2 month SD and return to BB

Well brah, yer gonna hate this then...

Bench 135x10, 205x10, 225x8, 245x6x4
Inclined DB's 60x10, 80x10, 90x10, 100x7
Zlottmann style rotating stiff-arm flat flyes 45x10, 55x10 (Tom talked me into some BB'ing fluff)
Flat Hammer flyes 45x10, 55x10 then I talked HIM into:
Wide grip bw dips x 20
Dip stand weighted dips +20x18, 35x10, 65x10, 85x8, 45x10 -youngster fell out on me there. He'll show out on legs tomorrow though. Thighs thick as my waist!
As predicted:
I don't usually go back to back, but the Holidays are upon us.
Squats - 135x10, 185x10, 245x6, 295x6 -work sets-330x1, 365x1, 385x1 (spotter help) and Tommy did a 405. 330x6x2, 365x1 for fun.
Leg extensions- 180x12, 220x12, 260x10, 280x8
DB lunges 40#x30steps, 60#x16
-back was hurting and went home. I'd jumped wrong off the truck today. Wasn't feeling this session at all. Probably wasn't a good idea trying to do a max lift, but it was my OLD max ya see...?
PreHoliday Back day - Since I won't be near a gym for 5 days...went stoopid.
Pendlay Rows 135x10, 185x8, 245x5, 275x5, 315x5, 365x4 (jumped too far), 315x10.
3way Seated Cable Rows 180x10, 220x10, 240x10.
Chinups 40x10, 60x10, 80x8, 100x4 - dismounting with the 100 behind the knee was UGLY!
Cambered bar curls 75x10, 115x10, 135x8
Reverse DB flyes 45x10 -decided this was overkill and stopped.
Power BB shrugs 315x10, 365x8, 405x7 (strap slipped), 445x6, 405x10, 315x10
Face pulls 55x25, 65x25
All in all, a fairly maximal workout, pushing 95% effort in almost everything. Now I can feel okay about a layoff...or should. I'll be hunting weights down there anyway.
Edit: 4:00am and my shoulder says it's time to be awake. So I'm logging.
(quadancer @ Dec. 22 2009,10:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Edit: 4:00am and my shoulder says it's time to be awake. So I'm logging.</div>
I know the feeling. Mine does that too.  
 At least yours had something to complain about. That's a lot of iron you've been throwing around.
Crap. Best Western included breakfasts and a YMCA membership for guests, and happily hitting it, had a major FAIL on the first rep of my second workset of squats that were supposed to be 330x6x5. The spot in my back that was injured last week jumping off the truck stabbed me and wouldn't go away, so I repped the leg press for effect.
Today, feeling weak, I did chest in a poor manner.
Bench 135x10, 225x8, 255x6, 285x5, 315x1 and a fail, 245x8
OVHD BB Presses 95x10, 135x8, 155x5, 165x5 (made me feel better)
Decline Bench 135x10, 225x5, 255x5, 275x5, 295x4
Crossover Cable flyes from floor 45x10, 65x10, 90x10, 90x10
Face pulls 60x25x2
I think I need a deload; feeling poorly.
Hope that back twinge sorts itself out after a few days off. I'm not going to start a new cycle until Jan so I'm messing around with some lighter stuff right now (as you've noticed). It makes a nice change from the heavy stuff. Can't be away from that for too long though, not while a 500 dead is still calling. Let's hope we both hold together well enough to make some decent new PRs in 2010.
&quot;Feeling Poorly&quot; turned into downright FLU! Been off a week and had some days in bed. Went in anyway yesterday to do back, feeling &quot;expectorated&quot; and a bit better, but was pretty weak. So I did myo reps for my return, and that was a good idea.
3-way cable rows: w/u &amp; 220x9 plus the 15
25lb. chins: 12 plus the 15
Cable Curls: 90x9 plus the 15
BB power shrugs: 225x10, 275x8, 315x10, 365x8, 405x4 (weak for me), 315x10
Face pulls: 55x25x2 (a bit weak)
BB curls, 'cause the ol' lady wanted to take pics with the new camera...dropped the old one in the toilet...doncha just love 'em? 95x8, 115x8, 135x8.
Felt like pukin' the whole time through...but got 'er done. Sore allready.
Early last week saw chest day, but forgot to log it. Tues saw me with a ditch witch and wednesday saw me layin' on the ground putting water pipe in it. Thurs. spent in bed tryin' to breath and spit, but prayers answered: Sat. felt okay and went in.
Was supposed to do 325x6x6, but squatted 135x10,205x10,265x6 warmups, 315x6x3 and then 325x6x3 instead, and happy to get it.
MyoRep chins, BW x 20 +5+5+5
Cable Curls, 47x10x2 just for pumps
SLDL's 225x8, 295x8, 315x8, 365x6, 385x4, 315x6
I HAVE NO IDEA where this strength came from; I coulda puked at any minnit.
Squat warmups: 135x10, 225x8, 275x5, 315x2 Worksets: 365x1, 385x1 sloppy, 365x1
Squat warmups: 245x6, 275x2 Worksets 325x6x2
Leg press: 360x10, 540x10, 720x8, 810x5 we're gettin' fried here...
Lunge/leg ext. supersets: 45db's x 20steps + 160x10 ext. x 2
Ab machine pulls, sets of 12 up to entire stack - about 5 sets.
Ab Plateloaded machine, sets of 12 up to 40lbs. - about 4 sets.
Facepulls: 65x25x2
Pretty intense session for me. Young Tom barely breathed.
Wow, didn't log back yesterday and don't feel too much like chest today, but here is the basics after being sick so long:
Benched up to 315 for a single and repped off 275 and 255.
NG bench 225x10x3
Pressdowns, unknown weight with 95lb. stack, 35lbs helper plates, on a double block rig. x10's
Behind head cambered tricep presses: 70x10, 95x10, 115x8, 125x8, 115x10
I need a new program; thinking about the 531, since it's better for older guys. Lol sent me the framework of it. Squat callous is coming along nicely; a bit sore:
NEW PROGRAM!!! GST, or Growth Stimulus Training, will be my next experiment. I really like the way it's set up, combining high and low rep work. I've been stuck anyway, needing GCC work and cardio - this is like cardio for sure.
Back Squats - 135x10, 185x10, 225x8
Work sets - 245x8x2, 245x18 (you're supposed to go all the way to a slow rep last set)
Lunges, 30lb. DB's, 15x3 -legs still a bit fried from the squats
Leg Press machine (plateloaded was busy) 230x15, 250x20, 270x20, 290x20
Anyone interested should check out this thread:
Humungous back in that pic Quad! Is that yours?

