Baxmans Trip

(BAX67 @ Mar. 10 2008,23:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My plan is to try and get 8weeks out of the 5x5 take a week off and do Korte 3x3 while cutting.</div>
I hope you enjoy pain...

I did the Korte 3x3 -- while cutting... I enjoyed the pain, too.
Thanks Tim, I hope all goes smoothly without any injuries or unexpected layoffs. I'm kind off eager to try the Korte 3x3, but I'm sure after I start it, I'll wonder what the heck was I thinking! If the Korte goes well, I think my training will consist of alternating HST, 5x5, and 3x3 throughout the year.
Hey FF, the neck is feeling pretty good. A little stiff in the a.m. but hasn't affected any lifting , yet.

Dumb question anyone? How do you use the quote button?


Squat 4 5 120,150,180,180
Push Press 4 5 92,110,128,147
Added Power Cleans minus the front squat on first three sets.
Deads 4 5 215,260,305,345
Weight Chins 4 5 BW+42,52,60,62.5(4.5 reps)
Hang leg 2 15

What a nice workout. The power cleans really added some intensity, but I think it affected my deads a little. They felt pretty heavy. I was happy to get one more rep on chins. Could only manage a couple sets of hanging leg raises cause my hands(grip) had had enough punishment. I'm going to up my calories up over 3500 per day to try and help manage the heavier weights.

This quest to get bigger and stronger is like a frickin' disease. Does it ever go away?
I hope not!!
according to this wilks calculator

you are quite a bit stronger than I am.  ASSuming your squat/bench/dead #'s are still 280/245/400 and your bw is 165, your current wilks blows mine out of the water.

925 / 420.45
165 / 75
299.61267 (your wilks score)

1010 / 459.09
230 / 104.55
274.81127399999997 (mine)

*kicks a chair across the room*
(BAX67 @ Mar. 12 2008,18:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Dumb question anyone? How do you use the quote button?
Not a dumb question...

Hit the quote button on the post you want to quote. A box will open with the text of that post below the normal posting window. You can edit the original text to specify what you're referring to.

Give it a shot!
(_tim @ Mar. 14 2008,16:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(BAX67 @ Mar. 12 2008,18:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Dumb question anyone?  How do you use the quote button?
Not a dumb question...

Give it a shot!</div>
Thanks tim!!

FF, nice bit of info on the wilks, thanks!

Squat 4 5 120,150,180,205
1 3 245
1 8 180

Bench 4 5 105,130,155,180
1 3 215
1 8 155

Pendlays 4 5 90,110,135,155
1 3 185
1 8 155(should have been 135) oops

Dips 3 5,5,4 BW+42,52,72(nice stretch)

Body Weight 173
Daily Cals 4000

Squats 5 5 125,155,185,210,245
Bench 5 5 110,135,160,185,215
Power Cleans 5 5 65,85,100,115,125
Good Morns 2 8 130
Weight Dec Crunch 3 15 35

The intensity I've been lacking the last couple of weeks returned today. Must have been all that corned beef , cabbage and potatoes yesterday. I really pigged out this weekend. Ate really dirty. Maybe that's what I needed to snap out of the daze. Hit my squats with room for one or two more reps. Bench felt real good and I switched out Pendlays for power cleans for a little change of pace. My form was surprisingly not so bad. They do hurt my wrists a little bit. I have a more positive outlook after today. I was in a little rut there for a couple weeks. Time to grow!!

WU overhead squats 2 x10x12# bar
hang clean 2x10x12#bar

Squats 1x5x125,155,185,185
Push Press 1x5x95,115,132,151
Deads 1x5x225,265,310,356
Chins 1x5xBW+42,52,60,62.5(4)

Tried something a little different for warmup(usually I do about 100 jumping jacks). Those overhead squats are a SOB. My flexibility sucks and they really pinch your shoulders. I will continue these two moves for warmups till the end of the 5x5. Still couldn't get 5 reps on chins, but my bodyweight is up 2# over the last two weeks.

Weight 175

Avg. Cals Last Week 3650
(fearfactory @ Mar. 19 2008,17:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">great WU selection!</div>
I am still waking up, so excuse me when I ask: what does UW stand for?
(colby2152 @ Mar. 20 2008,08:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am still waking up, so excuse me when I ask: what does UW stand for?</div>
University of Wisconsin -- Go Badgers! Duh...!

DNA -- National Dyslexics Association
(BAX67 @ Mar. 19 2008,22:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Tried something a little different for warmup(usually I do about 100 jumping jacks).  Those overhead squats are a SOB.  My flexibility sucks and they really pinch your shoulders.  I will continue these two moves for warmups till the end of the 5x5.  Still couldn't get 5 reps on chins, but my bodyweight is up 2# over the last two weeks.</div>
I agree. OHSs are SOBs! How wide do you space your hands? I find that I have to pretty much space mine collar to collar in order to allow enough backward shoulder rotation to keep my balance during the movement. I can use 40kg but when I go heavier my right shoulder gets an odd twinge as I descend. Not nice. I get enough shoulder problems as it is without exacerbating the situation. Asymmetry sucks!

I have been doing shoulder dislocates (pass-throughs) in the hope that these will gradually help my situation.
Lol, I'm just using a small 12# bar for the OH Squats with no collars. I measured and taped the bar where the collars would be on an olympic bar and my hand spacing is collar to collar. Any narrower and I can't keep my balance. Even with a 12# bar, I still find these difficult. My descent is very slow. I hope as I continue to do these and power cleans, my flexibility and power will increase and my regular squat will improve. Time will tell.

WU OH Squats 2x10x12#bar
Hang Cleans 2x10x12# bar

Squats 1x5 125,155,185,210
1x3 250
1x8 185

Bench 1x5 110,135,160,185
1x3 220
1x8 160

Power Cleans 1x5 65,80,95,110
1x3 130
1x8 95

Dips 1x5 BW+45,55,72.5

Squat set at 250, thought I was going to EXPLODE. Left me quite jittery. Bench felt real nice. Power cleans were like cardio, huffin and puffin.
Week 4 3-24-08

Fighting a bit of a head cold today.

OH Squats 2x10X17
Hang Cleans 2x10x17

Squats 1x5x125,155,190,215,250(last rep a little sloppy)
Bench 1x5x115,140,165,190,220
Power Cleans 1x5x66,82,100,115,130
Good Morns 2x8x133
Weight dec crunch 2x15x45
how long have you been squatting? if you're squat #'s come in line w/ your huge bench, it's going to get scary in here!
(fearfactory @ Mar. 26 2008,13:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">how long have you been squatting?  </div>
FF, Ive been squatting a couple of years, but only seriously and below parallel since the end of August.  If increased my 5 rep max 40# in that time, but I'd like to be around 275 for 5.  My last 5x5 at the end of Oct. I stalled out at 255 for only 3.  I have that weight coming up on Friday.  Also I haven't done any other leg exercises since Aug.  Just Squats and Deads.  

OH Squats        2x10x17
Hang Cleans    2x45x15

Squats                  1x5x125,155,190,190
Push Press            1x5x100,120,135,155
Deads                    1x5x230,275,320,365
Chins&amp; abs     Ran out of gas  Will do Fri.

Real happy with todays effort.  My previous best on deads during the Madcow was 365 for 3 in Oct.   Push presses felt good. I'm really starting to like those.  Looking forward to Fri. and bustin some squats out!!