Below are some cookie cutter templates to illustrate how the techniques can be used in a program. These examples are rather extreme.
Cookie Cutter Routine #1 (Basic Upper Torso Specialization)
Frequency: High to Very high (5x-12x/wk)
Duration: 10 weeks (4 weeks of post-5s)
Post-WO Cardio: optional but recommended. Add during 10s (5-10 minutes HIIT or 20-30 minutes steady state)
SD: 17-21 days.
Diet: A lot.

Be very, very aggressive with post-WO carbs if you add cardio. Try out the vinegar. An earlier post offers one hypothetical bulking scheme to approach a program like this. (Hint: 2*BW protein)
Leg Press
Leg Curl
Dip (cluster++)
Deadlift (cluster++)
DB Bent Over Row
DB Incline Press
DB Upright Row
1) One-two work sets. Second set may be pre-terminated or clustered
2) Add 15s for each movement starting with 5s and post-5s
3) During post-5s, switch to negatives. For items marked with (cluster++), switch to clustering and shoot for an increment per week
4) Extend post-5s for another 2 weeks. Thus would make it a ten week long program.
5) Post-WO cardio
Stretch Point
Incline bench, deep DB fly
DB Skullcrushers
Incline bench, DB bicep curl
1) One or two work sets
2) Add stretch point movements during 10s
3) Add LS during 5s
4) See notes in previous threads on accentuating stretch
5) Use compound-isolation technique and/or clustering when approaching maxes
Peak Contraction
Pec dec or machine fly
Tricep pushdown or extension machine
Bicep machine
1) One work set
2) 10-15 Pulses
3) When you feel it's "easier", progress by increasing # of pulses and/or weight