2 month SD and return to BB

Nice squat attempt Quad. So close. You'll likely get 405 in one of your next squat sessions if you get your warm-up right and don't waste energy on unnecessary reps. That'll be a good place to leave things before your op.

Way back when, I think I would have made 405 if I had gone for it, rather than the 396 I lifted first. I'm pretty sure I stalled out with 405 because I had a little too much fatigue and not quite enough energy left in the tank.

What with one thing and another, I've never managed to get back to a 405 squat attempt since. Right now, squatting with any weight seems like a long way off - I have a swollen bulge in my groin three times the size that my hernia was! I guess I need to learn a little patience; it's only been two days since my op and I am already getting frustrated. Come January, I hope to be able to start on my plan to catch the Quadman.
Looks like about April - May I'll be out of battery and getting a new pacer, so the infamous Brit and I will be passing each other in different directions again. I just hope when our numbers meet this time, they're a lot higher than they were last time. Surely.
A lot higher? Well, I can hope. But higher, to be sure.

Staying injury free has got to be a high priority for me from now on or I have little chance of keeping the status quo, let alone breaking new ground. Cutting is going to have to wait too. Each time I trim down I sustain some sort of injury or get joint problems, and I always lose strength along the way. Who cares about muscle definition when there are PRs to be getting!

It would seem you have a good couple of months to forge ahead and set me some targets to beat. Aim high big feller; I need a new challenge.
Hey, I hope I can get some numbers up myself! I feel a bit stalled out and hit 218 again today - but the powergut doesn't seem to be working very well! Maybe I'm rubbing it the wrong direction...
Trained with a 19year old buddy today who got big on Halodrol then cut down to 180 - and is stronger than I am (a little). Did arms first for warmups, then we squatted some russian thing - 135x10, 185x10, 225x6, 275x6, 325x3, 325x6, 325x6 (gettin' HARD here), and we threw in a 385 double just for fun - they felt like 500!
Since he was Captain of this session, he had us superset 30 db lunges (35lb db's) with 15 rep leg extensions twice.
Then 135x15 SLDL's from the toes supersetted with 15 rep ham curls twice again.
I could barely walk out.
Working in the rain this week almost got me down a bit, so today stunk. Just did push-pull 15's since I didn't feel like lifting anything. I hope tomorrow goes better - even a thermo didn't pick me up today.

Thurs 11/19 -Woohoo, much better today. Warmups with light squatting, tripled deads up to a 475 fail, ramped deads x5 on a box up to 365. Gotta get that hole strength up.

Hit SLDL's x5's up to 365 then doubled a 405 (PR!- I think.)
Cambered curls 115x8x3sets in preacher bench, face pulls 65x25x2 and hit Wendy's.
Just got a bike, so I'm unsubscribing to most of my websites and forums, since I'll be busy with the winter cleanup after I do a bit of riding. She's got 4300miles on, is an '05, and I got her for 12K even.
Showing up at the gym on her is the goal this week if it stops raining, but I have to get the legals done first, so I may not get to ride much.

