Cutting with HST

We've already explained that there is no such thing as an endomorph, not sure why you are insistent on calling yourself that.

If you aren't losing weight on an actual diet of less than 1700 calories then you need to get into a research lab so they can figure out how you are generating energy from the dark matter in the universe. Millions of starving African children would like to know how you maintain weight on a starvation diet.
So how is it maintaining? Still training 3 days per week. Plus cardio Tues and Thurs.

I still think that endomorphs exist though. There are plenty of people who fit that body type and we all struggle to lose fat. I was lean when I was younger. Age 10 and below. When I hit age 11 I balooned despite not doing anything different. I haven't really been truly lean since then although I have appeared slim in the past as long as I have clothes on.
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Cannot answer that I think you will have to wait until you get your bloods done, could be an underactive thyroid!! I have a couple of friends with that complaint and they have major issues with their weight in respect of not eating a lot of calories but they are how shall I say it 'rotund'
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I get my blood results Thursday. Although I know it is nothing to do with Thyroid as I had that tested about April and it was fine.
You can believe that endomorphs exist, but that doesn't change the fact that they don't. You can also believe that 2+2=5 but it still equals 4.

Even if endomorphs were real, they don't have magical weight maintaining powers that allow them to spontaneously create matter and energy out of nothingness. People who struggle to lose fat either have a medical condition or a mental condition known as lack of willpower. There was a well documented case of an extremely obese man who supposedly couldn't lose weight, but when he didn't eat for over a year, he lost like 200 lbs or something. He also only shat once a month.

It's funny how people who "can't lose weight" suddenly start losing weight when their diet is controlled under clinical conditions.

If you are over 200 lbs and you can't lose weight on 1700 calories a day, then you aren't eating 1700 calories a day. Simple as that. Even if you had a thyroid condition, you would still lose weight on 1700 calories a day at a bodyweight of 200 lbs or more. A bed ridden person of 200 lbs would use more than that to maintain, and I doubt you are bed ridden.
The guy didn't eat at all?

I am eating those calories though. There is nothing wrong with my will power. Everything is measured and weighed. My diet is as follows which I am eating everyday through out the week.

1 round wholemeal toast.

60g oats with 300ml skimmed milk and 2 scoops protein. I put this in a blender and drink it.

50g cheddar cheese.

2 chicken breasts with 60g rice + 2 scoops protein in water.

That comes to 1671 calorie according to myfitnesspal.

The diet might not be ideal but the calories are right
Man, you're a real case of study. At 210 lbs I loose weight on anything below 2900. I dropped 15 lbs on two months doing 2400 kcal a day. There's something going on with your hormonal levels, I think.
What height are you leonardo?

I did lose weight at first when I was 206 pounds. I lost 6 pounds eating about 2300 cals per day. It's when I get to around 200lb things get sticky for me.

I do fit the endomorph type whether they exist or not. It can't be a coincidence.
Dawg I was 5'8" 180lb and I lost 30lb in ~4 months eating around 2500 cals/day, regressing to 2000 by the end of my cut. Activity consisted of an hour of strength training 3 times a week + 20 minutes on the elliptical 3 times a week. Otherwise, I was sitting in class.

1200 calories a day is pretty much subsistence level while living a relatively sedentary lifestyle for a normally sized adult male. 1600 with cardio and weight lifting is extremely low.

Of course, I can barely gain a lb a week on 3500 calories so YMMV, but 1600/day and not losing weight doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Coincidence is meaningless. One time, I found a penny that was tails side up, later on that day, some guy 3000 miles away got hit by a car. So clearly pennies are bad luck.

You clearly need to read up on what an endomorph ACTUALLY is supposed to be before you assert that you fit all the criteria. Because if you are claiming to be an endomorph by the actual definition, then you are saying that you are sloppy, lazy, a procrastinator who loves food, has underdeveloped muscles, enjoys being around people, who is affectionate and basically the jolly fat man stereotype. While you're reading up on that, maybe read up on the fact that medical science as a whole dismissed somatyping as quackery almost 60 years ago. If you're going to buy into somatyping, you might as well start studying phrenology as well and carrying special rocks in your pockets that will help you lose weight by imbuing your chakras with healing energies.
The guy didn't eat at all?

I am eating those calories though.

Google it and see for yourself.

I am sure you are indeed eating those calories. The problem is that you are taking in more calories on top of those. Either you are unknowingly drinking liquids that have calories in them instead of just drinking only water, or you are measuring your foods wrong.

As for your statement that willpower is not a problem, I beg to differ. Earlier in this thread, we proposed you do a proven diet, the RFL diet that will for sure make you lose weight. But you said that you wouldn't be able to stick to it. So... seems willpower is a problem if you can't even try that diet for just a couple weeks. It's not like you have anything to lose.