Mad Sniggel 5x5

(Sniggel @ Aug. 30 2008,2:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">But Tunnelrat!
You dont know the famous trick for growing vertically?
shame on you ;)</div>
It is all about confusing your bones into growing
(electric @ Aug. 30 2008,7:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It is all about confusing your bones into growing
Just like with muscle, they need to be confused and shocked into growth, bro...

Been without internet for a couple of days.
Here are the 2 latest w/o sessions:


Standing Dumbbell Curl 17 kg
13+7+4 = 24
<span style='color:green'>+1 kg, +5 reps</span>

Hammer Pinwheel Curl 12 kg
60s stretch
<span style='color:green'>+1 kg, +1 rep</span>

Calves in Legpress 210 kg
<span style='color:green'>+10 kg</span>

Sitting Leg Curl 75 kg
13+3+3 = 19
60s stretch
<span style='color:green'>+5 kg</span>

Squat 110 kg / 125 kg
12 / 8
60s stretch
<span style='color:green'>+5 kg
+5 kg</span>

10 minutes uphill threadmill + PWO Shake


Bench Press 90 kg
9+4+2 = 15
60s stretch with 18 kg dumbbells
Switched exercise from Pec Dec.

Standing Military Press 50 kg
8+3+2 = 13
60s stretch
I am amazed I could improve despite feeling weak after bench press.
<span style='color:green'>+1 rep</span>

Standing Tricep Extension 14 kg (one arm)
8+2+2 = 12
70s stretch with 16 kg dumbbell.
This was embarrassing. My log book was in error making me decrease the weight and somehow I also dropped a rep. Will give this another go.
<span style='color:Red'>-1 kg, -1 rep</span>

Smith Chins 14 kg
8+5+3 = 16
10 minireps
90s stretch
<span style='color:green'>+2 kg</span>

Deadlift 140 / 160 kg
<span style='color:green'>+10 kg
+10 kg</span>

This will be hard to beat next time around lol. But I´ll do it

10 minutes uphill threadmill + PWO Shake
Canceled fridays workout due to too much allergy. Continued today instead.


(sitting) Lean back dumbbell curls 16 kg
10+5+4 = 19
<span style='color:Green'>+2 kg</span>

Forearm curls 19 kg
60s bicep stretch
<span style='color:Green'>+1 kg, +1 rep</span>

One-legged Calf press in Leg Press 85 kg
<span style='color:Green'>+5 kg, +1 rep</span>

Lying Leg curl 35 kg
11+3+2 = 16
60s stretch
<span style='color:Green'>+5 kg, +2 reps</span>

Hacklift 120 135 kg
60s stretch
<span style='color:Green'>+5 kg, +2 reps
+5 kg, +1 rep</span>

This is going awesome.
Been having problems with connection to this site.


Dips 15 kg
8+3+2 = 13
90s stretch @ 17 kg dumbbells
<span style='color:Green'>+5 kg</span>

Sitting Dumbbell Press 24 kg
11+4+1 = 16
60s stretch
<span style='color:Green'>+2 kg</span>

CG Bench Press Smith 80 kg
9+4+2 = 15
<span style='color:Green'>+2 reps</span>

Hammer Strength Pulldown 45 kg
11+3+3 = 17
12 minireps @ 20 kg
60s stretch
<span style='color:Green'>+5 kg</span>

T-Bar 70 kg 80 kg
<span style='color:Green'>+10 kg
+5kg, +1 rep

PWO Cardio + Shake 10 minutes
It happens again...
All signs show the same things happen over again from previous bulks. After a while bulking, my health problems start to worsen. Since it happens every time and it is more than 2 times it sure as hell seem like statistical to me. This means my plans will change and I will probably develop another approach to my training. My health goes first.
(Sniggel @ Sep. 16 2008,9:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It happens again...
All signs show the same things happen over again from previous bulks. After a while bulking, my health problems start to worsen. Since it happens every time and it is more than 2 times it sure as hell seem like statistical to me. This means my plans will change and I will probably develop another approach to my training. My health goes first.</div>
Took a read back over your log. 5X5 is very demanding for sure but you have to eat and try and rest to recover. It has to be hard to get the rest you need with a job like that.