Not trying 5/3/1 this time around then? Keep us posted on the GST sessions. Are you doing an upper/lower split?
1/21 - Pendlay's 135x10, 185x10, 225x8, 250x8,8,13 -thot I'd get more than that.
BW chins x 10,10,22
Power Shrugs 225x10, 275x10, 295x8,8,15 -I need to reread the instructions; this
might be doing too much, but doesn't feel like it; I'm so used to going heavy.
Today's session started yesterday: pulling stumps and unsplit firewood blocks out of a ditch and stacking them - like atlas stones, carrying lumber and frames.
And today...after all that...Deadlifts.
WU - 135, 225, x10, 275x5
WS - 295 x8 x8 x15 -again, thot I'd get more, but ran out of air. Used suggested 455 as max.
Back hurting badly, did 6 reps with empty bar GM's and aborted.
Ham Curl machine -(to eliminate back) 140x8, 125x20, 125x20
Home to pigout and sleep.
Bench 205 x 8,8,11(hit the pins), 12 -STRENGTH failed as much as air! Bummer.
Dips - BWx10 +40 x 20,25 feeling nauseous now; bellyfull of vitamins, whey, dextrose, and darvoset and soma.
CG BB press 155x14,15
BB behind-the-head press (French press?)
95 x 15,19
Chest didn't get hit very hard, triceps were out to space. 3 hrs later still a bit of a pump: measured at 17-1/8&quot;, my max.

&quot;Humungous back in that pic Quad! Is that yours?
Yeh, but I was flexing for the cam!
My favorite: back day.
Pendlay rows:
45, 135 belly slams.
290x5 by accident: recalculated:
Power Shrugs w/static hold
Face Pulls
Dead jumps? almost.
45, 135
225x10 315x6


ham curl Machine explosives
Bench day - 45, 135 explodes
CG Press
45, 135 explodes
Got to talking: forgot my face pulls!
End of week 2.
BW, 34x10, 135x5
225x5 275x5
310x4, 4, 11 - ran out of air again. Felt like 3 more were in there.
One-leg lunges:
Leg Press:
360x8 WU
450x15, 15
Face pulls
Many HST principles at work here, aside of separating bodyparts, and it definitely isn't boring, with the 10% jumps every day.
11 x 310 and with more in the tank. Good going Quad. Just gotta get that glycolytic pathway optimised and keep those CP stores topped up. Taking creatine? I expect so.