1, 150 x1, 160 x1, 165 x1 @8, 171 x1 @10, 172.5 @10, 140 x5x3 @7-8

Technique felt very sloppy, all that sub maximal work has made things very sloppy. The bar path and line was way off especially on the top 2 singles. But it feels good to go heavy again!

100 x5x3

Incline DB Press - 35 x15x3
'superset with'
DB Row - 50 x15x3

OHP - 60 x12x2
'Superset with'
Pulldowns - 70 x12x2

3 x 45sec holds
Tempo squats 5-1-0
140 x4x5 @7-7.5

70 x5x4 @6-7

Chin ups
30 total reps

Single leg RDL
2 x10kg KBs x10 each leg (3sets)
These really challenged my balance and stability

Leg exetnesions

Overhead Tricep Extensions
35 x15x3

10 mins iso AB work
Paloff Press
Dynamic Planks