I have used the 5X5 for a lot of years and one of the earliest lessons I learned was that I had to eat to deal with the demands. I would eat at least 1000 calories above maintenance to fuel the work. You can get away with less, perhaps 250 - 500 above as long as body weight is adding up on the scales.

I try to gain at least a pound a week during my bulk routines. Many weeks I would gain up to two pounds. This is a necessity though when pushing with that level of intensity at that frequency.

In my early years I would normally gain about 15 pounds total over the course of a ten week cycle. A little less than half would be muscle. I would then take a few weeks of 3X8 training with extra cardio to trim down some. I would also go down into my 3s and 5s weights for a single set to maintain my strength gains during this period. You will also reduce your calories to just over maintenace levels for this period.

I noticed that you havent been logging your weight. Have you been gaining any at all? At least try and eat enough to gain .5 pounds every week minimum. If you are not gaining weight on the scales you gotta eat more or you will feel weak and overtrained quickly.

The hard reality is that to bulk you have to gain some extra body fat unless you can really micro manage your diet to a science I would think. I just do not have the discipline to do that and always errored on the side of too much food. But the gains were always there and I didnt feel quite so worn out as it progressed.
Well I am not doing th 5x5 any longer. I stopped them and started doing DC. I have been over maintenance most of the weeks (of this journal) the rest I have been on at least maintenance. I have gained weight steadily since January this year, I am up 10 kg (22 pounds) since then and were doing extremely well on the DC the little time I did it. But then all my health issues started to worsen (not suddenly, they sneak up on you over months until you realize it) and I realized I cant go on what I am doing. Something that I do when bulking is making my health decline (and something that I do when cutting makes me feel great). It has happened before during various setups of diets, all of them which I would consider healthy food. I don´t want to experiment anymore with this approach. My health is getting worse every year (this year was the first time in my life I needed acute medical help for not getting enough oxygen, doing nothing at all, my medicines didnt help) and I need to take action and do everything I can to make it better so my approach to building muscle has to change. I have been practising the typical bulk/cut method for a couple of years now and I dont think I should gain weight as fast as 500 over maintenance does, even if that is considered a normal pace.
I hope I cleared out that I know the importance of food when in this situation, but I just cant allow a 1000 calories over maintenance and so also have to adapt my training to that. Luckily i dont work nearly as often at that job as I did and so I am under a lot less physical stress atm.

Hope that clear some things up.
I hope all the best for you then. That really is a pickle to feel worse on the bulk. I wonder if it is a result of the diet or is it more an effect of the heavier loads we all tend to use during our bulking cycles that is the culprit?
Well its definately not the heavier loads.

I havent updated What i am doing lately. But right now its going well both training and health has seemed to improve already from being on a new diet for a week+
I have also lost 1 kg and yesterday I repeated my previous 5RM maxes on Squat, Deadlift and Military Press without any big effort:

5*130 kg

Military Press
5*55 kg

5*160 kg

Next week I will go for new PRs and restart my current training cycle (which is high frequency, varying intensity, low volume)
Good to hear you are feeling better with your diet change. Ill stay tuned to see what you have in store for us in your next cycle and good luck.
Thanks Wildman. I have noticed improvements in my physiqyue which is exciting. So I might update with pictures in future.
The improvements I see is:
* visual abs (6 semi-blurry) at 84 kg, obliques also &quot;serrated&quot;
In 2007 when I dieted I saw:
* Linea Alba (but no abs) at 75-76 kg or something, dont remember exactly.

