
How long has it been?
I hope your back heals quickly, Tot. I unfortunately know that pain all too well.

Returning to the 15's sounds like a great plan - that should allow you heal up nicely while still garnering lean muscle tissue. That should really help accelerate the healing process.
Great log, Tot. I can't wait until my DL numbers get up there into the respectable range! Hope you enjoy the 15s. Feel the burn!!!
(Totentanz @ Jan. 22 2008,15:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Uh... probably at least a year. Not really sure.</div>
I thought it was longer. Anyway, you'll be invigorated by the burn!

By the way, I noticed a few posts of yours in the IF section at Lyle's forum. It's interesting to see where some of the HST'ers post outside of here!
Tonight was fun. I wasn't able to do much throughout the week because I unexpectedly had to work several late shifts, getting out of work around 2 am. I have to get up at 6 am each day to get the kids off to school and the wife off to work, which pretty much ruins any sleep I might be able to get. So... I didn't do anything the rest of the week and took yesterday to rejuvenate.


1x15x110 lbs

Face Pulls
1x15x110 lbs

1x15x110 lbs

1x15x210 lbs

1x15x50 lbs

Everything was easy, but after deadlifts, I could do nothing except sit for a couple minutes while I waited for my heart to slow down.

I might have used too low of a poundage for pushdowns and pulldowns. I'm going to keep going with what I've got laid out anyway, and wait until the 5s to make any weight adjustments.

I am having a hard time maintaining my calorie intake, especially at work. I think I'm just going to go ahead and switch back to the IF type of layout I was doing back when I was cutting. It would make my day easier if I just didn't worry about eating at all until the evening, which is when I workout anyway.
However, this time, instead of keeping calories around 1800 like when I was cutting, I'll try to get in at least maintenance calories. I don't really care if I gain much weight this cycle, I just want to get healed up, improve my conditioning and increase RMs in my major lifts by the end of the cycle.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am having a hard time maintaining my calorie intake, especially at work. </div>Hey, I thought you managed a restaurant!
(quadancer @ Jan. 27 2008,22:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am having a hard time maintaining my calorie intake, especially at work. </div>Hey, I thought you managed a restaurant!</div>
I actually manage five of them now, but I just never have enough time to actually eat while I'm working. There is always too much for me to do, no matter which one of them I'm at.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
Whats your weight up to Tot? My bulk is going really well, my training program has me really hungry and thats usually a good sign its working.

I'm glad yours is going well. Mine... not so much. I'm still hovering around 200-205 depending on the day.

I've got to order more protein soon anyway. I might go to trueprotein.com and make a custom mix that I can drink easily during the day, and then a different mix to take around workouts. Then I can get bring a few shakers with a few scoops in each with me to work each day.

Despite all that, one cool thing about doing 15s is that everything looks pumped and swollen even though nothing is really growing.
I got a new bed finally. The new mattress set I got was a bit costly, I ended up spending most of my income tax refund on it... but after my ordeal with my old bed, I think it's money well spent.

Anyway, it was delivered today and I just finished putting it together.

I've also got my shipment of protein blends in from trueprotein. I made a preworkout blend that is mostly whey, maltodextrin and creatine. Then I have a regular blend to take postworkout and whenever I need more protein during the day. This blend is mostly milk protein isolate, which is mostly casein with some whey, then more whey. So... I'm getting ready to kick the diet into high gear.
I'm going to keep doing light 15s the rest of this week and rest up on my new mattress, then next week, if I'm feeling good (and I think I will) I'm going to go back into the heavier stuff and start packing in the calories with a vengeance.
It's great that you got your new bed sorted. Once you are getting some regular, sound sleep I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on with some heavier iron again.
(Lol @ Feb. 13 2008,21:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It's great that you got your new bed sorted. Once you are getting some regular, sound sleep I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on with some heavier iron again.</div>
Yeah, I'm happy with the new bed. I'm feeling real good this week, my back seems to be up to 100% again. I'm very eager to start getting into the heavier weights again and I think I'm going to start moving heavy again on Monday.

This weekend, I think I'm going to take my power rack and see about trimming it down so it will fit in my basement. My rack is a homemade looking thing, all welded, nothing bolted together. My dad has welding equipment, so I may take it over there. I only need to take off about ten inches of height to get it to fit in my basement, and after that I can start doing back squats, bench press, rack pulls and stuff like that again. I just want to make sure we can do it without screwing it up.

So anyway, I probably won't start logging all my workouts, just now and then, like usual.
I am aiming to start packing in the calories. My weight won't go over 200 lbs lately, it's really getting annoying, and I'm consuming around 3500-4000 calories a day, so... I'm going to increase it further. I'm going to go all bro-like and start bringing a huge cooler with me to work and stuff, filled with prepared stuff which I know the calorie content of. Also, I'll be bringing a large thermos with me to work filled with a massive, thick protein shake.

So... hopefully I'll start swelling up soon and hitting some new PRs eventually.
My bulk has gone so well I now weigh as much as Tot! I have no plan on stopping until I reach 220 or so. By then, the baby will have popped out and I'll probably be cutting with my wife. Bulking is fun. Bigger arms and bigger weights to lift.
Nothing special. It sounds like your job is way more demanding than mine right now so your metabolism and stress levels are probably way higher than mine.
I eat a lot of dairy/meat plus lately I can put a ton of carbs down at one shot after workouts. I don't even count calories after workouts I just eat until satisfaction/stuffed. It sd prety insane what I put down after a hard workout...steak/potatos/sour cream/broccoli/then ice cream/milk/creatine/more snacks... Its weird, I might not eat all day, but when i do its nuts. I probbaly get 75% of my calories in at night, so i am kind of IF bulking. Maybe thats helping partitioning and/or metabolism, I don't know.
My wife fills my cooler with Nuts, MetRx bars, fruit bars, a heavy meat/rice or pasta meal, juice coolers in small bottles, water bottle, fat tbsp. peanut butter and wheat or veggie crackers, 2 pcs. of fruit...every day. I eat a breakfast of eggs scrambled with turkey sausage and veggies, cheese on bulk and none on cut, then eat the cooler at work and the hour ride home, then a midsize meal around 7 or so, and the cottage cheese with fruit before bed. That's my maintenance at 213 lbs.
It's the evening meal that raises or lowers my cals, and wether or not I use nuts/dried fruit mix or lowcal snacks in the lunchbox. Jerkey is nice, lowcal.
Well, I figured out a way to get close to 5000 calories a day, assuming I can get enough time to actually eat it all. I'm just going to do like before and not let myself go to bed until I've packed in all the calories for the day. Should be fun...

I'd like to get up to 230-240 sometime within this year or the next. I've never been much heavier than 225, so it's definitely going to be a challenge.

Dont forget to throw a couple table spoons of peanut butter in that protein shake.

It is one of the cheapest ways to get in some extra calories/protein I can think of.

Also what has always helped me to bulk is to really add in some extra dairy in your diet.

I use to drink about 9 cups of milk a day with extra cheese anywere I could in my diet when I was bulking.

I was on a college budget (I din't have any money) and it helped meet the protein requirements!
Milk's expensive nowadays. But powdered milk is cheap. And has casein and whey both. I am thinking to buy a big bag of powdered skim milk as its probably the best quality cheap protein available.