[b said:
Quote[/b] ]what if i want to introduce stretch point movements and ls,in what phase can i use it?3-5 rep range?
You could probably introduce it right away (or about a week or two into your program.) That being said, I'm uncomfortable with generalizing how they can be used in this form of program.
The beauty of classic HST is that strength goals don't figure into the picture. But, when
measurable strength gains are a primary goal or implemented into the system, then you must consider how additional hypertrophy techniques complicates things.
Any strain technique that creates significant microtrauma (i.e. strain over RBE) drops your strength levels almost immediately, or the responsiveness of your muscles to neural drive. Loaded stretches and negatives (they themselves require less drive than normal reps), coupled with HST's high frequency, will affect your ability to make failure-based strength gains week-to-week. To what degree is not clear; it will probably depend on the individual. It's important to remember that, in this approach, you'll be training to failure once a week every week.
In this and most strength-oriented hypertrophy systems, the basis for success is to be able to produce load progressions in order to continue the cycle. Once a trainee cannot make any more progress, their bulk cycle ends. A bulk cycle should be at least 4 weeks and ideally 6+ weeks to be favorably compared with DC and Max-OT systems.
It's about risk, really. When implementing a functional strength layer upon the core HST system, you ask yourself this -- "can I
demonstrate load improvements every week if you use this or that hypertrophy technique
in addition to the basic requirements of this functional strength system?"
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]2.for the stretch movement do i start directly with a 5 rm load?
I would correlate the load in proportion to the adjunct compound movement. If the 5RM of your fly movement is 40% of your bench press 5RM, then your fly movement would always default to 40% of whatever load you work with the press. Ideally, you would skip positive movement altogether, performing either negatives, loaded stretches, or a combination of the two.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]3.after a 14 days sd for the very first workout on monday do i go to failure for 8 reps?
Yup. You would use your journal to find a load between your 5RM and 10RM and see how far you go. And when you train to failure, you
really go to failure, pressing for another 4-5 seconds when the weight stops moving. You know, all that Artie Jones good stuff.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]4 is there any benefits going to failure?does it promote strength?or you can stop 1 rep before failure?
There's a good avantlabs article on the pro/con to training toward failure. Generally, yes, it promotes functional improvements by helping you practice high rate coding through neural drive for a given load. Because you're working the 6-8 and 3-5 rep ranges, you won't see a lot of metabolic adaptations, but you'll see a lot of skill acquisition (which is further helped by the cluster training you do on your other days.) Although, there's certainly a hit in CNS fatigue, it should be less than if you were using a traditional 8-12 rep range. Keys to success including having really full glycogen stores and enough sleep before the Monday test and to be very "easy-going" with the cluster training Wednesday and Friday. When you're working at super-heavy loads (approaching 3RM), you may perform 1 rep with 30+ second rest periods.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]5.the cycle is about 6 weeks?is there any methods to extend the cycle?partials LS etc?
Because this is a strength-oriented program, you will stop your cycle when you can't make any more load progressions. That's it. No partials, no fancy cycle-extending strategies. You stop.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]6.am confused on something arriving on 110% of 1 rm load ,you are obviuously working with negatives????or normal reps?as it is impossible to work normal reps with 110% of 1 rm l,oad
On the fusion program, you just keep making strength adaptations week-to-week. You may go well past your original 5RM, but you should be really working with your
true 3RM-to-8RM week to week.