...Which is a huge different, better shape at much higher bodyweight. Or maybe I just succeeded to hypertrophy my abs a lot, or its a combination. I dont understand when all these changes occur, maybe because I always change my weight too much and get blind to improvements until I scale off all the excess fat, but I seem to surprise myself each year.
Sorry fot not updating regularly. I think I visit too many forums. Maybe I should just stick to update every now and then. Right now training is going great, I have made some new PRs again and I am cutting slowly (dropped 3 kgs so far).

The Ps I did is as follows:

5*140 kg

Military Press
5*60 kg

5*170 kg

I also took some pictures at the gym (where i work atm) and movies since I was there alone with my gf after closing time.





There are more videos on my youtube account.
I am back to write down some thoughts about my training experiments and personal insights:

I think I have found the biggest training mistake I am doing. Failure, going to it. Failure should be kept to a minimum for me and when I do that I can:
* Keep a high load in the exercises over time (because of less fatigue during and inbetween sets and more recovery between workouts, and also because its easier not to overtrain)
* Increase volume, more TUT under high load and still recover (again recovery is easier)
* Increase frequency and train body parts more often (yes recovery seems extremely boosted)

I have just started a protocol that incorporates multi-sets, low rest, low reps (high load), high frequency so t will be interesting to see if this is going somewhere.

Strength has increased radically on some exercises in 2 weeks or so but I dont have much to compare with yet and 2 weeks is nothing but I´ll keep updating I guess

The only problem right now is I am trying to stay in shape (or rather, improve slowly) so I dont have ample calories all the time (going to compete this year and I am experimienting with dieting so low bf is most important now, a little more important than building mass).
Need I say that my bf is lower now than the last pictures?

According to a Tanita bio-impedance scale I have lost about 6 kgs of fat and gained 0.8kgs of lean mass during 7½ months, values are 2 different median values from several occasions (I know that Tanita can fluctuate a lot even when circumstances are set up correct and also displays different results for different individuals).

Anyway, maybe I can build some extra mass now even while dieting (with pauses at maintenance and surplus every now and then) since I can train at such high loads, so often and with longer TUT.
I will train a lot less to failure in the future!
Oh btw. I am about to solve the mystery of my skin rash that has been troubling me for 6-7 years or so. And the cause might also be linked to worseened asthma syptoms.
The causing factor is probably &quot;lectin&quot; found in many foods that I (or any westerner) typically eat a lot of.
My problems gets worse when I bulk because I eat more of it and less when I diet because i basically exclude most of those foods. On the contrary when i diet I always feel better and I basically know why now (I exclude most foods I dont tolerate).

I have done some testing for a few months, switching between &quot;safe food&quot; and adding one food at a time to see my reaction. So far I am 100% sure about the following:
* Dont eat wheat
* Dont eat cheese (exception - maybe 100-200g per week is tolerable)
Yep, there goes two of my absolute favorites...

About 90% sure on the following
* Dont eat rice
I can live with that.

Some things I am not so sure about and need more testing:
* Dont eat any foods related to wheat (same lectin-family), oats, rye, corn, barley, malt (beer gives me a major reaction on my skin and also somewhat to my asthma) and more similar foods
* Dont eat any milkproducts (like milk, products containing milk, whey- and caseinpowders...)
* Dont eat tomatoes (might not be because of lectin though)
* Dont eat rapeseed oil or any oil that comes from a plant that has high levels of lectin
* Soy products (not sure about this one yet, I usually eat soy with rice and on occasion where I havent eaten rice to soy products, I seem fine (not always though), hence my rice suspicion (yes rice has high levels of lectin))
* Dont eat apples (not sure about this one, and it is not because of lectin)
* Corn, I´m not sure if i tolerate this or not, in high amounts it seems to give me a major reaction the following days but i have only tested it once (in high amounts), together with other variables.
* Peanuts, not sure at all about this one

So what happens if I exclude all these foods?
I feel great, great skin and overall feel-goodness above normal for sure.

What can I eat (100% safe)?

