Quote[/b] (xtreme @ Jan. 13 2006,7:51)]Funny you should mention ACIT as my best friend was one of those that invented it! I can't really talk about them with any conviction as I haven't tried them. Still, I am pleased that like HST the information is there for all for free. Enjoy!
I'm not one for pictures, never have been, so I won't even go there. If that deminishes my gains in your eyes in any way then I apologise but it doesn't downplay the effectiveness of JReps in any way, so it isn't a very apt argument.
"So now your comparing removing adipose covering a muscle to actually changing the structural shape of the muscle?"
No, you took this out of context. What I was saying is if you saw something - muscle wise - you never had or saw before then you would be singing its praises also! Would you not?
"Grimek and Ross"
Puleeze, genetic superiors gain regardless of what they do, so it's hardly an "apples with apples" rational. The fact I am an average Joe, been training for close to three decades yet saw changes within weeks on JReps has far more validity to their worth than picking our genetic freaks and what ever they chose to use. That is like comparing a VW with a ferrari... sure they are both cars but that is about where the similarity ends.
"Hmm. Maybe because you never actually had any results."
Now you are entering the ridiculous. So I come here posting about results I DON'T HAVE, for what??? Just because you aren't gaining or haven't seen anything for your efforts in the gym recently doesn't mean others aren't gaining. I was a gym instructor for a number of years and trained numerous people over time, so I know what lousy routines people follow and how they defeat themselves through their dismal efforts. Most haven't a clue how to perform even the most basic of exercises, then drop out as "weight training doesn't work".
I know a thing or two about helping others gain. One guy was stuck at 68kgs for 3 months yet I got him to 70kgs in 2 weeks. Another, a trainee doctor, gained 5kgs in 4 weeks. Those dramatic gains cost me my job, as I was a threat to the other "gym instructors" and for "putting muscle on people" in a "fitness centre". Funny how six members left with me the night I was requested to leave.
Btw Totentanz what are you weighing nowadays and how long have you dedicated to hardcore training? If you know a better way than JReps then I am all ears???
mathey... what I shared was what I gained via a superior method. If that was lost on any of you then so be it. Now consider how most articles, etc. are formulated. The author theorises on a method, system or program and leaves the rest to try it out. I HAVE tried JReps out - and continue to do so - so why that leaves you incredulous is beyond me.
"If you've tried to many training programs, with so few results, surely you could understand why we all need to see some concrete evidence of results."
Who said that? I said I had dismal results with a few programs but as I have used Heavy Duty predominantly and am presenting 5'8" at 229#... I would hardly say I failed in any way. I am just making and seeing faster progress - visually - with JReps. Does that make me a "bad guy"

How about you try them? There is enough information presently floating around to give you an idea how to impliment them. Then, after a month or two, if you haven't seen any changes then, and ONLY THEN, will you be in the position to either praise or bag JReps! How about that for a deal???