[b said:Quote[/b] ]for clustering when you do only 2 reps per minisets for example 5*2 total 10 reps the reps are not continuous.wont that affect muscle growth as there is a break in tut?how about tut for clusters?
TUT largely affects metabolic stress (contributing to erk1/2 signal) and continuous neural drive (contributing to strength adaptations.) Both are very desirable. But TUT doesn't contribute directly to mechanical strain, merely the duration of its application onto muscle. There's a theory some of us are playing where, in fact, excessive fatigue (or excessive TUT) may have somewhat of a negative effect on strain.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]Couple Clustering with loaded stretching and high metabolic work. You end up with a MAPK p38 and ERK 1/2 wet dream

Next evolution of our training will likely be a sort of decoupling between what creates mechanical strain and what creates metabolic stress. Although they do not have a mutually exclusive relationship with training (all weight-training inevitably affects both), this sort of snaps apart the workout set and rep-range paradigm. I've been thinking of posting something about "Absolute Load vs. Progressive Load", which would eventually lead to the conclusion of this decoupling strategy. In that regard, a lot of the advice on stretch-points, negatives and so on starts to disappear because then you're thinking purely in terms of minimal strain vs. endurance threshholds (i.e. varying SD to match the minimal load to create DOMS for that SPECIFIC bodypart), progressive strain vs. metabolic stress, the influence of "conditioning memory" of muscle upon progressive curve, and so on.
But, yeah . . . it'll be too hard to follow.

[b said:Quote[/b] ]I thought the California Bear was extinct.
He's sleeping with your axe.
