[b said:
Quote[/b] ]1. so one day is training to failure +loaded stretching +burns sets?does burn sets included on the faILURE DAY?
Yup, because you're only training twice a week. Obviously, you would choose a fairly light burn set to do that with.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]2.then the second day is cluster training+LS= burns?
Yup, and you would be more aggressive with the metabolic stress strategies on the 2nd day. It's possible that you can LS on the failure days too, just working with percentages and such.
[b said:
Yup. Or you can go 4-way split.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]4.what about volume low number of sets or exercises?mostly compounds movements?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]5.how can stretch movement be added ?on the cluster day?
On the cluster day and probably the failure day. You basically play with percentages. If you bench Xlbs this week, you choose the stretch-points in proportion to that X amount. This takes some experience with your workout journal, matching up, say, your deep fly, skullcrusher, and incline curl 5RM with your bench and dip 5RM and working out the fraction. Trial and error, basically.
And you would definitely throw in pulses. For an overall "body burn", you may pulse the following
1) Machine Pullover
2) Leg extension
3) Leg Curl
4) Peak contraction movements for upper torso
5) Nelson situp, pulse-style
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]6.how many days of rest between the 2 workouts?
For this program to be competitive with DC, it would have to be 2 workouts for bodypart per 7-10 days. If you split it, obviously it would be more often per that same period.
Again, this is more armchair speculation than practical advice. The "Max-OT/HST" emphasizes full-body, higher frequency and lengthy strength progression, and so you'd lower the intensity and usage of your LS and burn techniques. The "DC/HST" version emphasizes those same techniques in expense of the frequency. And it's likely your overall cycle will be a few weeks shorter.