(wisslewj @ Apr. 18 2007,18:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Morgoth,
You seem to have missed the post where I said I am not here to convince you. I could post zillions of things, but why? The info is there for you to read if you just look yourself. And besides you dont really seem to care for knowledge sake.
One thing that I am sure you will be annoyed wit h that is still something that must be considered is that it is ILLEGAL to say that raw meat cures cancer. It is even illegal to say that an orange will cure scurvey.
That is thanks to the big Pharma lobbying. In any event you will not find any "peer reviewed" evidence that shows that it cures cancer. (or anything for that matter) All you will find is tons of doctors all over the world who have helped peoples own bodies via the immune system get over cancer, diabetes, etc. and tons of people who are ready to say they have been cured. Some of these people I even know personally.
However, if you search you will find plenty of studies that meet your specs on the denaturing of food with heat, the immune response, etc. You cannot understand why raw meat is good in the depths you want to without knowing the biochenical reactions in the body, understanding pleomorphism and a host of other things. (and I cannot explain all this in a chat forum) You can study that on your own if you are so inclined and I can even direct you to some good books and sites that will get you started. If not, thats ok too, just ignore the conversation.
I truely dont understand your need to rant and rave unless you just like stirring up trouble? Whatever, it makes no difference to me, just dont be offended if I ignore you from here on out unless you are more civil. The fact is one side says bacteria is bad, one says it isnt and thrives eating it. A wise man would attempt to understand both sides (which means knowing bioogy and chemistry) before choosing a side. In any event...
God Bless and have a good one,
Now you`ve really broken my heart. For the third and last time

ost 1, one, uno study out of the zillions of things. Arguments like doctors all around the world do it, I have a greater understanding through quantum mechanics study etc. don`t do jack squat for me. Only evidence works. There are tons of ppl who got coffee enemas, who did pot, who say that drinking some guru`s urine is the hawt etc. It has little relevance on reality, the placebo effect is probably one of the strongest things in existence.
The part about a wise man's needs...I think it is fallacious to consider oneself wise, as wisdom should be a continually moving target. And to your complete surprise(and this will generate a comment along the lines of how I actually don`t understand the complex science you`re alluding to but are unable to post because it`s so complex-if it makes you happy to believe that, ok), I do get your argument, I`ve heard it before from ppl who actually were more prepared to endorse it, and I still feel it`s crap, science proves it to be crap, anecdotal evidence proves it to be crap, a few thousand years(at least, read what Dan posted) of cheerful human evolution based on cooked denaturated food proves it to be crap.
Final note, if you didn`t want to debate, you would`ve just posted:I eat raw meat and it`s great, it`s making me hyooge!, not long-winded posts about some secret biochemistry, obscure work on pleomorphism and your incredible intrinsic understanding of the human body, so please, don`t urinate on my leg and tell me it`s raining. If you can prove your point outside of your own ranting, by supporting it in something actually solid, great. I won`t hold my breath on it though. And now, please do exert you obvious academic superiority by making a whiny post about how I`m a raving prick and how you`re going to ignore me into oblivion. And do just that...don`t worry, I`m leaving your thread alone as what I wanted to discover has already been exposed. Cheers.