* Meat, fish, poultry, seafood, eggs
* Fruits (except apples, not sure yet)
* Veggies (maybe not legumes, not sure yet)
* Nuts, real nuts (not peanuts, its not a nut) like almods, walnuts, macadamia
I might add items to this list as soon as I am sure on something new i can eat.

What typical fat sources can I use? (I cant use butter, its dairy)
* Coconut fat
* Olive oil
* Fish oil

* Avocados
* Yeah and nuts of course if you want to count them in here as well.

Right now I am experimenting to see if i can use BCAAs/EAAs becuase I want some sort of supplement to help me get up my protein intake, or at least the amount of essential amino acids in my diet.
I admire your' tenacity and the way you've never given up, my wife is a somewhat severe asthmatic so I know how devastating this can be. The pictures you've posted over the years that I've hung here have shown steady visible improvement and now that I know just how hard you've had to fight for that I am moved and inspired.
Thank you!
I got asthma at 10 years of age and I have always been stubborn (and patient) wanting to prove to myself that I can achieve things even when having less than average opportunity to do so.

Yes my progress seems to be steady forward year after year. And each year adds up and gives me more experience and knowledge which helps me continue progressing in all areas that are important to me (muscle mass, strength, health (asthma + eczema especially), overall athletic ability, cardiovascular shape)

Heres a recent picture btw:


Another good thing about me seeing that progress continues and I feel closer to my goal (muscle wise) makes me less inclined to ponder using drugs.
These thoughts have showed up in the past once a year but when I weigh cons and pros I always end up deciding not to take them.
Right now I havent had any of those thoughts for maybe 2 years and I dont think I will ever ponder about AAS again

I wish the best for you and your wife and her asthma.
Another fellow asthma sufferer here (although mine is much less of a problem now than it used to be when I was your age - maybe yours will improve with age too). I definitely think that asthma helped me to try hard at everything in life. When you've regularly had to struggle for breath, other challenges in life somehow don't seem quite so much of a big deal. I've always found training to be somewhat cathartic, at least in part due to the feeling of deep breathing involved. That's another reason I love the challenge of 15s for deads and squats.

Anyway, well done Sniggel. You've made some great progress through all your hard work and dedication to your goals.
Ok I didnt know that Lol. The doctors said to me it was going to go away with age. But it got worse. I have my suspicions, but I cant really be sure. one suspsicion is i am sensitive (and has been for almost my whole life) to lectin, foods containing lectin is what I started to eat more of in the age when it got worse and I might have gotten even more sensitive to it by doing that.

Another one is that maybe, just maybe, my acne-medication caused the worsening of my problems. Roaccutane, dont use it if you have problems with acne, there is more and more delayed side-effects showing up in users of this drug.

Anyway, my health is much much better now and I am looking forward instead of backward. No point in regretting something.
Thought I could post a workout here to show how I try to implement my new ideas (which, apparently seems very similar to what recently have been talked about on this forum, TUPT).
Basically, high tension, as high as possible without compromising too much volume or time, and also avoiding failure/fatigue which greatly increases recovery time without adding much of a muscle stimuli anyway.
And yeah, that means its similar to myo-reps and max-stim.

Dumbbell bench presses (1min rest)
5*38 kg
5*38 kg
5*38 kg
5*38 kg
5*38 kg
Managed 25 reps total in 5 sets, which is my goal on any new picked weight. It took me 2 heavy workouts and 2 light workouts (2 weeks) to achieve this with 38 kgs. My all-time personal best in one set and one set only, to failure is 10*40 kg or 4*46 kg. But then I was 10 kgs heavier as well

I dont think I am far away from repeating those records if I tried. But the plan right now is to increase the weight if I can do 25 total reps in 5 sets in a short amount of time (6-7 minutes or so). So if I manage to do the same workout above with 42kg or so, well, thats just means I´m progressing very well despite getting into the best shape of my life at the same time

Standing Presses (light variation = 66% of normal training weight, +1 rep +1 set, 40 sec rest)
6*32 kg
6*32 kg
6*32 kg
6*32 kg
6*32 kg
6*32 kg
This is just extra work for the muscle that seems to help me with recovery until its time to go heavy again, and it probably adds a small amount of hypertrophy too. I have found working out more than once per week (twice or so) is good, but if i always go hardcore in the sets, I go backwards. Therefore I incorporate a light workout every other time I train an exercise.

