Why HST won't work in real life

I was on a stag do the other night (is that a bachelor party in the states?), I was in a club with 10 other mates and we had commandeered a couple of tables and were all sat around them.

There was one seat free and this guy came along and sat down on it, folded his arms and then stared at each one of us in turn as if challenging us (to what I don't know!).

Unfortunately for him we all completely ignored him and just carried on talking to each other and having a laugh...it was obvious he was deliberately trying to get a reaction and we'd all noticed him but we all just carried on as if he wasn't there.

Eventually the idiot got up and left .

Reading this thread just made me think about that and how that experience could be applied to trolls!


I had a great day at work today. I got lots of stuff done and it was almost effortless. I love those kind of days. I got vacation coming up to for the holiday, too. Things are looking good for the next two weeks.
I absolutely agree with Rob, the purpose of such posts is obvious, why take the bait and fall into the trap? Let's just continue with what we normally do.
this is a trick from the administration, no troll goes through that much trouble. Make reverse psychology less obvious next time heheh
I'have one question for Real_deal,

If hst cannot work...are my gains fake?

thanks for the answer

I'd love to see what this guy looks like.

Its like when you read video game forums. Some kiddie gets an XBOX for xmas and suddenly "Its the best!". If he got a PS2 then that would be the best.

Basically, all this guy does it HIT and therefore everything else sucks because its different.

Well if HIT works for you then great - we're all happy. Personally, I'm making great gains from HST even though it doesnt work. My wife is hallucinating about my size, someone has swapped the tape measure for a fake one that has the centimeters marked as inches, and the rest of the world has conspired against me into making me believe I'm not an 80lb 3 foot 2 inch munchkin.

Before you start trolling a forum, try and actually meet someone who does HST or even better, someone who actually KNOW anything about bodybuilding or powerlifting and get their opinion. But in the meantime, give the rest of us a break from your overzealous rant.

We're here to lift smarter - not dumber.
I wonder what this newb hopes to gain by trash-talking HST on an HST forum.

To answer a couple of his criticisms:

Why doesn't anyone just say "I gained like crazy"?

Okay, I gained like crazy.

I've done 3 HST cycles for bulking and 2 for cutting. Each cutting cycle I lost about 8 pounds fat with minimal muscle loss. Each bulking cycle I've put on 10lb lean muscle. That's 10lb over an 8 week period. Repeatedly. It's come to the stage where I read about whatever miracle new supplement has just come out, or this new diet or that new training scheme, and when it comes down to the numbers, I practically burst out laughing. "You could gain up to 8 pounds over ten weeks!" "Could"? "Up to"?

Actually, let's amend that. I gain like crazy. Present tense.

Why's Haycock's store going out of business?

I'd have bought HST supps if shipping it to the UK was viable.

But, in a way, this is why we've stuck with HST. It's a no-bullshit approach. Bryan's never said "These supps are the key! This is the only thing you should take! My patented blend of HyperProtein™ is the world's first Protein that could actually turn you into The Hulk!"

HIT rewlz, HST droolz!

Oh my god, HIT? What is this amazing new technique oh wise one? Please help us scrawny beings acheive your magnificent bulkingness!

Sheesh. As if we haven't all been there, done that. I tried HIT for a while. It was crap. I gained no strength, no lean muscle. Before you say I obviously didn't use High enough Intensity, let's take into consideration that I had constant muscle pain. I injured myself. I felt crap all the time.

Maybe there needs to be a new HIT - Super-High Intensity Training.

Hey Real deal

What a great troll you have been so far! Did you even bother to read the info on the iste or is the science perhaps a little too much for you? You see you probably are the type who would agree with taking steroids just so you can do HIT style training and keep a serious attitude!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">AaronF and Fausto - does Aaron's F mean Fausto? Because these two &quot;experts&quot; are like the opposite sides of a coin.</div>

Actually not that far away, he is a research scientist and I am a microbiologist, 2 serious professions, what are you a lumberjack?

