I was 155 at my max and am 10lbs under that now. I am 5'8". I carry the majority of my weight in my shoulders, back, and chest (since that is the only part I train for hypertrophy.) The rest I train only for power and strength, not size.
The 155 was tough to maintain as my metabolism requires quite alot of calories at that weight. Add to that all the martial arts and volleyball and the calorie needs went way up.
Also, I have had to stop training legs since I messed up my grisolis muscle and that has dropped some weight since I have lost muscle in my legs.
Basically, to add more mass I would have to up my cals. But frankly its just not worth it to me. Once my leg is better I may as I liked being bigger, but the truth is that I am not trying to get massive. I am more interested in functional power for kung fu and volleyball. The hypertrophy I did to fill out the upper body was purely for aesthetics, but I also trained that area explosively as well.
Sorry I have no pics online. (I dont own a digital camera.) My build right now, at least on my upper body is very similar to a gymnast build. (No surprise since I train like a gymnast in addition to weights.) Big shoulders, good chest (still need just a bit more on the upper pec and I am doing a hybrid HST now for that.) and definded armes. My lower half is weak looking these days since I cant train it lol. This isnt my pic, but I look almost identical to Sniggel in his pics. And our weight/height is almost identical as well. Only difference is I have an 8 pack and slightly rounder shoulders. (sorry snig no offence meant!) You can see his pic here:
I can easily bench press more then 1.5x my body weight and can easily shoulder press more then my body weight.
I have no doubt that if I upped my cals again I could get back to 155 in 2-3 weeks, muscle memory and all. And I could go beyond that if I ate the cals. (heck I could eaily pass that if I ate a bunch of carbs but that would just be fat weight, which I dont want. I prefer to keep the lean look as opposed to the bulky one.
I started stuck at 125 for YEARS. I added a good 30 lbs of muscle. To me, in under 2 years that is awesome since I spent a lifetime adding nothing. Once I can train legs again I expect to hover around 150 unless my metabolism finally slows down, in which case any excess cals would go toward muscle making.
Big muscle is a hinderance in martial arts. Power is better. So, for me the 150 ish mark is right around where I like. As an ecto, 30 lbs is good in my opinion. However, I have seen mesos with far better results since they blow up on raw so much faster.
Oh yeah, my BF% said 5% last time I was on the scale thing. (And this was after a weekend of rare cheating with pasta and stuff lol.) I dont know if thats right or not but there is no place I can "pinch" any fat. My upper body literally does looked "chisled." However, I must point out that the chisled look is not JUST diet. One must lift heavy friggin weight as well to build up dense muscles, not liquid inflated muscles.
One thing to remember is that I eat first for health, then train second for functionality, and finally for aestethics. So being big is not a goal for me. But I have little doubt from others I have helped that are big that it works quite well for that as well.
Hope that answers it all.
God Bless and have agood night!