NGK (1min rest, its an ab exercise with added plates on my chest)
5*50 kg
5*50 kg
5*50 kg
5*50 kg
5*50 kg
The 50kg is one 50kg plate. To increase the weight i need to take precautions when stackin an extra 15kg weight and i wasnt ready for that today. I have had 50+15 once and tried out 3-5 reps but since I now will try more volume I should feel ready before I try something like that. Dont want to get a 15 kg plate into my jaw or face

Standing Tricepsextension (light exercise, 40 sec rest)
6*10 kg
6*10 kg
6*10 kg
6*10 kg
6*10 kg
6*10 kg
This is a new exercise so dont know if i choosed the correct light weight (66% of normal training weight) but it doesnt matter much, I can adjust that in one week.

Weighed in at 74.2 kg this morning. Waist is 79 cm. Losing weight + progressing in most exercises = win!

To summarize how I am training right now (with the risk of making a huge post). Bear in mind that small adjustments might be made depending on how my recovery feels and what seems to make me progress. Right now recovery seems to have doubled (yes I know, insane!) since avoiding failure even more than I did before:

Day 1
Press exercise heavy *
Secondary press exercise lighter **
Ab exercise heavy *
Triceps exercise lighter **

Day 2
Back exercise heavy *
Secondary back exercise lighter **
Bicep exercise heavy *
Trapezius/Grip Exercise lighter ** (read:shrugs)

Day 3
Quad-isolation exercise heavy * (my hamstring is not well, it needs rest for a month more or so)
Calf exercise lighter **

Day 4

Day 5 is day 1 but the heavy exercises are done light and the lighter exercises are done heavy. Day 6 is day 2 and day 7 is day 3 and day 8 is rest day again.

* Heavy
Heavy means 1 minute rest, or more. Aiming to rest only 1 minute between sets. Reps are up to 5 for most exercises, except legs&amp;calves which I have decided to give more volume, 6 reps.
I stop repping in a set if i feel that it will fatigue me too much, making it hard to do all my total reps, which is 25 reps for most exercices, except legs&amp;calves which have a bit more volume, 36 total reps (6x6 is my aim).

So when I start at a new challenging weight it might look like this:
4,3,3,3,4,3,3,2 = 25 reps and the rest between sets ranging from 1 minute to 90 seconds.
When I have &quot;beaten&quot; a weight it will look like this:
5,5,5,5,5 with 1 minute rest between sets.

** Lighter
Lighter means 40 sec rest. Reps are supposed to be 6 for most exercises done at 66% of &quot;heavy&quot; and with 36 total reps (6x6). Exception is legs&amp;calves which have +1rep and +1set (7x7).
These lighter sets should never be a problem to complete so I just do them and thank myself for giving me some recovery between the intense heavy sets as well as sparing my recovery for next workout to come...
Dips and Chins are done at BW since 66% and even 50% is too heavy to be done this way (since most of the load you lift is your own bodyweight and nto the added plate).

Cardio is also done. I have done plenty of cardio regularly for one year now and my aerobic and anaerobic capacity as well as VO2 has improved greatly. Not to mention my asthma. This means I do cardio quite regularly and it does no longer seem to have much of an impact on my recovery between strength sessions. i just havent decided on frequency of cardio. I could do cardio on rest days and it actually does seem to work despite it eliminating all complete rest days. Another way to do it would be to do it every 3rd day (a training cycle is 4 days or 8 days depending on how you look at it) which means cardio sometimes will be on press day, sometimes on pull day, leg day, rest day.

Jeeebus, long post!