Perhaps just a hillbilly!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Aaron is just a retard who loves to kill the joy out of people, while Fausto is so *happy* all the time. He even started a retard thread to welcome back a retard friend of his (the welcome back batman thread, which refers to his retard friend jvroig).</div>

I wonder who is the retard here, there is a saying &quot;if the shoe fits WEAR IT&quot; how appropriate.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This site has nothing but empty words. No real meat. I'm yet to see someone who trained solely on HST and is a really big hulking person now. Everybody here just yaks and yaks.</div>

There are people one good example is Klaus kleine, he does not strike me as a poophole like you. I'll attach his pic just by the by!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">And I have a ton of respect for Mr. Haycock.

That is now a blatant lie, how can you come onto his site and bash it like you did and you claim respect?

Where did you learn that word? Do you even know what it means?

Now for the laughs...ah and remember...you lucky to actually still have responses here, if I was admin, i'd delete you right away, pitty one can't do that in real life!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Is this guy an indication of another possible side-effect of steroids? Or perhaps he missed a meal? I get a bit grouchy then too. </div>

Funny one LOL

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My favorite is when he made fun of Fausto for being positive and nice.</div>

Go figure

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">But my first reaction to guys like this are...what an a-ss hole. He is like that little punk you grow up knowing always talking junk or trying to be ugly and pick on someone. Basically that is what he is doing picking on HST.</div>

Agreed, he's shown us the great intelligence level that floats around most BB boards!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Eventually the idiot got up and left</div>

Ah, ah, ah...just what this idiot should do!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For the average person who SD's correctly, submaximal weights are as good as maximal weights. However, I won't waste your time with the science behind it because you don't believe in science. If your goal is to work as hard as you have to get maximum growth, that's fine by me. I prefer to put out the least amount of effort to get the maximum growth. I have a life besides lifting weights and enjoy it immensely. You should consider getting one yourself.</div>

Couldn't have said it better O&amp;G, sometimes I wonder why we even bother with these trolls.
Oh and before I forget - on the point of &quot;miraculous&quot; HST and Bryan giving it away for free.....giving what away for free? The &quot;secrets&quot;? The guy took the science of how muscle grows and tried to apply it to the real world. No one said HST was miraculous. It takes hard work - lots of it. But the results speak for themselves.

You seem to be trashing HST so blindly, how about showing where HIT is better than HST instead of just talking loud and saying nothing.

And if you read the rest of the threads you'll see pics of the HSTers and their gains.
(Real_Deal @ Jun. 28 2006,13:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If you wanna be big and buff, go HIT</div>
At this point I have to pipe up!  I'm a long term lurker of this board and I find it to be a valuable training resource.

When I first started training, I tried a more traditional volume routine.  This worked - for a while - then I started to look for better options because gains had stalled and I was always worn out.

At the time, HIT seemed like the best choice.  It provided an explanation of why my progress had stalled and offered an alternative training theory. I practiced this method for the better part of 12 years.

The results?  In my best (not-fat) condition, I weighed 84kg (at 180cm.)  Not bad, but certainly not great.

In the past year that I have practiced HST, I have added 12kg to this figure - I now weigh 96kg.  I have literally transformed my appearance (in a positive way) and I required a change of wardrobe twice over.

I'm stronger than ever, feel less tired (I virtually never train to failure, certainly never on purpose) and I feel I have much greater work capacity.

&quot;Real Deal&quot;, I can only suggest you study the material a little closer before making outbursts like this.  

Once you understand where HST is coming from, you'll be shocked wondering why you wasted so much of your valuable time following Arthur Jone's dogma.  I certainly felt this way.

(Note: I still think some of his machines are great, but his training advice leaves a lot to be desired.)

Pay particular attention to the sections on perceived intensity levels vs loading the muscle.  When it &quot;hits&quot;  you how wrong you've been
, you'll be embarrased that you ever made such a post...


P.S.  Keep up the great work guys, it's always fantastic to read posts on this board!  
I just thought I would point out that this guy (who probably won't come back around) says we don't support Bryan because we don't buy from his store. I think it is stupid to think only in terms of money. A lot of us spend considerable time answering questions, helping newbies and stuff like that on this forum - if that isn't showing support for Bryan, I guess don't know how to show support.
Well said Daniel &amp; Tot

Results speak louder than words.

Most of us have been around the net for a while and would agree that to go elsewhere for training advice is mostly a waste of time, with very few exceptions!

