Thought I could post a workout here to show how I try to implement my new ideas (which, apparently seems very similar to what recently have been talked about on this forum, TUPT).
Basically, high tension, as high as possible without compromising too much volume or time, and also avoiding failure/fatigue which greatly increases recovery time without adding much of a muscle stimuli anyway.
And yeah, that means its similar to myo-reps and max-stim.
Dumbbell bench presses (1min rest)
5*38 kg
5*38 kg
5*38 kg
5*38 kg
5*38 kg
Managed 25 reps total in 5 sets, which is my goal on any new picked weight. It took me 2 heavy workouts and 2 light workouts (2 weeks) to achieve this with 38 kgs. My all-time personal best in one set and one set only, to failure is 10*40 kg or 4*46 kg. But then I was 10 kgs heavier as well
I dont think I am far away from repeating those records if I tried. But the plan right now is to increase the weight if I can do 25 total reps in 5 sets in a short amount of time (6-7 minutes or so). So if I manage to do the same workout above with 42kg or so, well, thats just means I´m progressing very well despite getting into the best shape of my life at the same time
Standing Presses (light variation = 66% of normal training weight, +1 rep +1 set, 40 sec rest)
6*32 kg
6*32 kg
6*32 kg
6*32 kg
6*32 kg
6*32 kg
This is just extra work for the muscle that seems to help me with recovery until its time to go heavy again, and it probably adds a small amount of hypertrophy too. I have found working out more than once per week (twice or so) is good, but if i always go hardcore in the sets, I go backwards. Therefore I incorporate a light workout every other time I train an exercise.
NGK (1min rest, its an ab exercise with added plates on my chest)
5*50 kg
5*50 kg
5*50 kg
5*50 kg
5*50 kg
The 50kg is one 50kg plate. To increase the weight i need to take precautions when stackin an extra 15kg weight and i wasnt ready for that today. I have had 50+15 once and tried out 3-5 reps but since I now will try more volume I should feel ready before I try something like that. Dont want to get a 15 kg plate into my jaw or face
Standing Tricepsextension (light exercise, 40 sec rest)
6*10 kg
6*10 kg
6*10 kg
6*10 kg
6*10 kg
6*10 kg
This is a new exercise so dont know if i choosed the correct light weight (66% of normal training weight) but it doesnt matter much, I can adjust that in one week.
Weighed in at 74.2 kg this morning. Waist is 79 cm. Losing weight + progressing in most exercises = win!
To summarize how I am training right now (with the risk of making a huge post). Bear in mind that small adjustments might be made depending on how my recovery feels and what seems to make me progress. Right now recovery seems to have
doubled (yes I know, insane!) since avoiding failure even more than I did before:
Day 1
Press exercise
heavy *
Secondary press exercise
lighter **
Ab exercise
heavy *
Triceps exercise
lighter **
Day 2
Back exercise
heavy *
Secondary back exercise
lighter **
Bicep exercise
heavy *
Trapezius/Grip Exercise
lighter ** (read:shrugs)
Day 3
Quad-isolation exercise
heavy * (my hamstring is not well, it needs rest for a month more or so)
Calf exercise
lighter **
Day 4
Day 5 is day 1 but the heavy exercises are done light and the lighter exercises are done heavy. Day 6 is day 2 and day 7 is day 3 and day 8 is rest day again.
* Heavy
Heavy means 1 minute rest, or more. Aiming to rest only 1 minute between sets. Reps are up to 5 for most exercises, except legs&calves which I have decided to give more volume, 6 reps.
I stop repping in a set if i feel that it will fatigue me too much, making it hard to do all my total reps, which is 25 reps for most exercices, except legs&calves which have a bit more volume, 36 total reps (6x6 is my aim).
So when I start at a new challenging weight it might look like this:
4,3,3,3,4,3,3,2 = 25 reps and the rest between sets ranging from 1 minute to 90 seconds.
When I have "beaten" a weight it will look like this:
5,5,5,5,5 with 1 minute rest between sets.
** Lighter
Lighter means 40 sec rest. Reps are supposed to be 6 for most exercises done at 66% of "heavy" and with 36 total reps (6x6). Exception is legs&calves which have +1rep and +1set (7x7).
These lighter sets should never be a problem to complete so I just do them and thank myself for giving me some recovery between the intense heavy sets as well as sparing my recovery for next workout to come...
Dips and Chins are done at BW since 66% and even 50% is too heavy to be done this way (since most of the load you lift is your own bodyweight and nto the added plate).
Cardio is also done. I have done plenty of cardio regularly for one year now and my aerobic and anaerobic capacity as well as VO2 has improved greatly. Not to mention my asthma. This means I do cardio quite regularly and it does no longer seem to have much of an impact on my recovery between strength sessions. i just havent decided on frequency of cardio. I could do cardio on rest days and it actually does seem to work despite it eliminating all complete rest days. Another way to do it would be to do it every 3rd day (a training cycle is 4 days or 8 days depending on how you look at it) which means cardio sometimes will be on press day, sometimes on pull day, leg day, rest day.
Jeeebus, long post!