It's exactly in my favorite color and the pic does her NO justice. Clean and new. I would like to find a set of the big floppy bags to replace these tho; otherwise, she's perfect - pipes and tuning were allready done, just needs a few chromies.
If you were wondering, it's my disability check from the VA - finally got it - good thing I got into training or I'd likely not be able to ride and enjoy this.
Cowboy finally got his horse!
Awesome horse Quad! Spec she sounds loverly. Have fun. Hope you stick around here though. This place will be pretty quiet if you put the shutters up for the winter. At least pop in from time to time. What say you?
Oh, my bad. I didn't mean HST, I meant trucking forums and other things I don't need. I hope you recover soon, ol' bean, because it just wouldn't be the same without you either!
Okay, enough hearts and flowers.
Did box squats up to 315x5 on a 12".
Then I put one of those half-ball rubber things that sit on a flat plastic board on top of the box and loaded up to 405, bouncing off the ball-thingy and working the upper half of the squat, but had to back off to 385 for reps because that thing is weird. It's sort of like a spotter PUSHING you forward onto your toes, and if you pause in the hole, of course you have a ton on your shoulders to stand up. I failed a 405 that way.
SLDL's on a box up to 315x10's.
Hack squats 5 plates per side x 10's.
Ab crunch machine with stack x 10 x 2 sets.
Too excited about Harley to finish up properly, so I owe myself face pulls tonight.
So what did YOU do today, buttercup?
TurkeyDay; had to do something, so chest. Benched with semiwide grip, 135x10, 185x6, 225x6, 275x6, 295x5, 315x2 paused. Not bad for me!
One set pressdowns x 10- too busy in corner, went to NG bench 135x10, 225x8-10 (can't remember), 255x5, 275x2, 225x8.
I can't believe this took me over an hour and a half, but it did! I gotta stop talking so much.
Edit: knew I musta forgot something: did ovhd presses with the college boys: 135x10, 145x10, 155x8. Shoulder felt funny and stopped.
Working legs with a 19yr old who is mature, knowledgable and the same strengths as me at only 185, down from 240. We're doing some russian thing again, squatting first:
135x10, 185x10, 225x10 for warmups. Then:
245x3, 295x2, followed by the work sets: 325x6 for 3 sets. Wore a belt for those.
Leg sled starts at 4plate per side x 10, adding 4 plates per set up to a total 16 plates, all sets of 10.
Same game on the extensions, big jumps x 10 reps up to the full stack.
Leg curls (which I don't believe in) x 10 up to the stack. Beat him there by a couple plates.
20 mins elliptical, big stretches, and hit the feedbag. Nice feeling walking out.
SuperBackDay! Pendlay rows went big with doubles up to a PR of 390, then failed a 400. Backed off to 325x9, 315x10.
Weighted pullups and chins using a 50, repping high.
Reverse db flyes ramping x8's up to 55 pounders.
Power shrugs, teaching some guys, went 225x10, 315x10, 405x10x2.
Thought I could use some low back work, so tried out good mornings with the rack set 6" below my standing bar height.
6 rep sets, 135, 225, 315, 405, and 455.
Then taught some guys the new row method and did a couple sets of face pulls. A very productive day for me.
Nice work Quad. Your rows are insane! Right now I couldn't match you on the rest either but at least I know they're doable (well, I'd probably go lower for the GMs so that would make a difference). A Pendlay double with 390 though... that's something I've never even contemplated. One day, when I grow up, maybe.
I'm up at 3:00am taking potassium to offset my forearm cramps, which started last night pulling on the stairway handrail. They are in rebellion.
I took 2 "midnight" pills from Walmart: waste of money, but at least I won't wake up groggy...if I ever get back to sleep.
Not sure about the GM's - only 6" - and I just stiff-leg the butt back and stand up; will try more ROM next time with less weight. I just went that heavy because I needed to, to feel it.
Hope I didn't overdo it yesterday - got carried away a bit.

On the squat plan, after warmup, just 2 sets of 325lb x 6 squats; next time will be 4.
SLDL's 225x10, 315x10, 365x5, 405x3, 425x2 (PR)
Hack squats 380x8, 450x5, 540x5, 630x5 - this is a standing squat machine, not a regular hack slide. All quads and glutes, no hams.
Chest today went well. Warmups followed by 275x5, 315x3, 325x2 335x1, 315x3
CG Bench 225x6, 225x5, 245x5
Pressdowns 10 rep burnouts, I forget the weights but 130x10 was the last set.
3-part cable rows the clutch guys are all doing: I usually row the whole stack plus all their helper weights, well in excess of 300lbs. These things I did with a latino buddy at about 180x10's. Totally fried the area over the armpits and pumped the traps. Neato.
Posterior chain still sore from the SLDL's the other day so that was it for back.
Now to rest up for big leg day with young Tommy this sunday.
Young Tommy is tryin' ta kill me now. We managed the 325x6x4 sets better than I'd expected. Next we hit the leg extensions for sets of 10 up to the stack weight.
Then I agreed to the leg sled after this. Mistake. He likes to add 180 each set, and we did tens up to 495, did a 675x6 then tried 9 plates (855) and I got four...sort of.
Ab machine to the death duel and time to go home. Good day I guess, because I was sure walking funny.
Deads. Forgot my belt on the Hog, so repped - 185x10, 245x8, 275x5, 315x5, 405x5
3-way cable rows - 180x10, 200x10, 220x10 - my 2nd time on these, strength coming up fast.
Pulldowns - 180x10, 220x10, 240x10, 260x8
Weighted chins - 50x10, 70x8, 90x8
Curls for fun - 75x10, 95x10, 115x10, 125x6
Face pulls (cable and rope) 55x25, 60x25
Those are some impressive chins Quad, esp. after all the deads, rows and pull-downs. I doubt I'd get even one rep with 90lb after that. What's your ROM like? From a dead-hang to chin-over-bar or do you not drop down all the way to straight arms?
(quadancer @ Dec. 18 2009,1:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Chin over or even with bar. Slight bend in elbows at bottom to keep from ripping the medial tendons again.</div>
He, he. Yeah I know about that feeling. I was a bit worried I had damaged mine again yesterday doing a few heavyish singles and some negs but all seems to be okay today. (On the other hand, my weight belt decided to pop another rivet and so is in need of fixing. Stupid three-piece design.)

Anyway, that's immense. If you are around 210 right now, your chinning strength is massive compared to mine. You could probably get a single with around 150/160. That's Mikeynov land.  
 I think I could manage one rep with 90. Didn't quite make a single with 99 (well, it actually turned out to be nearer to 108).

I have work to do.