No one has yet equalled what Bryan is offering for free! In fact many and I mean that of the pay sites with so called miraculous results are laughable at best and a waste of money at worst!
I've noted an interesting phenomenon regarding humans: when ignorance and arrogance combine, restraint is somehow removed from both the lips and (in the case of the Internet and email groups) the fingers.
Fortunately, other humans with some orientation to reality, IQ's above single digits, and at least a drop or two of integrity, pretty much recognize the defect and ignore the deviate.
Of course, we can always hope that these individuals will break through this self-created wall of subjectivity and actually learn something.
Real Deal has me thinking, and you know what? The is no way that airplanes can fly. I don't care about science. I'm talking in the real world. I mean, thousands of pounds of metal just can't start flying around in the air.

Now, trains ... well, trains rule.
jv their was another guy on here called vince basile but he had the guts to use his real name.
this guy is an arsehole because to know about all the people he has mentioned,he must have read a lot of threads and still learnt nothing
On another forum my friend who got me into HST and myself were bashed for &quot;pimping HST&quot; by a moderator who was totally sold on that program. (failure training again) That moderator now can't say enough good about HST. *pimping!*

Happy to say that my experiment with maintenance cals and HST has succeeded in reshaping my body, which now looks larger than ever, even though I'm the same size! I've now started to bulk for this 3rd cycle and fully expect results like you guys got. Period.

Damn the trolls; full speed ahead!
(etothepii @ Jun. 29 2006,15:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Real Deal has me thinking, and you know what? The is no way that airplanes can fly. I don't care about science. I'm talking in the real world. I mean, thousands of pounds of metal just can't start flying around in the air.

Now, trains ... well, trains rule.</div>
Don't get me started on boats...
Can I just jump in here, I'm from a long term HIT background and have just started HST. Please don't look down on HIT and its methods because some guy comes on from that background and has a go.

Someone mentioned that they trained HIT and got injured, tired etc. HIT should be very safe, training ballistically can bring on injury, slow(ish) reps (not necessarily 20second reps) are fine. Yes it can be tiring, but add more rest days between workouts.

I feel like a mediator between 2 warring parties.

Anyway, HIT produced GREAT strength gains over the years, BUT PRODUCED MINIMAL HYPERTROPHY. Yes I put on muscle, but nowhere near as much as I wanted.

People in the HIT world have been musing on this problem for a while now (several years for the Master Trainer website) and they are coming up with similar conclusions: very brief consolidated workouts, which are en vogue now, produce enormous strength in those few specific movements trained (e.g. squat, deadlift, chest press etc) by the very nature that they are all you do. Train 1 set to failure, go home, rest your CNS and hey presto next time you are in the gym you are stronger. This will take you very far relatively quickly, BUT as I've said earlier hypertrophy may not be great.

Brain alludes to this by saying that strength gains may be majorly neuromuscular, hence the reason why your muscles don't grow as you are expecting, while putting more weight on your lifts every week.

I've moved over to HST because I've seen the 'weakness' dare I say it of HIT. Call me vain but I want to be bigger. Training more than 1 10-minute session every 7-10 days can be improved upon if health aspects also matter to you. Also i enjoy being in the gym, and HST allows me to do this.

To sum up, it's been a bit long I know, don't get into a HIT-HST war. HIT can be very productive, especially if strength is your major goal BUT for those of us that want bigger muscles, for whatever reason, the variables of volume and frequency need to be addressed more than they are in modern day HIT.

If you haven't trained HIT, don't be put off by the guy that started the thread. As I've said I'm new to your side of the fence and hoping to get some more beef added to my 95kg with your principles. I'm enjoying the training as well by the way (training 3 days is great).
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You seem to be trashing HST so blindly, how about showing where HIT is better than HST instead of just talking loud and saying nothing.

And if you read the rest of the threads you'll see pics of the HSTers and their gains. </div>

why don`t test hst for 8 weeks ?
Many! people i know are unsure before they try it, i was too! but hst works fine for hypertrophy!
just use some programms thats principle is the dualfaktortheory and you will be fine.

HIT is &quot;crap&quot; for hypertrophy but good for strength .... in my point of view and many other people with i have spoken in some boards or personally too !